Signed/autographed cards

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Posts: 58
Joined: Sun Jul 05, 2009 5:58 am
Location: France, Alsace

Hi Folks!

I want to ask your opinion about the actual value of autographed/signed cards of our favourite card game, nowadays.
I saw a pack of 17 cards (mostly commons, fixed and Unco) sold at 50euros on ebay. Is it a normal price for you?
i know that artists are not really signing more meccg stuff now, and that signed cards were usualy offer as 1/2/3 prizes in tournament (set of nazgul of liz Danforth, carambor...). So it seems that signed cards in good conditions will rather increase their value, even if only commons or fixed.
New example: a single Signed "Bree" English Limited by Randy Gallegos is seen at 5€ on the site.

I think many things need to be evaluated:
- The normal card rarity
- promo or not
- The language (finnish/dutch/japanese = rarer than german/french/english)
- maybe even the artist? Are some more willing to autograph cards than others, and in this case which will be the most look after?

Could some of you help me by giving me your opinion on this matter, so I'll try to write down an equation for an approximate correct prize?
For example, a common/fixed/Unco would be worth 3-5 euros, and a rare card maybe x3 time it's normal value? does it sound appropriate for you, or still too cheap?

Let us debate about it please :-)
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It really depends on how the buyer values them. I personally have bought few signed Nazgûl cards for the price of non signed cards and I wouldn't pay premium for them. In some cases people find signed cards less valued than non signed cards.
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Khamul the Easterling
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I have both met in person and contacted my mail several artists over the years. Most of them were happy to sign a reasonable number of cards for free, some charge a small amount like $2 - $5. Probably no artist is happy to sign cards for free or a low price and then see you selling them on eBay for more.
That's why I'd not pay more for signed cards than for normal ones. On the other hand, I value my spare signed cards highly and wouldn't sell them but would trade them only for other signed cards.
Cards from artists deceased may be an exception. Signed cards from Angus McBride or Quinton Hoover I'd rate more valuable than other signed cards.

Watch out for fake signed cards that can sometimes be found on ebay!
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Location: France, Alsace

Thanks for your two opinions.
Indeed, if you're not searching for signed cards, and need only the regular version of it, no need to pay it more. :-) That's why, I consider it's simply not a market for this player. That's where I'm placing myself: I'd like to know how much $$ is correct, and to find a right price (if only possible to settle) for the collectors who really have an interest in it. And when a buyer ask me if I sell some and at which price, I'm not feeling comfortable when answering only : "dunno. How much would you pay for them?"

I personnaly really see it as an added value, and generally people who are looking for them too see it that way. Something rare.
Furthermore, as I took contact with all the artists I have authographed cards from, and paid the shipping (go/back) + assurance + occasional fee asked by some artist, I really feel permitted to ask more than their normal value.

And again, it's not in the idea of making cash with them on the back of our talented & appreciated artists (otherwise I'll put them on ebay too, 15 for 50$). At first, it was a Quest of Having All Cards Signed. Yes, I was young and full of hope. Some artists were really kind enough to autograph some to me, so I don't want to abuse of this kindness by transforming it into a cash-machine (at least if I don't have to sell my car, my home and a lung). But now I have some duplicates, and it seems that many other collectors find an interest in it, and ask me to trade/sell them away. It happens more and more since a year.

That's why I 'm asking the opinion of the community. I'm not arguing with the fact that this cards interest not everyone. But It seems some people are ok to spend more than the average value of the basic cards if it's autographed. But what is an equilibrate price, not over-expensiv but not underrated too?
Hard question... could we reach an concensus, or is it Impossible Mission?
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