--- No further trades possible during the next few months due to my current relocation to NORWAY ---
An always updated list can be found here:
All my cards are in MINT condition, unless otherwise noted. I accept cash (at your own risk), bank transfer (IBAN/BIC), or PayPal. All prices are in EURO but I do also accept US Dollars and Norwegian Kroner (NOK) (please contact me concerning the exchange rate). Prices do NOT include shipping: I send cards by normal airmail, registered mail, or insured mail (depending on the total value of the cards). Minimum order size is 20,00 Euro. I also have a MECCG Trade page here.
I'm a.k.a. Admiral Thrain II, Team Leader of the G.A.B. White Mithril Team (Good traders Against Bad traders).
* Agburanar at Home 0,50 €
* Agburanar Roused 3,50 €
* Ancient Black Axe 1,50 €
* Angmarim (M) 1,00 €
* Army of the Dead 2,00 €
* Balrog of Moria 4,00 € (UL 2,00 €)
* Black Arrow 2,50 €
* Bring Our Curses Home 1,00 €
* Cirith Gorgor (AS) 1,50 €
* Cirith Ungol 2,00 €
* Creature of an Older World 1,00 €
* Daelomin 2,50 €
* Dain II 3,00 €
* Denethor II 3,00 €
* Dragon's Hunger 1,00 €
* Dunlendings (LE) 2,50 €
* Dwar of Waw 4,00 €
* Earcaraxe 2,00 €
* Earcaraxe at Home 0,50 €
* Easterling Camp 2,00 € (UL 1,00 €)
* Easterlings 2,00 €
* Edhellond (AS) 1,00 €
* Eye of Sauron 2,50 €
* Eyes of Mandos 1,00 €
* Fatty Bolger (promo) 7,00 €
* Favor of the Valar (UL) 1,50 €
* Fifteen Birds in Five Firtrees 1,00 €
* Framsburg (AS) 1,00 €
* Gandalf the White Rider 1,00 €
* Give Welcome to the Unexpected 2,00 €
* Great Lord of Goblin-Gate 1,00 €
* Grey Havens (AS) 1,00 €
* Gwaihir 2,50 €
* Haradrim (H) 1,00 €
* Helm of Her Secrecy 2,50 €
* Hoarmurath of Dir 4,00 €
* Indur Dawndeath 4,00 €
* Itangast 2,00 €
* Khamul Unleashed 3,00 €
* King Under the Mountain 3,00 €
* Knights of the Prince 1,00 €
* Lord of the Carrock 1,00 €
* Lord of the Haven 1,00 €
* Lorien (AS) 1,00 €
* Many Sorrows Befall 2,00 €
* Mauhur 1,00 €
* Memories Stolen 2,00 €
* Mithril 2,50 €
* Morgul-Knife 2,50 €
* Morgul-Orcs 1,00 €
* Mount Slain 1,50 €
* Near to Hear a Whisper 1,00 €
* Necklace of Girion (DM) 2,00 €
* Necklace of Girion (AS) 1,00 €
* Nenya 3,50 €
* One Foe to Breed a War 1,50 €
* Orc-Mail 1,50 €
* Palantir of Annuminas 2,50 €
* Palantir of Osgiliath 2,50 €
* Prowess of Might 1,00 €
* Radagast the Tamer 1,00 €
* Return of the King 2,50 €
* Rhosgobel (AS) 1,00 €
* Riders of Rohan (Warlords misprint) 20,00 €
* Riven Gate 1,00 €
* Rivendell (AS) 1,00 €
* Saruman the Wise 1,00 €
* Scatha 2,00 €
* Scatha at Home 0,50 €
* Shadow of Mordor 4,00 €
* Shadowfax 2,50 €
* Shelob 3,00 €
* Shelob's Lair 2,00 €
* Siege 5,00 €
* Smaug 3,00 €
* Smaug at Home 0,50 €
* Snowstorm 3,50 €
* Spies Feared 1,00 €
* Stone-Circle 2,00 €
* Stone of Erech 2,50 €
* Stormcrow (promo) 2,50 €
* Subtlety of Guile 1,00 €
* The Arkenstone 2,50 €
* The Arkenstone (promo) 5,00 €
* The Balrog 1,00 €
* The Gem-Deeps (AS) 1,00 €
* The Hunt 1,00 €
* The Iron Crown 2,50 €
* The Iron-Deeps 2,50 €
* The Mithril-Coat 2,50 €
* The One Ring 15,00 € (UL 12,00 €)
* The Precious 2,50 €
* The Pukel-Deeps (AS) 1,00 €
* The White Tree 2,50 € (UL 2,00 €)
* They Ride Together 3,00 €
* Thorin II 3,00 €
