Timo Lutter's Cards for Trade

Everything related to buying, selling or trading your MECCG.
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Thrain II
Ex Council Member
Posts: 48
Joined: Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:38 pm
Location: Oslo, Norway

--- No further trades possible during the next few months due to my current relocation to NORWAY ---

An always updated list can be found here:


I trade on Trust, if you have references on Chris Cable's site, or if you are a G.A.B. member like me - otherwise GOD rules apply. I have more than 130 trading references. All my cards are in MINT condition, unless otherwise noted, and I expect the same in return. Cards with an "*"/"**" that I have are in trade only for other cards with an "*"/"**" that I need. My most valuable cards are marked with an "***" and in trade only involving complete English sets or sealed displays. I'm also looking for Thrain II in every language (French, Spanish, & Japanese preferred) and any signed card.

All my cards are also for sale (except signed cards): Check out my MECCG Sales Page here.

I'm a.k.a. Admiral Thrain II, Team Leader of the G.A.B. White Mithril Team, G.A.B. Assistant Leader of Applications Team, G.A.B. Internal Affairs Investigator and G.A.B. Silver Star member. More than 120 Middle-earth traders from all over the world, most of them members of Chris Cable's page, have become a part of the G.A.B. Middle-earth Team! All traders who are not yet part of our team are welcome to join us! Please use the links on the top of the page to get more information about G.A.B.! If you like to join our team, or if you have questions, feel free to contact me at: MECCG@gmx.de


* Angmarim (H)*
* Daelomin Roused*
* Earcaraxe Roused*
* Leucaruth Roused*
* Longbottom Leaf**
* Nurniags (H)*
* The Ithil-Stone*
* Thrain II (English, German, French, Spanish, & Japanese*)
* Tom Bombadil (Dutch & Japanese UL)*
* Unabated in Malice**
* Wormsbane
* Signed cards - any language, any rarity*
* Complete English UL METW collection (or sealed displays)***
* Complete English MEDM collection (or sealed displays)**
* Complete English MELE collection (factory sealed set preferred)***
* Complete English Balrog collection (both boxes)***



* Agburanar at Home
* Agburanar Roused
* Ancient Black Axe
* Angmarim (M)
* Army of the Dead
* Balrog of Moria (Limited & UL)
* Black Arrow (promo)
* Bring Our Curses Home
* Cirith Gorgor (AS)
* Cirith Ungol
* Creature of an Older World
* Daelomin
* Dain II
* Denethor II (3)
* Dragon's Hunger
* Dunlendings (LE)
* Dwar of Waw (2)
* Earcaraxe
* Earcaraxe at Home
* Easterling Camp (Limited & UL)
* Easterlings
* Edhellond (AS x 2)
* Eye of Sauron
* Eyes of Mandos
* Fatty Bolger (promo)*
* Favor of the Valar (UL)
* Fifteen Birds in Five Firtrees
* Framsburg (AS x 2)
* Gandalf the White Rider
* Give Welcome to the Unexpected
* Great Lord of Goblin-Gate
* Grey Havens (AS)
* Gwaihir (2)
* Haradrim (H x 2)
* Helm of Her Secrecy
* Hoarmurath of Dir
* Indur Dawndeath
* Itangast (3)
* Khamul Unleashed
* King Under the Mountain
* Knights of the Prince
* Lord of the Carrock
* Lord of the Haven (2)
* Lorien (AS)
* Many Sorrows Befall
* Mauhur
* Memories Stolen (2)
* Mithril
* Morgul-Knife (2)
* Morgul-Orcs (2)
* Mount Slain
* Near to Hear a Whisper (2)
* Necklace of Girion (DM)
* Necklace of Girion (AS)
* Nenya
* One Foe to Breed a War
* Orc-Mail
* Palantir of Annuminas
* Palantir of Osgiliath
* Prowess of Might
* Radagast the Tamer
* Return of the King
* Rhosgobel (AS)
* Riders of Rohan (Warlords misprint)**
* Riven Gate (2)
* Rivendell (AS)
* Saruman the Wise
* Scatha
* Scatha at Home
* Shadow of Mordor
* Shadowfax (2)
* Shelob (2)
* Shelob's Lair
* Siege
* Smaug (3)
* Smaug at Home
* Snowstorm
* Spies Feared
* Stone-Circle
* Stone of Erech
* Stormcrow (promo)
* Subtlety of Guile (2)
* The Arkenstone
* The Arkenstone (promo)*
* The Balrog
* The Gem-Deeps (AS)
* The Hunt
* The Iron Crown (promo)
* The Iron-Deeps
* The Mithril-Coat
* The One Ring (Limited** & UL*)
* The Precious
* The Pukel-Deeps (AS)
* The White Tree (Limited x 2, UL x 1)
* They Ride Together
* Thorin II
* Treason the Greatest Foe
* Troth-Ring
* Unhappy Blows (2)
* Uvatha the Horseman
* Were-Worm
* Will Shaken
* Witch-King of Angmar
* Wizard's Voice (2)
* Words of Power and Terror
* Wormtongue (2)
* Wraith-Lord


