Misprints/Mistakes/Differences in Finnish cards

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I have been recently requested for some Finnish cards that have misprints/mistakes/differences and it made me wonder how many there would be and would they effect the play? Here is a list of all I noticed when I went the cards trough and compared to English version. Mostly they are minor, but for some cards they would change the play quite a bit. I went these trough focusing playability, so I haven't really looked at artist info neither quotation much in mind.
  • The Arkenstone (Arkkikivi)
    Card type "Vahva esine" should be "Mahtava esine" (Major item vs Greater Item).
  • Athelas (Athelas)
    Typo in text "parataa" should be "parantaa".
  • Magic Ring Of Courage (Rohkeuden Taikasormus)
    Combat modifications indicate "+2(+4)/-" instead of "(+2)/-".
  • Healing Herbs (Rohtoyrtit)
    Card indicates to tap the card instead of the character bearing it.
  • Mirror of Galadriel (Galadrielin Peili)
    Missing the "and choose to look at either the top five cards of his play deck or your play deck. Shuffle those 5 cards and return to the top of their play deck.".
  • Great-Road (Suuri tie)
    "Vastustaja saa vetää korkeintaan kaksinkertaisen määrän kortteja tälle seurueelle siirto/vaaravaiheessa" should be "Vastustaja saa vetää kaksinkertaisen määrän kortteja tälle seurueelle siirto/vaaravaiheessa". Wording limits the amount of draw to double, even though it should suggest you draw double amount.
  • The Old Thrush (Vanha Rastas)
    Was never printed.
  • Lordly presence (Ylevä Ulkomuoto)
    Indicates to draw 3 cards instead of 1 with successful influence check.
  • Daelomin (Daelomin)
    Wider image cropping and rotated 90 degrees.
  • Dwar of Waw (Dwar of Waw)
    Typo in text "jaIthilieniin" should be "ja Ithilieniin"
  • Minions Stir (Kätyrit Liikehtivät)
    Doors of night effect does not rule it is for orcs only.
  • Lure of Nature (Luonnon Kiusaus)
    "Kun kaikki muut vaarat on pelattu, hän heittää yhden turmelusheiton jokaista ollutta erämaata kohti" Should be "ja heittää turmelustarkistuksen aina siirto/vaaravaiheen päätteeksi jokaista reitillä ollutta erämaata kohti". Meaning doesn't really change, but this would be within the presentation of other cards with same effect.
  • The Balance of Things (Olemassaolon tasapaino)
    Refers to both players, even though it should refer to all players.
  • The Nazgul are Abroad (Nazgul Ovat Liikkeellä)
    Wider image cropping.
  • The Will of The Ring (Sormuksen Tahto)
    Arouse Denizens card text.
  • Cameth Brin (Cameth Brin)
    Site icon and site path missing, slightly narrower image cropping.
  • Easterling Camp (Itäläisten Leiri)
    Slightly narrower image cropping.
  • Anduin Vales (Anduinin Laakso)
    Missing Brown Lands ragion from the list.
If you notice something that I missed, feel free to inform me and I will check it and add to the list.
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Interesting. If you wish (and if you can offer the proper texts) I can build proper cards images.
Posts: 186
Joined: Mon Jun 05, 2017 12:37 pm
Location: Finland

nico21000 wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 12:25 pm Interesting. If you wish (and if you can offer the proper texts) I can build proper cards images.
If there is interest for those images, sure I could provide the texts for them. I personally mostly play with english cards and I don't really like proxies, so most likely wouldn't print them myself. And I think most could get around these with a errate note for those mistakes that will actually effect game play as most of these are minor.

I think the Daelomin is most interesting though as the art is nicer with the cropping Finnish card uses, at least in my opinion.
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Monkey drinks masters wine. Do you like drunken monkey?
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