CoE Elections for 2023-2025

Announcements & discussion of CoE related issues.
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Khamul the Easterling
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Manuel wrote: Thu Nov 24, 2022 10:06 pm 2 – Getting the Annual Rulings Vote's ball rolling again. It's a great initiative and I really liked the results of the 2018 edition.
The council of 2019 did start on the ARV for 2019 btw: we had agreed on 28 ballot items and had about half of the proposals ready for voting (so we had been active, but, admittedly, only in secret and without proper results :o ) Council members may check on that by visiting ... .php?f=160

The group of 3 members busy with the task then kind of dissolved over the years, unfortunately and never resumed work.

I was personally involved in this and would go on with it. It has been my only active field as council member.
If people think rules and errata development should go a different way, that's perfectly fine, I won't stand up agin. Otherwise I'd be ready to assist.
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Well I guess it's that time of the (half) decade? LOL

I was glad to be a member these past years and hope to continue
with my efforts till end of my days!

For those of you who may not know, I ran the site
which is currently pointed at, due to wanting
to be obscure? and not purposely advertised? with the release of
the Amazon Shows? IDK!

But in any case, one of the projects on the site,
partially complete is the re-imaging of the:

and MEBA (EN).

The cards were completely remastered from originals, in English.
Also providing Errata and METW-UL blue versions!

In addition the site added a new feature to bring in a more
worldwide appeal adding card titles in other languages and
the Spanish versions of the cards:

and MEBA (ES).

The current setup allows players to play any combinations
of English versus Spanish, EN vs EN, EN vs ES, ES vs ES.

Likewise, players can use the titles of the other available
languages to play such as:


Obviously, I would love to throw in images of the cards from these
other languages, but I haven't been able to trade out ORIGINALS
for ORIGINAL or find ANY OTHERS... :( sad-face. Maybe someday in the
future, but I would take images like the Spanish ones even in trade.

But besides that, being on the DC team has kept me busy, the last
two years with many card posts for the upcoming DC expansions:

MENW – Northern Wastes
MEML – Morgoth's Legacy
MENL – Northern Legacy (combined)

But also as some of you may have heard, the year of 2022 mainly took
most of my time working and finalizing with Thorsten the Traveller
(Eric) on a secret project: Two missing books (hmm what could they be)...
I had to use some old macs from the 1999-2001 era that are slow as hell!
And I mean really slow, like 4 mintues boot times, 266MHz, etc
but you guys will soon see. Was really a pity most of my time was taken
up in 2022, but after you see these manuals, you'll be enthralled with JOY!

As far as my history, I played Magic Heavily 12 of 20 years off and on, and
Vampire:TES in the back. While collecting MeCCG, and trying to find a way
to play, and just eventually made the website to get some games in with real
people (well virtually real) i.e. online play. And it's been a blast!

I've made some great friends online and hope to continue throughout!

I was there at the beginning of the Discord channel which I am so thankful
to Nameless Thing for taking the labors, for which I am sure he wants to
kill me now!!

One thing I would like to note in regards to CDavis7M post:

When I started my first REIGN as council member, I was 100% enthused with
energy and passion. I made an email newsletter day 1, to get people GOING,
and was immeditaly told by a council member "Shut it down" or in other words;
"Tom take it easy, these guys on the council do this in their spare time,
and don't want to be too pressured" etc, etc, to something of that effect.

In summary I would suggest THIS, IF you are going to participate on the council,
THEN LETS DO THIS, because I am gonna have my Council Member Newletter again,
DAY 1 of this NEW council, when elected, and I am gonna take NAMES. Because now
that I have some what of a tenure or what will hopefully be a second "Campaign"
I am not going to listen to any telling me to "take it easy" with my passion for the game!

I am going for Web Initiatives and Dreamcard team.
(and Council News Letter HOUND!, seeing as how Vastor (Nico) pounds FaceBook!)

I'm no wizard...