* Adunaphel (German version)
* Agburanar (3) (German version)
* Agburanar daheim (2) (Agburanar at Home)
* Akhorahil (German version)
* Anduril, die Flamme des Westens (2) (Anduril, the Flame of the West)
* Angmarim (German version)*
* Arwen (German version)
* Bairanax (German version)
* Bairanax daheim (Bairanax at Home)
* Barad-Dur (German version)
* Baugur (2) (Special German promo)
* Belegennon (Special German promo)
* Carn Dum (German version)
* Cirdan (2) (German version)
* Cirith Ungol (2) (German version)
* Daelomin (2) (German version)
* Daelomin daheim (Daelomin at Home)
* Daelomin erwacht (Daelomin Roused)*
* Dain II (German version)
* Das Auge Saurons (Eye of Sauron)
* Das Bleiche Schwert (2) (The Pale Sword)
* Das Gleichgewicht der Mächte (2) (The Balance of Things)
* Das Pack vor der Tür (Special German promo)
* Das Schattenheer (Army of the Dead)
* Das Wüten der Eisernen Krone (4) (Fury of the Iron Crown)
* Denethor II (3) (German version)
* Der Balrog von Moria (Balrog of Moria)
* Der Eine Ring (2) (The One Ring)**
* Der Grosse Ork (The Great Goblin)
* Der Weisse Baum (2) (The White Tree)
* Der Wille des Rings (The Will of the Ring)
* Die Eiserne Krone (promo x 3, LE x 2) (The Iron Crown)
* Die Rückkehr des Königs (3) (Return of the King)
* Die Steine (The Stones)
* Dol Guldur (2) (German version)
* Dunharg (4) (Dunharrow)
* Dwar von Waw (Dwar of Waw)
* Earcaraxe (2) (German version)
* Earcaraxe daheim (Earcaraxe at Home)
* Elben von Lindon (2) (Elves of Lindon)
* Elrond (4) (German version)
* Erfahrung vieler Jahre (Prowess of Age)
* Feuer des Zauberers (Wizard's Fire)
* Flammen des Zorns (4) (Ireful Flames)
* Freca (2) (Special German promo)
* Galadriel (2) (German version)
* Galva (German version)
* Geflügelter Unhold (Fell Beast)
* Gollums Schicksal (Gollum's Fate)
* Gunst der Valar (Favor of the Valar)
* Günstige Winde (2) (Fair Sailing)
* Gwaihir (German version)
* Haldalam (2) (German version)
* Hoarmurath von Dir (2) (Hoarmurath of Dir)
* Hobbits (3) (German version)
* Horn der Herausforderung (Special German promo)
* Indur von Mumakan (2) (Indur Dawndeath)
* Insel der Lebenden Toten (2) (Isles of the Dead that Live)
* Itangast daheim (Itangast at Home)
* Itangast erwacht (Itangast Roused)*
* Kankra (3) (Shelob)
* Kankras Lauer (3) (Shelob's Lair)
* Khamul der Ostling (2) (Khamul the Easterling)