* Treason the Greatest Foe 1,00 €
* Troth-Ring 1,50 €
* Unhappy Blows 1,50 €
* Uvatha the Horseman 4,50 €
* Were-Worm 4,00 €
* Will Shaken 1,00 €
* Witch-King of Angmar 4,50 €
* Wizard's Voice 2,50 €
* Words of Power and Terror 2,50 €
* Wormtongue 2,00 €
* Wraith-Lord 4,00 €
* Adunaphel (German version) 3,00 €
* Agburanar (German version) 2,00 €
* Agburanar daheim (Agburanar at Home) 0,50 €
* Akhorahil (German version) 2,50 €
* Anduril, die Flamme des Westens (Anduril, the Flame of the West) 2,00 €
* Angmarim (German version) 7,00 €
* Arwen (German version) 2,50 €
* Bairanax (German version) 1,50 €
* Bairanax daheim (Bairanax at Home) 0,50 €
* Barad-Dur (German version) 1,50 €
* Baugur (Special German promo) 1,50 €
* Belegennon (Special German promo) 1,50 €
* Carn Dum (German version) 1,50 €
* Cirdan (German version) 2,50 €
* Cirith Ungol (German version) 1,50 €
* Daelomin (German version) 2,00 €
* Daelomin daheim (Daelomin at Home) 0,50 €
* Daelomin erwacht (Daelomin Roused) 7,00 €
* Dain II (German version) 2,50 €
* Das Auge Saurons (Eye of Sauron) 2,00 €
* Das Bleiche Schwert (The Pale Sword) 2,00 €
* Das Gleichgewicht der Mächte (The Balance of Things) 2,00 €
* Das Pack vor der Tür (Special German promo) 2,00 €
* Das Schattenheer (Army of the Dead) 2,00 €
* Das Wüten der Eisernen Krone (Fury of the Iron Crown) 0,50 €
* Denethor II (German version) 2,00 €
* Der Balrog von Moria (Balrog of Moria) 3,00 €
* Der Eine Ring (The One Ring) 15,00 €
* Der Grosse Ork (The Great Goblin) 2,00 €
* Der Weisse Baum (The White Tree) 2,00 €
* Der Wille des Rings (The Will of the Ring) 2,00 €
* Die Eiserne Krone 0,50 € (LE 2,00 €) (The Iron Crown)
* Die Rückkehr des Königs (Return of the King) 2,00 €
* Die Steine (The Stones) 1,50 €
* Dol Guldur (German version) 1,50 €
* Dunharg (Dunharrow) 1,50 €
* Dwar von Waw (Dwar of Waw) 2,50 €
* Earcaraxe (German version) 1,50 €
* Earcaraxe daheim (Earcaraxe at Home) 0,50 €
* Elben von Lindon (Elves of Lindon) 2,00 €
* Elrond (German version) 2,50 €
* Erfahrung vieler Jahre (Prowess of Age) 0,50 €
* Feuer des Zauberers (Wizard's Fire) 2,00 €
* Flammen des Zorns (Ireful Flames) 0,50 €
* Freca (Special German promo) 1,50 €
* Galadriel (German version) 3,00 €
* Galva (German version) 2,00 €
* Geflügelter Unhold (Fell Beast) 2,50 €
* Gollums Schicksal (Gollum's Fate) 2,00 €
* Gunst der Valar (Favor of the Valar) 2,00 €
* Günstige Winde (Fair Sailing) 2,00 €
* Gwaihir (German version) 2,00 €
* Haldalam (German version) 2,00 €
* Hoarmurath von Dir (Hoarmurath of Dir) 2,50 €
* Hobbits (German version) 2,00 €
* Horn der Herausforderung (Special German promo) 1,50 €
* Indur von Mumakan (Indur Dawndeath) 2,50 €
* Insel der Lebenden Toten (Isles of the Dead that Live) 1,50 €
* Itangast daheim (Itangast at Home) 0,50 €
* Itangast erwacht (Itangast Roused) 7,00 €
* Kankra (Shelob) 2,50 €
* Kankras Lauer (Shelob's Lair) 1,50 €
* Khamul der Ostling (Khamul the Easterling) 2,50 €
* König unterm Berg (King Under the Mountain) 2,50 €
* Lager der Ostlinge (Easterling Camp) 1,50 €
* Lager der Variags (Variag Camp) 1,50 €
* Leucaruth (German version) 2,00 €
* Leucaruth daheim (Leucaruth at Home) 0,50 €
* Leucaruth erwacht (Leucaruth Roused) 7,00 €