Thanks for your support!!
As of 4/3/21 4:03:21
my current rulings foundation is based on:
All of the rules and rulings found in these PDFs at:
If you have other collected rulings that are not
listed please feel free to email them or PM me...
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After giving it much thought, i believe that a well coordinated teamwork is the only way to bring CoE back to its former glory. Most of the candidacies seem to point in a similar direction, therefore, i want to be a part of such team and i nominate myself.

For those who doesn't know me, i have been a very active member in the late 2000's and early 2010's, then i kinda took a pause in the mid 2010's and came back to the game during quarantine and after becoming a member of the Council of Rivedell.

In the past i:
- have been one of the representatives for the Argentinian council,
- have been vice chairman of the CoE,
- have been a member of mikko's netrep team,
- was involved in the Virtual Cards project,
- contributed a little bit with ideas and testing of Dream Cards,
- hosted worlds 2010 in Argentina,
- hosted a lot of online tournaments in the 2010's era (including GCCG world championships, GCCG nations cup, Virtual Cards testing tournament, etc),
- helped wigy as GCCG admin for many years,
- been 2 times online world champion, 3 times nations cup winner, multiple times argentinian champion, 2 times DCGO GCCG champion, 2 times top 3 at Lure, and i guess a lot more of successfull results that i can't remember.

In the recent years i also became a member of the Council of Rivendell, there i:
- been helping with online tournament coordination,
- wrote some articles for, including virtual cards history, council of rivendell ruling digests, and many decklists,
- been helping with whatsapp groups moderation,
- been involved in helping spanish speaking players with rules problems,
- became the first Council of Rivendell's 2-deck General Opponent Imladris champion.

If i get to be elected,
- i want to be very supportive of teamwork which includes meeting online (at least) once every 3 months in order to coordinate jobs to be done,
- i will be helping with the rules comittee,
- i want to support and bring back online international tournaments involing most of the spread communities around the different platforms,

Also if i may do a little daydreaming:
- i would love to resurface the Virtual Cards project, as other "dead" games proved that it is a good way to let the game evolve without changing the rules too much,
- i would love to reshape Council of Elrond in order to avoid too much bureaucracy when decisions need to be made.
Last edited by marcos on Tue Jan 10, 2023 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Last edited by CDavis7M on Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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I guess the whole point of a Council is making a coordinated effort, instead of multiple individual efforts that might or might not go in the same direction.

A coordinated effort is what made the Council of Rivendell go from zero online tournaments to four tournaments a year with 30-40 players inscribed. Most of our decisions have been taken as a team, not as individuals.

Just my two cents
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Yeah... Chris, I know you know I appreciate you, but I don't understand why you're trolling this thread over and over. What's your end goal there, I wonder? As much time as you put into trolling, seems like that could be put into more positive actions that actually help improve the community (like you're saying everyone should do), rather than attempt to tear others' efforts down?

As Manuel said, the point here is to coordinate a more positive direction for the community. Of course, individuals can be doing individual actions, which is what I would encourage you to do. That doesn't mean that the community wouldn't also benefit from a more coordinated effort.

But let's not derail this thread - that's the essence of trolling. If you want to start a new thread elsewhere to discuss your concerns, that would obviously be to everyone's benefit as well.
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CDavis7M wrote: Tue Jan 10, 2023 6:37 pm
Or, you know, you could just do it now. You could avoid the apparent kiss of death.

If you want to do a newsletter. Just do it. Ask for help.
You lost me...

What would be the point? The council will be NEW and FRESH in February. I guess you don't quite get it, in the whole "Just Do It" phrase.

Especially when a current member doth protest...

So maybe when said "current" member is no longer a member, then respectfully, I could start up from scratch again with a new council and new template... wow...
As of 4/3/21 4:03:21
my current rulings foundation is based on:
All of the rules and rulings found in these PDFs at:
If you have other collected rulings that are not
listed please feel free to email them or PM me...
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rezwits wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 7:36 pm What would be the point? The council will be NEW and FRESH in February. I guess you don't quite get it, in the whole "Just Do It" phrase.
So maybe when said "current" member is no longer a member, then respectfully, I could start up from scratch again with a new council and new template... wow...
Why would you need a Council at all to write a Newsletter? Newsletters are not written by counciling. Prior MECCG Newsletters were not written by the Council.

