I sell some collections MECCG:
-Los magos Limitada/Wizards Limited spanish: 720 euros
-Los magos Ilimitada borde azul/Wizards Unimited spanish blue border: 320 euros
-Los Dragones/The Dragons spanish : 150 euros
-Servidores de la Oscuridad/Dark Minions spanish - 120 euros
-Contra la sombra/Against the Shadow spanish : 720 euros
-La Mano Blanca/ White Hand spanish - 680 euros
-The White Hand - 180 euros
-The Balrog - both deck sealed - 2000 euros
-The Balrog: The Shadow-Deeps (Red Deck) sealed - 1100 euros
-Italian Fixed - F1 (25 euros/u) F2 (15 euros/u) F3-F4-F5 (free with others)
-Puzzle An Unexpected Party - 75 euros
-Caja Contra la sombra/Against the Shadow Box spanish (sealed) - 850 euros
-34 boosters Mano Blanca/White Hand spanish - 660 euros
-Pin Saruman - 30 euros
-Pin Gandalf - 30 euros
-Pin Eye of Sauron - 30 euros
shipping not included. Preferably in Europe, as I’m based in Spain.
contact by email temujinbahadur@outlook.com
FS - Temujin - spanish collections, Balrog, others... 09-02-2025
- Temujin
- Posts: 11
- Joined: Thu Feb 01, 2007 2:04 am
- Location: www.meccg.es
- Temujin
- Posts: 11
- Joined: Thu Feb 01, 2007 2:04 am
- Location: www.meccg.es
see you in Lure 2024
see you in Lure 2024