* König unterm Berg (King Under the Mountain)
* Lager der Ostlinge (Easterling Camp)
* Lager der Variags (2) (Variag Camp)
* Leucaruth (4) (German version)
* Leucaruth daheim (2) (Leucaruth at Home)
* Leucaruth erwacht (Leucaruth Roused)*
* Mathom (Mathom Lore)
* Minas Morgul (2) (German version)
* Mithril-Kettenhemd (LE) (The Mithril-Coat)
* Morannon (2) (German version)
* Morgul-Pferd (Morgul-Horse)
* Morgulratten (Morgul-Rats)
* Nenya (2) (German version)
* Oase der Südlinge (Southron Oasis)
* Opferung der Gestalt (Sacrifice of Form)
* Orkstadt (LE x 2) (Special German card)*
* Osses Sturmflut (Storms of Osse)
* Ostlinge (3) (Easterlings)
* Palantir von Amon Sul (3) (Palantir of Amon Sul)
* Palantir von Annuminas (2) (Palantir of Annuminas)
* Palantir von Osgiliath (Limited x 3, LE x 2) (Palantir of Osgiliath)
* Puckelmänner (Pukel-Men)
* Ren der Unreine (2) (Ren the Unclean)
* Ring der Zauberer (Wizard's Ring)
* Ringil (Special German promo)
* Roäc der Rabe (5) (Roac the Raven)
* Rogrog (German version)
* Scatha daheim (Scatha at Home)
* Schattenfell (3) (Shadowfax)
* Schwarzer Pfeil (4) (Black Arrow)
* Schwertmeister (Special German promo)
* Scorba (German version)
* Scorba daheim (Scorba at Home)
* Scorba erwacht (2) (Scorba Roused)
* Smaug (German version)
* Smaug daheim (Smaug at Home)
* Späte Heimkehrer (2) (Returned Exiles)
* Statthalter von Angmar (Lieutenant of Angmar)
* Statthalter von Dol Guldur (Lieutenant of Dol Guldur)
* Stein von Erech (3) (Stone of Erech)
* Steinkreis (Stone-Circle)
* Südlinge (4) (Southrons)
* Taschendieb (Special German promo with alternative artwork)**
* Thorin II (German version)
* Threlin (German version)
* Tolfalas (4) (German version)
* Tom Bombadil (2) (German version)
* Ungebändigte Kraft (Prowess of Might)
* Uvatha der Reiter (Uvatha the Horseman)
* Variags aus Khand (3) (Variags of Khand)
* Verlockung der Macht (Lure of Power)
* Vygavril (3) (German version)
* Wahre Gestalt (2) (True Fana)
* Wolf (2) (Special German promo)
* Wölfe des Weissen Gebirges (White Mountain Wolves)
* Zirperkirper (3) (Neeker-Breekers)
* Zwergenaxt (Special German promo)
* Zwergenring von Barins Volk (3) (Dwarven Ring of Barin's Tribe)
* Zwergenring von Druins Volk (3) (Dwarven Ring of Druin's Tribe)
* Zwergenring von Durins Volk (LE) (Dwarven Ring of Durin's Tribe)
* Zwergenring von Dwalins Volk (2) (Dwarven Ring of Dwalin's Tribe)