* Mathom (Mathom Lore) 1,50 €
* Minas Morgul (German version) 1,50 €
* Mithril-Kettenhemd (LE) (The Mithril-Coat) 2,00 €
* Morannon (German version) 2,00 €
* Morgul-Pferd (Morgul-Horse) 2,00 €
* Morgulratten (Morgul-Rats) 1,00 €
* Nenya (German version) 3,00 €
* Oase der Südlinge (Southron Oasis) 1,50 €
* Opferung der Gestalt (Sacrifice of Form) 2,50 €
* Orkstadt (LE) (Special German card) 5,00 €
* Osses Sturmflut (Storms of Osse) 2,00 €
* Ostlinge (Easterlings) 2,00 €
* Palantir von Amon Sul (Palantir of Amon Sul) 2,00 €
* Palantir von Annuminas (Palantir of Annuminas) 2,00 €
* Palantir von Osgiliath 2,00 € (LE 2,00 €) (Palantir of Osgiliath)
* Puckelmänner (Pukel-Men) 2,00 €
* Ren der Unreine (Ren the Unclean) 2,50 €
* Ring der Zauberer (Wizard's Ring) 2,00 €
* Ringil (Special German promo) 1,50 €
* Roäc der Rabe (Roac the Raven) 2,00 €
* Rogrog (German version) 1,50 €
* Scatha daheim (Scatha at Home) 0,50 €
* Schattenfell (Shadowfax) 2,00 €
* Schwarzer Pfeil (Black Arrow) 0,50 €
* Schwertmeister (Special German promo) 2,00 €
* Scorba (German version) 1,50 €
* Scorba daheim (Scorba at Home) 0,50 €
* Scorba erwacht (Scorba Roused) 3,00 €
* Smaug (German version) 2,50 €
* Smaug daheim (Smaug at Home) 0,50 €
* Späte Heimkehrer (Returned Exiles) 2,00 €
* Statthalter von Angmar (Lieutenant of Angmar) 3,50 €
* Statthalter von Dol Guldur (Lieutenant of Dol Guldur) 3,50 €
* Stein von Erech (Stone of Erech) 2,00 €
* Steinkreis (Stone-Circle) 1,50 €
* Südlinge (Southrons) 2,00 €
* Taschendieb (Special German promo with alternative artwork) 30,00 €
* Thorin II (German version) 2,50 €
* Threlin (German version) 2,00 €
* Tolfalas (German version) 1,50 €
* Tom Bombadil (German version) 2,50 €
* Ungebändigte Kraft (Prowess of Might) 1,00 €
* Uvatha der Reiter (Uvatha the Horseman) 3,00 €
* Variags aus Khand (Variags of Khand) 2,00 €
* Verlockung der Macht (Lure of Power) 2,50 €
* Vygavril (German version) 2,00 €
* Wahre Gestalt (True Fana) 2,00 €
* Wolf (Special German promo) 1,50 €
* Wölfe des Weissen Gebirges (White Mountain Wolves) 2,00 €
* Zirperkirper (Neeker-Breekers) 0,50 €
* Zwergenaxt (Special German promo) 2,00 €
* Zwergenring von Barins Volk (Dwarven Ring of Barin's Tribe) 2,00 €
* Zwergenring von Druins Volk (Dwarven Ring of Druin's Tribe) 2,00 €
* Zwergenring von Durins Volk (LE) (Dwarven Ring of Durin's Tribe) 2,00 €
* Zwergenring von Dwalins Volk (Dwarven Ring of Dwalin's Tribe) 2,00 €
* Complete set of all 9 Special German promos 10,00 €
* Akhorahil (Dutch version) 4,50 €
* Anduril, the Flame of the West (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Arwen (Dutch version) 3,00 €
* Cirdan (Dutch version) 3,50 €
* Clear Skies (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Clouds (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Daelomin (Dutch version) 3,00 €
* Dwarven Ring of Druin's Tribe (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Dwarven Ring of Durin's Tribe (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Eagle-Mounts (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Easterling Camp (Dutch version) 2,00 €
* Elrond (Dutch version) 3,50 €
