California Central Valley Gamefest 2023

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Red Arrow
Posts: 59
Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:41 am

Hello Folks, there will be a Game convention in Clovis, California this July called: Gamefest 2023. Let's come and play MECCG. Challenge decks? Arda? Both? Constructed?
Players in California especially from the Central Valley (Sacramento, Stockton, Modesto, Fresno, Bakersfield) let's make this happen. Here's a chance to have another MECCG event/place in the valley aside from Conquest Sac/Avalon. Please post, reply PM if interested!
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Looks like a nice event! Though a bit far for me.

I'll see if I can plan for Stratigicon later this year or maybe something else.
Red Arrow
Posts: 59
Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:41 am

CDavis and everyone, we definitely should muster in LA (aka strategicon). Also want to meet at game store either before and/or after a Strategicon meet. I have mentioned before I was looking at 'Meeples Family' in Anaheim. I also want to try meeting in the Inland Empire area. I'm thinking Temecula. You could say I essentially want to meet somewhere between LA and SD.

May we have more in-person meetings this year! See you next time.
Red Arrow
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Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:41 am

Finally, MECCG is on the website. It's scheduled for Saturday July 8, 2023 10:00am-2:00PM and 4:00pm-8:00pm.
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Red Arrow
Posts: 59
Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:41 am

OK, just got back from the Central Valley Gamefest held in Clovis, CA! We proudly played our beloved Middle Earth CCG event at the convention. One of us was a local while the rest of us drove 2-3 hours to the event. We got to play pre-event games Friday night and pretty much all day the next. By Saturday morning we had six participants in all. Kaonee, Beren, Chris, Gene, Mike and me.

We got to play two sessions of 3-player games on Friday night. First event on Friday was played by me, Beren and Chris and the next one was played by Kaonee, Beren and me. We were all using Challenge decks. We played meccg from 7pm- to 10:45, just before they kicked us out.

We had a plan for two sessions a morning 10am-2pm session and a 4pm- 8pm evening session. We ended up pretty much just playing all day Saturday casually. No time limits. Called council not because of time constraints. That was cool. We had Arda planned for the afternoon event but decided to stick with one versus one decks either using challenge or constructed decks. And I believe it was for the best.

In the morning we played modified/tweaked versions of challenge decks courtesy of Gandalf Gene. We only had five players for the first 30 or 45 minutes so Gene was essentially showing us the mechanics of how the decks work. I got to play the Pallando deck versus Chris who used a Saruman deck. As always Gene is an awesome coach, he was giving me several options on how to best play my hand. Chris who only picked up the game in the last three years is an awesome player. I am still an avid noob after all these years. I tried to kill his Saruman twice but he escaped! He came back with a vengeance and was able to Influence my Bilbo away at Rivendell who happened to have the Arkenstone with him. Sob, sniff. At the end of our skirmish I had a paltry 13MPs to Chris' 43MP. But as always a fun and great game!

I met and played two games of challenge decks with Mike who hasn't played the game for years! He was glad to find people who still play and meet for MECCG. First game I played the regular Gandalf challenge deck versus Mike who used a Radagast deck. Next game he used an Alatar deck while I had the Saruman deck. I won the first game and he won the second game which.

As for the others, Kaonee played a hero One-ring deck against Beren's Minion deck. He was able to dunk the one ring, Sweet! Later that afternoon Chris tried out his Balrog deck agains Kaonee's Hero deck. Lots more happened but those are the ones that come to mind right now. Me Beren and Kaonee left the convention just before 10 pm again.

All in all a fun MECCG weekend!
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Goblin King
Posts: 244
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Great to hear there was a Ring dunking! Thanks for pulling this event together Red Arrow! And thanks for welcoming Mike back to the game. I look forward to meeting him in the future.
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