* Akhorahil (Dutch version)*
* Anduril, the Flame of the West (Dutch version)
* Arwen (Dutch version)*
* Cirdan (2) (Dutch version)*
* Clear Skies (Dutch version)
* Clouds (Dutch version)
* Daelomin (Dutch version)*
* Dwarven Ring of Druin's Tribe (Dutch version)
* Dwarven Ring of Durin's Tribe (2) (Dutch version)
* Eagle-Mounts (Dutch version)
* Easterling Camp (Dutch version)
* Elrond (2) (Dutch version)*
* Elves of Lindon (2) (Dutch version)
* Eye of Sauron (Dutch version)
* Fell Turtle (Dutch version)
* Galva (Dutch version)
* Gollum's Fate (2) (Dutch version)
* Hiding (2) (Dutch version)
* Hoarmurath of Dir (Dutch version)*
* Isles of the Dead that Live (Dutch version)
* Lucky Search (Dutch version)
* Lure of Nature (4) (Dutch misprint with Daelomin artwork)
* Lure of Power (Dutch version)
* Mouth of Sauron (Dutch version)*
* Palantir of Amon Sul (Dutch version)
* Palantir of Osgiliath (2) (Dutch version)
* Return of the King (2) (Dutch version)
* Roac the Raven (Dutch version)
* Secret Entrance (2) (Dutch version)
* Shadowfax (2) (Dutch version)
* Snowstorm (Dutch version)
* Southron Oasis (Dutch version)
* The Arkenstone (Dutch version)
* The Precious (Dutch version)
* The Stones (Dutch version)
* Thorin II (Dutch version)*
* Tolfalas (Dutch version)
* Variag Camp (Dutch version)
* Vygavril (Dutch version)
* Wizard's Fire (Dutch version)
* Wizard's Ring (Dutch version)
* Woses of Old Pukel-Land (Dutch version)