* Elves of Lindon (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Eye of Sauron (Dutch version) 3,50 €
* Fell Turtle (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Galva (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Gollum's Fate (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Hiding (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Hoarmurath of Dir (Dutch version) 4,50 €
* Isles of the Dead that Live (Dutch version) 2,00 €
* Lucky Search (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Lure of Nature (Dutch misprint with Daelomin artwork) 2,50 €
* Lure of Power (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Mouth of Sauron (Dutch version) 5,00 €
* Palantir of Amon Sul (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Palantir of Osgiliath (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Return of the King (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Roac the Raven (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Secret Entrance (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Shadowfax (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Snowstorm (Dutch version) 3,00 €
* Southron Oasis (Dutch version) 2,00 €
* The Arkenstone (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* The Precious (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* The Stones (Dutch version) 2,00 €
* Thorin II (Dutch version) 3,00 €
* Tolfalas (Dutch version) 2,00 €
* Variag Camp (Dutch version) 2,00 €
* Vygavril (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Wizard's Fire (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Wizard's Ring (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Woses of Old Pukel-Land (Dutch version) 2,50 €
* Agburanar (French version) 4,00 €
* Agburanar au gite (Agburanar at Home) 2,00 €
* Akhorahil dechaine (Akhorahil Unleashed) 2,00 €
* Anneau de Sorcier (Wizard's Ring) 3,00 €
* Anneau nain de la Tribu de Barin (LE) (Dwarven Ring of Barin's Tribe) 1,00 €
* Anneau nain de la Tribu de Bavor 3,00 € (LE 1,00 €) (Dwarven Ring of Bavor's Tribe)
* Anneau nain de la Tribu de Druin (Dwarven Ring of Druin's Tribe) 3,00 €
* Anneau nain de la Tribu de Durin (LE) (Dwarven Ring of Durin's Tribe) 1,00 €
* Antre d'Arachne (Shelob's Lair) 2,50 €
* Arwen (French version) 5,00 €
* Bairanax (French version) 4,00 €
* Bairanax au gite (Bairanax at Home) 2,00 €
* Balchoth (French version) 1,00 €
* Balrog de la Moria (Balrog of Moria) - played condition 2,00 €
* Calendal (French version) 1,00 €
* Camp variag (Variag Camp) 2,50 €
* Chaines d'or dans le vent (Gold Chains in the Wind) 1,50 €
* Chant elfique (Elf-Song) 3,00 €
* Chef de l'Ordre (First of the Order) 2,50 €
* Chemins des Morts (Path of the Dead) 3,00 €
* Ciel degage (Clear Skies) 3,00 €
* Connaissance des Hobbits (Hobbit-Lore) 2,50 €
* Connaissance des plantes (Herb-Lore) 2,50 €
* Daelomin au gite (Daelomin at Home) 2,00 €
* Dol Amroth (LE) (French version) 1,00 €
* Dunharrow (French version) 2,50 €
* Equilibre des pouvoirs (Balance Between Powers) 2,50 €
* Exil dans la solitude (Exile of Solitude) 2,50 €
* Exiles de retour (Returned Exiles) 4,00 €
* Explorer la region (Spying Out the Land) 1,50 €
* Febrilite dans l’impatience (Fever of Unrest) 2,50 €
