Lure XXIII - special guest: Liz Danforth

The largest MECCG convention worldwide, located at an atmospheric castle in the heart of Europe. No important tournaments or championships are played at the Lure. Instead innovative ways to play our game are offered.
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Ex Council Chairman
Posts: 727
Joined: Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:53 pm
Location: salzburg, austria

Liz Danforth is coming to Lure of ME 2023. About 60 MECCG cards have been illustrated by her, probably best known are the 9 Nazgûl. Find a full list of her cards below. She is one of the very few artists, that contributed to each expansion. And she did a lot of illustrations for the ICE´s Middle Earth RPG (MERP) as well.
Then, during her career as a freelance illustrator Liz worked for games like Magic, Wheel of Time, Legends of the 5 Rings, and many others. Nowadays she is involved in the Sorcery: the Contested Realms.
Find out more about her at

At Lure, she will be happy to sign cards (for a small commission, see below), show her skills with the pencil a little bit, talk about her art and other things, and maybe even join a table for a game of ARDA.

More information coming soon ...

commission for signing cards:
for any MECCG cards: €1 per regular signature, €2 for shadow sigs.
for any other cards: €2 per regular signature, €4 for shadow sigs.

MECCG cards with artwork by Liz Danforth:

"Bert" (Bûrat)
"Tom" (Tûma)
"William" (Wûluag)
Alone and Unadvised
Black Rain
Blue Mountain Dwarf-hold LE
Catch an Elusive Scent
Chambers in the Royal Court
Crowned with Storm
Darkness Wielded
Down Down to Goblin-town
Dwar of Waw
Elves of Lindon
Ent in Search of the Entwives
Fever of Unrest
Grey Mountain Goblins
Hall of Fire
Hoarmûrath of Dír
Indûr Dawndeath
Itangast Ahunt
Itangast at Home
Khamûl the Easterling
Liquid Fire
Moria LE
Never Refuse
Never Seen Him
Orcs of Gundabad
Ost-in-Edhil LE
Our Own Wolves
Pale Dream-maker
Pallando WH
Pocketed Robes
Powers Too Dark and Terrible
Prophet of Doom
Prowess of Might
Reluctant Final Parting
Remains of Thangorodrim
Ren the Unclean
Saruman the Wise
Scatha Ahunt
Scatha at Home
Subtlety of Guile
The Pûkel-deeps AS
Tower Raided
Treason the Greatest Foe
Ûvatha the Horseman
Which Might Be Lies
Witch-king of Angmar
Woodmen-town LE
Ex Council Chairman
Posts: 727
Joined: Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:53 pm
Location: salzburg, austria

Unfortunately Liz doesnt have playmats with MECCG artwork available at the moment. Still, she has 3 playmats available, which she can bring to Lure.
Have a look at the playmats in the attachment.

"Hymn to Tourach" from Magic: the Gathering (40€)
"Portal Between Worlds" from Sorcery: Contested Realm (35€)
"Mirror Realm" from Sorcery: Contested Realm (35€)

If you are interested in any of them, please contact me at till 12th of Feb 2023.
Playmat_Hymn.jpg (3.15 MiB) Viewed 777 times
Playmat_WorldPortal.jpg (2.23 MiB) Viewed 777 times
Playmat MirrorRealm-mat.jpg
Playmat MirrorRealm-mat.jpg (2.36 MiB) Viewed 777 times
Ex Council Chairman
Posts: 727
Joined: Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:53 pm
Location: salzburg, austria

Original artwork

Liz still has a small number of original MECCG paintings. And a binder full of black and white originals for ICE's ME Adventure Game and the many MERP modules.
If you are interested in any of them and want to ask for details, best contact her at
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