* Agburanar (French version)*
* Agburanar au gite (2) (Agburanar at Home)
* Akhorahil dechaine (Akhorahil Unleashed)
* Anneau de Sorcier (Wizard's Ring)
* Anneau nain de la Tribu de Barin (LE) (Dwarven Ring of Barin's Tribe)
* Anneau nain de la Tribu de Bavor (Limited x 2, LE x 1) (Dwarven Ring of Bavor's Tribe)
* Anneau nain de la Tribu de Druin (Dwarven Ring of Druin's Tribe)
* Anneau nain de la Tribu de Durin (LE) (Dwarven Ring of Durin's Tribe)
* Antre d'Arachne (Shelob's Lair)
* Arwen (French version)*
* Bairanax (French version)*
* Bairanax au gite (2) (Bairanax at Home)
* Balchoth (French version)
* Balrog de la Moria (Balrog of Moria) - played condition
* Calendal (French version)
* Camp variag (Variag Camp)
* Chaines d'or dans le vent (Gold Chains in the Wind)
* Chant elfique (2) (Elf-Song)
* Chef de l'Ordre (First of the Order)
* Chemins des Morts (Path of the Dead)
* Ciel degage (Clear Skies)
* Connaissance des Hobbits (Hobbit-Lore)
* Connaissance des plantes (2) (Herb-Lore)
* Daelomin au gite (2) (Daelomin at Home)
* Dol Amroth (LE) (French version)
* Dunharrow (French version)
* Equilibre des pouvoirs (Balance Between Powers)
* Exil dans la solitude (3) (Exile of Solitude)
* Exiles de retour (Returned Exiles)*
* Explorer la region (Spying Out the Land)
* Febrilite dans l’impatience (Fever of Unrest)
* Feu de Sorcier (Wizard's Fire)
* Fiole de Galadriel (Phial of Galadriel)*
* Firiel (French version)*
* Fleche Mortelle (Deadly Dart)**
* Frugalite dans l'isolement (Parsimony of Seclusion)
* Fureur du Noir Ennemi (The Black Enemy's Wrath)
* Galva (French version)
* Gemmes d'Arda (Gems of Arda)
* Glacer la chair (Freeze the Flesh)
* Gripoil (Shadowfax)
* Hobbits (French version)
* Hommes Biscornus (Puckel-Men)
* Ile des Morts qui Vivent (Isles of the Dead that Live)
* Invocation de Cartes Promo #1 (Special French promo)**
* Invocation de Cartes Promo #2 (2) (Special French promo)**
* Invocation de Cartes Promo #3 (Special French promo)**
* Invocation de Cartes Promo #4 (Special French promo)**
* Invocation de Cartes Promo #5 (Special French promo)**
* Itangast (French version)*
* Jouer doublement des jambes (Leg it Double Quick)
* Khamul dechaine (Khamul Unleashed)
* L'Anneau reprouve (The Reviled Ring)
* L’Anneau Unique (The One Ring)***
* La Carte Maitre d'Armes (2) (Special French promo)**
* La chasse (The Hunt)
* La Chemise de Mithril (The Mithril-Coat)
* La Pierre Arken (promo) (The Arkenstone)**
* Langue de Serpent (Wormtongue)*
* Le Roi des ouargues (The Warg-King)
* Le Tresor (The Precious)
* Les Pierres (The Stones)
* Leucaruth au gite (2) (Leucaruth at Home)
* Lieutenant de Dol Guldur (Lieutenant of Dol Guldur)
* Lieutenant uruk (Uruk-Lieutenant)
* Malediction de la Pierre d'Ithil (2) (Bane of the Ithil-Stone)*
* Minas Morgul (French version)
* Nain (French version)
* Nenselde la Wingild (Nenselde the Wingild)*
* Nenya (French version)*
* Nous sommes venus pour tuer (We Have Come to Kill)
* Nouvelles de la Comte (News of the Shire)
* Nuages (Clouds)
* Nuit de Morgul (Morgul Night)*
* Oeil de Sauron (2) (Eye of Sauron)
* Ordre de tuer (Ordered to Kill)
* Palantir d'Annuminas (Limited & LE) (Palantir of Annuminas)
* Passion dans la fureur (3) (Passion of Wrath)
* Perdus en mer (Lost at Sea)
* Pour vous emporter (2) (To Get You Away)
* Preuve de bonne volonte (Token of Goodwill)
* Prouesse dans la puissance (2) (Prowess of Might)
* Prouesse de l'age (Prowess of Age)
* Quelque chose s'est glisse (Something has Slipped)
* Rats de Morgul (Morgul-Rats)
* Revele a tous les regards (Revealed to all Watchers) - not mint
* Ringil (Special French promo)***
* Rogrog (French version)
* Roi sous la montagne (King Under the Mountain)*
* Roi-Sorcier d'Angmar (Witch-King of Angmar)*
* Sacrifice d'aspect (Sacrifice of Form)*
* Scatha enrage (Scatha Roused)
* Scorba au gite (3) (Scorba at Home)
* Snaga (French version)
* Sombre influence (Long Dark Reach)
* Subtilite dans la ruse (2) (Subtlety of Guile)
* Tempetes d'Osse (Storms of Osse)
* Tenebres sous les arbres (Darkness Under Tree)
* Tolfalas (French version)
* Tombe du ciel noir (Out of the Black Sky)
* Tortue feroce (2) (Fell Turtle)
* Tuez-les tous, mais PAS les Semi-Hommes (Kill All but NOT the Halflings)
* Umagaur le Blafard (Umagaur the Pale)*
* Une reception inattendue (An Unexpected Party)*
* Uruk-Hai (French version)
* Velocite dans la hate (2) (Velocity of Haste)
* Vilya (French version)*
* Voleur (Thief)
* Vygavril (2) (French version)