* Feu de Sorcier (Wizard's Fire) 3,00 €
* Fiole de Galadriel (Phial of Galadriel) 4,00 €
* Firiel (French version) 4,00 €
* Fleche Mortelle (Deadly Dart) 15,00 €
* Frugalite dans l'isolement (Parsimony of Seclusion) 2,50 €
* Fureur du Noir Ennemi (The Black Enemy's Wrath) 2,50 €
* Galva (French version) 3,00 €
* Gemmes d'Arda (Gems of Arda) 2,50 €
* Glacer la chair (Freeze the Flesh) 1,50 €
* Gripoil (Shadowfax) 3,00 €
* Hobbits (French version) 3,00 €
* Hommes Biscornus (Pukel-Men) 3,00 €
* Ile des Morts qui Vivent (Isles of the Dead that Live) 2,50 €
* Invocation de Cartes Promo #1 (Special French promo) 15,00 €
* Invocation de Cartes Promo #2 (Special French promo) 15,00 €
* Invocation de Cartes Promo #3 (Special French promo) 15,00 €
* Invocation de Cartes Promo #4 (Special French promo) 15,00 €
* Invocation de Cartes Promo #5 (Special French promo) 15,00 €
* Itangast (French version) 5,00 €
* Jouer doublement des jambes (Leg it Double Quick) 1,50 €
* Khamul dechaine (Khamul Unleashed) 2,00 €
* L'Anneau reprouve (The Reviled Ring) 1,50 €
* L'Anneau Unique (The One Ring) 40,00 €
* La Carte Maitre d'Armes (Special French promo) 12,00 €
* La chasse (The Hunt) 2,50 €
* La Chemise de Mithril (The Mithril-Coat) 3,00 €
* La Pierre Arken (promo) (The Arkenstone) 15,00 €
* Langue de Serpent (Wormtongue) 4,00 €
* Le Roi des ouargues (The Warg-King) 1,00 €
* Le Tresor (The Precious) 3,00 €
* Les Pierres (The Stones) 2,50 €
* Leucaruth au gite (Leucaruth at Home) 2,00 €
* Lieutenant de Dol Guldur (Lieutenant of Dol Guldur) 2,00 €
* Lieutenant uruk (Uruk-Lieutenant) 2,50 €
* Malediction de la Pierre d'Ithil (Bane of the Ithil-Stone) 5,00 €
* Minas Morgul (French version) 2,50 €
* Nain (French version) 1,00 €
* Nenselde la Wingild (Nenselde the Wingild) 5,00 €
* Nenya (French version) 5,00 €
* Nous sommes venus pour tuer (We Have Come to Kill) 1,50 €
* Nouvelles de la Comte (News of the Shire) 1,50 €
* Nuages (Clouds) 3,00 €
* Nuit de Morgul (Morgul Night) 5,00 €
* Oeil de Sauron (Eye of Sauron) 5,00 €
* Ordre de tuer (Ordered to Kill) 2,50 €
* Palantir d'Annuminas 3,00 € (LE 1,00 €) (Palantir of Annuminas)
* Passion dans la fureur (Passion of Wrath) 2,50 €
* Perdus en mer (Lost at Sea) 3,00 €
* Pour vous emporter (To Get You Away) 2,50 €
* Preuve de bonne volonte (Token of Goodwill) 2,50 €
* Prouesse dans la puissance (Prowess of Might) 2,50 €
* Prouesse de l'age (Prowess of Age) 2,50 €
* Quelque chose s'est glisse (Something has Slipped) 1,50 €
* Rats de Morgul (Morgul-Rats) 2,50 €
* Revele a tous les regards (Revealed to all Watchers) - not mint 2,50 €
* Ringil (Special French promo) 35,00 €
* Rogrog (French version) 3,00 €
* Roi sous la montagne (King Under the Mountain) 5,00 €
* Roi-Sorcier d'Angmar (Witch-King of Angmar) 7,00 €
* Sacrifice d'aspect (Sacrifice of Form) 5,00 €
* Scatha enrage (Scatha Roused) 1,50 €
* Scorba au gite (Scorba at Home) 2,00 €
* Snaga (French version) 1,00 €
* Sombre influence (Long Dark Reach) 2,50 €
* Subtilite dans la ruse (Subtlety of Guile) 2,50 €
* Tempetes d'Osse (Storms of Osse) 3,00 €
* Tenebres sous les arbres (Darkness Under Tree) 1,50 €
* Tolfalas (French version) 2,50 €
* Tombe du ciel noir (Out of the Black Sky) 2,50 €