The "Official MECCG Newsletter" was edited by Carolina hero James Knight.

Meanwhile, the "CoE Newsletter" is still in the works? You might expect to download it here:

Apparently there were 4 issues. Apparently not worth hosting anymore?
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CDavis7M wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 3:32 am
rezwits wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 7:36 pm What would be the point? The council will be NEW and FRESH in February. I guess you don't quite get it, in the whole "Just Do It" phrase.
So maybe when said "current" member is no longer a member, then respectfully, I could start up from scratch again with a new council and new template... wow...
Why would you need a Council at all to write a Newsletter? Newsletters are not written by counciling. Prior MECCG Newsletters were not written by the Council.

The "Official MECCG Newsletter" was edited by Carolina hero James Knight.

Meanwhile, the "CoE Newsletter" is still in the works? You might expect to download it here:

Apparently there were 4 issues. Apparently not worth hosting anymore?
OK LOOK, you're really not getting this. This sub-forum, where people are posting here to RUN for council, is not the right place to debate this issue.
Additionally, the Newsletter wasn't a CoE Newsletter, it was STRICTLY a Council Member Newsletter, on the PROGRESS of PROJECTS, week to week, etc.

As of 4/3/21 4:03:21
my current rulings foundation is based on:
All of the rules and rulings found in these PDFs at:
If you have other collected rulings that are not
listed please feel free to email them or PM me...
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Last edited by CDavis7M on Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Last edited by CDavis7M on Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The United Nations may not be "needed," and it may have issues, but that doesn't mean there isn't any benefit to having it.

To me, the purpose of any MECCG Council is to willfully create a community, and CoE is meant to be about creating a community for all MECCG enthusiasts.

I would like to invite the nominees (really, anyone) to more explicitly discuss what they think a MECCG community needs regardless of what they themselves will contribute, particularly with regard to inclusion.

Points of conversation within that topic:
  • Social behaviors and efforts that encourage or discourage participation
  • Employed systems (tournament rules, ruling systems, play platforms, communication mediums, etc.) that encourage or discourage participation
E.g., the favoring of certain organizers for gccg over more-inclusive browser apps is concerning to me. Necessitating players be up to date on new overrulings to ICE is concerning to me. Patterns of namecalling and attacking character and education is concerning to me. What are the important points for the nominees?

If anyone needs to review some of the minimal communication that has been visible from some of these candidates in recent years, including all of the above concerning behavior, check out viewtopic.php?f=68&t=4692 .


Outside the purview of CoE, I intend to continue pursing my interest in developing the online community for playing MECCG (and my local community for playing MECCG in person) and inclusion therein. I cannot in good faith put my name forward for this Council because I cannot commit 1) the time, nor 2) to working civilly with other council members having competing interests.
One [online community] with hammer and chisel might mar more than they make...
All players are welcome at Meduseld!
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Tom Bombadonne
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Hi All,

I will also throw my hat into the ring. Of the 4 committees, I am convinced I could contribute to those 3:

Rules Oversight Committee (ROC)
Game Promoting & Public Relations Committee (GPPRC)
Web Initiatives Committee (WIC)

First and foremost, I am a software developer, so Web Initiatives are a no brainer (I am also involved in Sit Down and Play).

Regarding the Rules Oversight Committee, I have only played MECCG regularly for 3-4 years now and every now and then struggle with the fine mechanics and I suggest many do. This is a valuable "shortcomming" as it points to some blind spots that more experienced players have.

The Game Promoting & Public Relations Committee would be general interest in promoting the game, because, to my mind, it is one (if not the) greatest CCG invented.

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Thanks Phil - although voting is already underway so I believe that nominations are now closed, I'm sure that the new COE will be happy to get all of the help that they can get in terms of moving things forward, and will surely be reaching out to the community for that.

Theo, I think these are interesting and valid concerns, like we've been discussing over DM. Absolutely I foresee a large COE emphasis, if not the largest overall emphasis, on fostering a healthier, less toxic, and more inclusive community. That is surely what all of us are here for!
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