* Accampamento Variag (Variag Camp)
* Anduril, la Fiamma dell'Occidente (Anduril, the Flame of the West)
* Anello dei Nani della Stirpe di Barin (Dwarven Ring of Barin's Tribe)
* Anello dei Nani della Stirpe di Dwalin (2) (Dwarven Ring of Dwalin's Tribe)
* Bocca di Sauron (Mouth of Sauron)*
* Circolo di Pietra (2) (Stone-Circle)
* Elrond (Italian version)*
* Esercito dei Morti (Army of the Dead) - excellent condition
* Galva (Italian version)
* Haldalam (2) (Italian version)
* Isole dei Morti che Vivono (2) (Isle of the Dead that Live)
* L’Unico Anello (The One Ring)***
* Le Pietre (The Stones)
* Mumak (Italian version)
* Nascondersi (Hiding) - near mint condition
* Navigazione Sicura (Fair Sailing)
* Palantir di Amon Sul (Palantir of Amon Sul)
* Parole di Potere e Terrore (2) (Words of Power and Terror)
* Persi in Mare (Lost at Sea)
* Pugnale di Morgul (Morgul-Knife)
* Ren l'Impuro (Ren the Unclean)*
* Roäc il Corvo (2) (Roac the Raven)
* Sentieri dei Morti (Paths of the Dead)
* Sudroni (Southrons)
* Tempeste di Osse (2) (Storms of Osse)
* Thorin II (Italian version)*
* Uomini Pukel (2) (Pukel-Men)
* Variag del Khand (Variags of Khand)
* Viaggi Sicuri nei Domini Oscuri (2) (Fair Travels in Dark-Domains)
* Voce dello Stregone (Wizard's Voice)
* Vygavril (Italian version)
* Wose dell'Antica Terra Pukel (2) (Woses of Old Pukel-Land)