* Tortue feroce (Fell Turtle) 3,00 €
* Tuez-les tous, mais PAS les Semi-Hommes (Kill All but NOT the Halflings) 1,50 €
* Umagaur le Blafard (Umagaur the Pale) 4,00 €
* Une reception inattendue (An Unexpected Party) 5,00 €
* Uruk-Hai (French version) 1,00 €
* Velocite dans la hate (Velocity of Haste) 2,50 €
* Vilya (French version) 5,00 €
* Voleur (Thief) 3,00 €
* Vygavril (French version) 3,00 €
* Complete set of all 5 Invocation de Cartes Promos #1,#2,#3,#4,#5 50,00 €
* Accampamento Variag (Variag Camp) 2,50 €
* Anduril, la Fiamma dell'Occidente (Anduril, the Flame of the West) 3,00 €
* Anello dei Nani della Stirpe di Barin (Dwarven Ring of Barin's Tribe) 3,00 €
* Anello dei Nani della Stirpe di Dwalin (Dwarven Ring of Dwalin's Tribe) 3,00 €
* Bocca di Sauron (Mouth of Sauron) 7,00 €
* Circolo di Pietra (Stone-Circle) 2,50 €
* Elrond (Italian version) 5,00 €
* Esercito dei Morti (Army of the Dead) - excellent condition 2,00 €
* Galva (Italian version) 3,00 €
* Haldalam (Italian version) 3,00 €
* Isole dei Morti che Vivono (Isle of the Dead that Live) 2,50 €
* L’Unico Anello (The One Ring) 40,00 €
* Le Pietre (The Stones) 2,50 €
* Mumak (Italian version) 3,00 €
* Nascondersi (Hiding) - near mint condition 2,00 €
* Navigazione Sicura (Fair Sailing) 3,00 €
* Palantir di Amon Sul (Palantir of Amon Sul) 3,00 €
* Parole di Potere e Terrore (Words of Power and Terror) 3,50 €
* Persi in Mare (Lost at Sea) 3,00 €
* Pugnale di Morgul (Morgul-Knife) 3,50 €
* Ren l'Impuro (Ren the Unclean) 6,00 €
* Roäc il Corvo (Roac the Raven) 3,00 €
* Sentieri dei Morti (Paths of the Dead) 3,00 €
* Sudroni (Southrons) 3,00 €
* Tempeste di Osse (Storms of Osse) 3,00 €
* Thorin II (Italian version) 5,00 €
* Uomini Pukel (Pukel-Men) 3,00 €
* Variag del Khand (Variags of Khand) 3,00 €
* Viaggi Sicuri nei Domini Oscuri (Fair Travels in Dark-Domains) 3,00 €
* Voce dello Stregone (Wizard's Voice) 3,00 €
* Vygavril (Italian version) 3,00 €
* Wose dell'Antica Terra Pukel (Woses of Old Pukel-Land) 3,00 €
* A Coroa de Ferro (The Iron Crown (Galician promo)) 30,00 €
* Agburanar (Spanish version) 5,00 €
* Agburanar en Casa (Agburanar at Home) 2,00 €
* Anillo Enano de la Tribu de Bavor (Dwarven Ring of Bavor's Tribe) 5,00 €
* Anillo Enano de la Tribu de Dwalin (Dwarven Ring of Dwalin's Tribe) 5,00 €
* Antigua Hacha Negra (Ancient Black Axe) 3,00 €
* Bairanax en Casa (Bairanax at Home) 2,00 €
* Barad-Dur (Spanish version) 3,50 €
* Boromir II (Carta del set especial de iniciacion) 40,00 €
* Bosque Viejo (AS) (Old Forest) - Spanish misprint 15,00 €
* Busqueda Afortunada (UL) (Lucky Search)
* Caballos Salvajes (Wild Horses) 3,00 €
* Cambiatonos (Shifter of Hues) 3,00 €
* Campamento Oriental (Easterling Camp) 2,00 €
* Caras de Trasgos (Goblin-Faces) 3,00 €
* Centinela Silencioso (Silent Watcher) 5,00 €
* Circulo de Piedras (Stone-Circle) 3,50 €
* Cirdan (Spanish version) 7,00 €
* Cirith Ungol (Spanish version) 3,50 €
* Dain II (UL) (Spanish version) 3,00 €
* Dardo Mortifero (Deadly Dart (Galician promo)) 8,00 €
* Destreza de la Agilidad (Deftness of Agility) 2,00 €
* Discusiones Oscuras (Carta del set especial de iniciacion) 40,00 €
* Dol Guldur (Spanish version) 3,50 €