* A Coroa de Ferro (The Iron Crown (Galician promo))***
* Agburanar (3) (Spanish version)*
* Agburanar en Casa (Agburanar at Home)
* Anillo Enano de la Tribu de Bavor (Dwarven Ring of Bavor's Tribe)*
* Anillo Enano de la Tribu de Dwalin (Dwarven Ring of Dwalin's Tribe)*
* Antigua Hacha Negra (Ancient Black Axe)
* Bairanax en Casa (Bairanax at Home)
* Barad-Dur (Spanish version)*
* Boromir II (2) (Carta del set especial de iniciacion)***
* Bosque Viejo (AS) (Old Forest) - Spanish misprint**
* Busqueda Afortunada (UL) (Lucky Search)
* Caballos Salvajes (Wild Horses)
* Campamento Oriental (UL) (Easterling Camp)
* Cambiatonos (Shifter of Hues)
* Caras de Trasgos (Goblin-Faces)
* Centinela Silencioso (Silent Watcher)*
* Circulo de Piedras (Stone-Circle)*
* Cirdan (Spanish version)*
* Cirith Ungol (Spanish version)*
* Dain II (UL) (Spanish version)
* Dardo Mortifero (Deadly Dart (Galician promo))*
* Destreza de la Agilidad (Deftness of Agility)
* Discusiones Oscuras (2) (Carta del set especial de iniciacion)***
* Dol Guldur (Spanish version)*
* El Anillo Unico (Limited*** & UL**) (The One Ring)
* El Concilio Blanco (The White Council)
* El Concilio Negro (The Black Council)
* El Gran Ojo (The Great Eye)
* El Precioso (UL) (The Precious)
* Elfos de Lindon (2) (Elves of Lindon)*
* Enanos Mezquinos (M) (Petty-Dwarves)
* Entrada Secreta (UL) (Secret Entrance)
* Equilibrio entre Poderes (Balance Between Powers)
* Escuela Arcana (Arcane School)
* Fana Verdadero (Limited* & UL) (True Fana)
* Favor de los Valar (Favor of the Valar)*
* Flecha Negra (Black Arrow (Castillian promo))*
* Fuego Liquido (Liquid Fire)
* Furia de la Corona de Hierro (Fury of the Iron Crown (Castillian promo)**
* Gemas de Arda (Gems of Arda)
* Genets de Llops (2) (Wolf-Riders (Catalan promo))***
* Gobernar las Tormentas (Govern the Storms)
* Grandes Medio-Orcos (Greater Half-Orcs)
* Haldalam (2) (Spanish version)*
* Huida (6) (Carta del set especial de iniciacion)**
* Isla de los Muertos que Viven (Isle of the Dead that Live)*
* Jinetes de Lobos (Wolf-Riders (Castillian promo))***
* La Corona de Hierro (The Iron Crown (Castillian promo))**
* La Espada Palida (UL) (The Pale Sword)
* La Hoja Flamigera (The Fiery Blade)
* La Puerta de los Trasgos (2) (Goblin-Gate (Castillian promo))*
* La Venganza de la Naturaleza (Nature's Revenge)
* Las Piedras (The Stones)*
* Las Profundidades Pukel (AS) (The Pukel-Deeps)
* Las Profundidadas Sulfurosas (The Sulfur-Deeps)*
* Leucaruth en Casa (Leucaruth at Home)
* Monturas (Steeds)
* Noche de Morgul (UL) (Morgul Night)
* Nuestros Propios Lobos (Our Own Wolves)
* Orcos de Dol Guldur (Orcs of Dol Guldur)
* Palabras de Poder y Terror (UL) (Words of Power and Terror)
* Palido Sonador (2) (Pale Dream-Maker)
* Pallando el Guardian de las Almas (Pallando the Soul-Keeper)
* Pasion de la Colera (Passion of Wrath)
* Perdidos en las Regiones de la Oscuridad (2) (Lost in Dark-Domains)*
* Piedra de Erech (UL) (Stone of Erech)
* Primero de la Orden (First of the Order)
* Pueblos Enteros Levantados (Whole Villages Roused)
* Puerta Hendida (Riven Gate)
* Quince Pajaros en Cinco Abetos (Fifteen Birds in Five Firtrees)
* Ramaviva (2) (Carta del set especial de iniciacion)***
* Recuerdos Robados (Memories Stolen)
* Renunciar al Poder por los Artificios (Power Relinquished to Artifice)
* Rey Bajo la Montana (2) (King Under the Mountain)*
* Scorba en Casa (Scorba at Home)
* Senor Alado del Cambio (Winged Change-Master)
* Senor de la Carroca (Lord of the Carrock)
* Sutileza de la Astucia (Subtlety of Guile)
* Tesoro de Mago (Wizard's Trove)
* Todas las Campanas al Vuelo (3) (All the Bells Ringing) - Spanish misprint**
* Tom Bombadil (Spanish version)*
* Tormentas de Osse (UL) (Storms of Osse)
* Torre Arrasada (Tower Raided)
* Tortuga Maligna (Fell Turtle)*
* Traicionar al Mayor Enemigo (Treason the Greatest Foe)
* Travesuras Maliciosas (2) (Mischief in a Mean Way)
* Tumulario (4) (Carta del set especial de iniciacion)**
* Ugluk (Spanish version)*
* Una Enfermedad sin Curacion (A Malady Without Healing)*
* Valle de Erech (Vale of Erech)*
* Veneno (Poison)*
* Xinetes de Lobos (Wolf-Riders (Galician promo))***
* Complete Spanish Limited TW Fixed Set**
* Set de Iniciacion (3) (Spanish Beginners Set)** - without the 8 Special cards with alternative artwork, containing 112 cards


* Annuminasin Palantir (Palantir of Annuminas)
* Arkkikivi (The Arkenstone)
* Eteläisten Keidas (Southron Oasis)
* Hallavaharja (Shadowfax)
* Itäläiset (2) (Easterlings)
* Kalpea Miekka (The Pale Sword)
* Kaunis Sää (Clear Skies)
* Leucaruth (Finnish version)*
* Mithrilpaita (The Mithril-Coat)
* Vallan Kiusaus (Lure of Power)
* Vygavril (Finnish version)
* Yksi Sormus (The One Ring)***


* Agburanar at Home (Japanese version)
* Aiglos (Japanese version)*
* Baduila (Japanese version)*
* Bairanax at Home (Japanese version)
* Balance Between Powers (Japanese version)
* Bring Our Curses Home (3) (Japanese version)
* Carn Dum (UL) (Japanese version)
* Choice of Luthien (Japanese version)*
* Dunharrow (UL) (Japanese version)
* Eagle-Mounts (UL) (Japanese version)
* Exile of Solitude (Japanese version)
* Favor of the Valar (UL) (Japanese version)
* Frenzy of Madness (Japanese version)
* Gems of Arda (Japanese version)
* Golodhros (Japanese version)*
* Gothmog (Japanese version)*
* Herb-Lore (Japanese version)
* Hour of Need (2) (Japanese version)
* Into the Smoking Cone (Japanese version)*
* Itangast at Home (Japanese version)
* King Under the Mountain (Japanese version)*
* Leucaruth at Home (Japanese version)
* Like the Crash of Battering-Rams (2) (Japanese version)
* Long Dark Reach (2) (Japanese version)
* Lost in Dark-Domains (UL) (Japanese version)
* Minas Morgul (UL) (Japanese version)
* Morannon (UL) (Japanese version)
* Morgul-Rats (2) (Japanese version)
* Neeker-Breekers (2) (Japanese promo)**
* Palantir of Amon Sul (UL) (Japanese version)
* Palantir of Annuminas (Japanese version)*
* Parsimony of Seclusion (Japanese version)
* Pass the Doors of Dol Guldur (Japanese version)*
* Prowess of Might (Japanese version)
* Scorba at Home (Japanese version)
* Stone-Circle (UL) (Japanese version)
* Taladhan (Japanese version)*
* The Black Enemy's Wrath (Japanese version)
* The Grimburgoth (Japanese version)*
* The Hunt (2) (Japanese version)
* The Iron Crown (Japanese promo)**
* To Get You Away (Japanese version)
* Traitor (UL) (Japanese version)
* Vale of Erech (UL x 2) (Japanese version)
* Variag Camp (UL) (Japanese version)
* Wizard's Ring (UL x 2) (Japanese version)
* Complete Japanese Dark Minions non-rare collection (130 Commons & Uncommons)**

Signed cards:

* Saruman (Dutch version) - signed by Angus McBride**
* Aragorn II (English version) - signed by Angus McBride**
* Bergil (Japanese UL version) - signed by Stefano Baldo*
* Cirdan (English version) - signed by Quinton Hoover**
* Cirdan (Dutch version) - signed by Quinton Hoover**
* Galadriel (Dutch version) - signed by Angus McBride**
* Galva (Dutch version) - signed by Quinton Hoover**
* Halbarad (Japanese version) - signed by Quinton Hoover*
* Imrahil (Finnish version) - signed by Donato Giancola*
* Legolas (Finnish version) - signed by Quinton Hoover**
* Wacho (Japanese UL version) - signed by Stefano Baldo*
* Woses of Old Pukel-Land (Japanese version) - signed by Stefano Baldo**
* Dwarven Ring of Bavor's Tribe (Dutch version) - signed by Dan Frazier**
* Dwarven Ring of Durin's Tribe (Finnish version) - signed by Dan Frazier**
* Dwarven Ring of Thrar's Tribe (Finnish version) - signed by Audrey Corman**
* Halfling Strenght (Japanese version) - signed by Donato Giancola*
* Wizard's Fire (English version) - signed by Edward Beard Jr.**
* Wizard’s River Horses (Spanish version) - signed by Rob Alexander*
* Ren the Unclean (Italian version) - signed by Liz Danforth**
* Mouth of Sauron (German version) - signed by Donato Giancola**
* Mouth of Sauron (Italian version) - signed by Donato Giancola**
* Fell Turtle (Italian version) - signed by Quinton Hoover**
* Fell Turtle (Japanese version) - signed by Quinton Hoover**
* Dragon’s Desolation (English version) - signed by Edward Beard Jr.*
* The Will of the Ring (Japanese version) - signed by Donato Giancola**
* Lorien (Japanese UL version) - signed by Stefano Baldo*
* Staff Asunder (German version) - signed by Donato Giancola**
* The Mouth (English version) - signed by Alan Rabinowitz**

To make a trade with Timo, E-mail him at: MECCG@gmx.de (no PM's please)
Last edited by Thrain II on Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:35 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Admiral Thrain II, G.A.B. Gold, Silver and White Mithril Team Leader
Thrain II
Ex Council Member
Posts: 48
Joined: Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:38 pm
Location: Oslo, Norway

Updated 14-07-2010
Admiral Thrain II, G.A.B. Gold, Silver and White Mithril Team Leader
Thrain II
Ex Council Member
Posts: 48
Joined: Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:38 pm
Location: Oslo, Norway

Updated 16-10-2010
Admiral Thrain II, G.A.B. Gold, Silver and White Mithril Team Leader
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