* El Anillo Unico 50,00 € (UL 30,00 €) (The One Ring)
* El Concilio Blanco (The White Council) 3,00 €
* El Concilio Negro (The Black Council) 3,00 €
* El Gran Ojo (The Great Eye) 2,50 €
* El Precioso (UL) (The Precious) 2,50 €
* Elfos de Lindon (Elves of Lindon) 5,00 €
* Enanos Mezquinos (M) (Petty-Dwarves) 2,50 €
* Entrada Secreta (UL) (Secret Entrance) 2,50 €
* Equilibrio entre Poderes (Balance Between Powers) 2,50 €
* Escuela Arcana (Arcane School) 3,00 €
* Fana Verdadero 5,00 € (UL 2,50 €) (True Fana)
* Favor de los Valar (Favor of the Valar) 5,00 €
* Flecha Negra (Black Arrow (Castillian promo)) 10,00 €
* Fuego Liquido (Liquid Fire) 3,00 €
* Furia de la Corona de Hierro (Fury of the Iron Crown (Castillian promo)) 20,00 €
* Gemas de Arda (Gems of Arda) 4,00 €
* Genets de Llops (Wolf-Riders (Catalan promo)) 40,00 €
* Gobernar las Tormentas (Govern the Storms) 3,00 €
* Grandes Medio-Orcos (Greater Half-Orcs) 3,00 €
* Haldalam (Spanish version) 5,00 €
* Huida (Carta del set especial de iniciacion) 25,00 €
* Isla de los Muertos que Viven (Isle of the Dead that Live) 3,50 €
* Jinetes de Lobos (Wolf-Riders (Castillian promo)) 40,00 €
* La Corona de Hierro (The Iron Crown (Castillian promo)) 20,00 €
* La Espada Palida (UL) (The Pale Sword) 2,50 €
* La Hoja Flamigera (The Fiery Blade) 3,00 €
* La Puerta de los Trasgos (Goblin-Gate (Castillian promo)) 5,00 €
* La Venganza de la Naturaleza (Nature's Revenge) 3,00 €
* Las Piedras (The Stones) 3,50 €
* Las Profundidades Pukel (AS) (The Pukel-Deeps) 2,50 €
* Las Profundidades Sulfurosas (The Sulfur-Deeps) 4,00 €
* Leucaruth en Casa (Leucaruth at Home) 2,00 €
* Monturas (Steeds) 2,50 €
* Noche de Morgul (UL) (Morgul Night) 4,00 €
* Nuestros Propios Lobos (Our Own Wolves) 2,50 €
* Orcos de Dol Guldur (Orcs of Dol Guldur) 2,50 €
* Palabras de Poder y Terror (UL) (Words of Power and Terror) 2,50 €
* Palido Sonador (Pale Dream-Maker) 3,00 €
* Pallando el Guardian de las Almas (Pallando the Soul-Keeper) 2,50 €
* Pasion de la Colera (Passion of Wrath) 2,00 €
* Perdidos en las Regiones de la Oscuridad (Lost in Dark-Domains) 5,00 €
* Piedra de Erech (UL) (Stone of Erech) 2,50 €
* Primero de la Orden (First of the Order) 2,50 €
* Pueblos Enteros Levantados (Whole Villages Roused) 3,00 €
* Puerta Hendida (Riven Gate) 2,50 €
* Quince Pajaros en Cinco Abetos (Fifteen Birds in Five Firtrees) 3,00 €
* Ramaviva (Carta del set especial de iniciacion) 40,00 €
* Recuerdos Robados (Memories Stolen) 2,50 €
* Renunciar al Poder por los Artificios (Power Relinquished to Artifice) 3,00 €
* Rey Bajo la Montana (King Under the Mountain) 5,00 €
* Scorba en Casa (Scorba at Home) 2,00 €
* Senor Alado del Cambio (Winged Change-Master) 3,00 €
* Senor de la Carroca (Lord of the Carrock) 2,50 €
* Sutileza de la Astucia (Subtlety of Guile) 2,00 €
* Tesoro de Mago (Wizard's Trove) 3,00 €
* Todas las Campanas al Vuelo (All the Bells Ringing) - Spanish misprint 15,00 €
* Tom Bombadil (Spanish version) 6,00 €
* Tormentas de Osse (UL) (Storms of Osse) 2,50 €
* Torre Arrasada (Tower Raided) 3,00 €
* Tortuga Maligna (Fell Turtle) 5,00 €
* Traicionar al Mayor Enemigo (Treason the Greatest Foe) 2,50 €
* Travesuras Maliciosas (Mischief in a Mean Way) 3,00 €
* Tumulario (Carta del set especial de iniciacion) 30,00 €
* Ugluk (Spanish version) 5,00 €
* Una Enfermedad sin Curacion (A Malady Without Healing) 7,00 €
* Valle de Erech (Vale of Erech) 3,50 €
* Veneno (Poison) 5,00 €
* Xinetes de Lobos (Wolf-Riders (Galician promo)) 50,00 €
* Complete Spanish Limited TW Fixed Set 20,00 €
* Set de Iniciacion (Spanish Beginners Set) - without the 8 Special cards with alternative artwork, containing 112 cards 25,00 €
* Annuminasin Palantir (Palantir of Annuminas) 3,00 €
* Arkkikivi (The Arkenstone) 3,00 €
* Eteläisten Keidas (Southron Oasis) 2,50 €
* Hallavaharja (Shadowfax) 3,00 €
* Itäläiset (Easterlings) 3,00 €
* Kalpea Miekka (The Pale Sword) 3,00 €
* Kaunis Sää (Clear Skies) 3,00 €
* Leucaruth (Finnish version) 4,00 €
* Mithrilpaita (The Mithril-Coat) 3,00 €
* Vallan Kiusaus (Lure of Power) 3,50 €
* Vygavril (Finnish version) 3,00 €
* Yksi Sormus (The One Ring) 50,00 €
* Agburanar at Home (Japanese version) 2,50 €
* Aiglos (Japanese version) 10,00 €
* Baduila (Japanese version) 5,00 €
* Bairanax at Home (Japanese version) 2,50 €
* Balance Between Powers (Japanese version) 3,00 €
* Bring Our Curses Home (Japanese version) 3,00 €
* Carn Dum (UL) (Japanese version) 2,50 €
* Choice of Luthien (Japanese version) 8,00 €
* Dunharrow (UL) (Japanese version) 2,50 €
* Eagle-Mounts (UL) (Japanese version) 3,50 €
* Exile of Solitude (Japanese version) 3,00 €
* Favor of the Valar (UL) (Japanese version) 3,00 €
* Frenzy of Madness (Japanese version) 3,00 €
* Gems of Arda (Japanese version) 3,00 €
* Golodhros (Japanese version) 5,00 €
* Gothmog (Japanese version) 5,00 €
* Herb-Lore (Japanese version) 3,00 €
* Hour of Need (Japanese version) 3,00 €
* Into the Smoking Cone (Japanese version) 5,00 €
* Itangast at Home (Japanese version) 2,50 €
* King Under the Mountain (Japanese version) 8,00 €
* Leucaruth at Home (Japanese version) 2,50 €
* Like the Crash of Battering-Rams (Japanese version) 3,00 €
* Long Dark Reach (Japanese version) 3,00 €
* Lost in Dark-Domains (UL) (Japanese version) 3,00 €
* Minas Morgul (UL) (Japanese version) 2,50 €
* Morannon (UL) (Japanese version) 3,00 €
* Morgul-Rats (Japanese version) 3,00 €
* Neeker-Breekers (Japanese promo) 15,00 €
* Palantir of Amon Sul (UL) (Japanese version) 3,00 €
* Palantir of Annuminas (Japanese version) 5,00 €
* Parsimony of Seclusion (Japanese version) 3,00 €
* Pass the Doors of Dol Guldur (Japanese version) 8,00 €
* Prowess of Might (Japanese version) 3,00 €
* Scorba at Home (Japanese version) 2,50 €
* Stone-Circle (UL) (Japanese version) 2,50 €
* Taladhan (Japanese version) 5,00 €
* The Black Enemy's Wrath (Japanese version) 3,00 €
* The Grimburgoth (Japanese version) 5,00 €
* The Hunt (Japanese version) 3,00 €
* The Iron Crown (Japanese promo) 15,00 €
* To Get You Away (Japanese version) 3,00 €
* Traitor (UL) (Japanese version) 3,00 €
* Vale of Erech (UL) (Japanese version) 2,50 €
* Variag Camp (UL) (Japanese version) 2,50 €
* Wizard's Ring (UL) (Japanese version) 3,00 €
* Complete Japanese Dark Minions non-rare collection (130 Commons & Uncommons) 40,00 €
To purchase cards from Timo, E-mail him at: MECCG@gmx.de (no PM's please)