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[WTTF/WTB/FT] Faramir1985 07/02/2024

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2023 11:52 am
by Faramir1985
Hi everybody from Spain !!!

Council of Rivendel (spanish forum):
  • Witch-King, h-boy x3, prokofiev , Smaug74 x3, Nickokapanga x2; Germelos x4; Magretti x3, Mentor x2, Wasabe, Maedhros, miquel1714,Dungeonboy,Morgy x2,Rovenbaz x2,Eguer,Raposo1984,jocoseru,Policromados,Revolteo,Richi_2120
Council of Elrond:
  • TomBombadil
  • ........ NONE

  • Marked with :arrow: cards on trade process (More than one :arrow: number of copys on trade)
    Marked with :!: Interesting cards
    Marked with :| No good conditions cards (I can share photos if you are intereted)


  • Campamento Oriental (Easterling Camp)
    Quebradas de los Túmulos (Barrow-downs) :arrow:



  • Dardo Mortífero (Deadly Dart) x3
    Furia de la Corona de Hierro (Fury of the Iron Crown)
    Gordo Bolger (Fatty Bolger)
    Jinetes de lobos (wolf-riders) x2 Promo + alternative art
    La puerta de los trasgos (Goblin-gate) x2
    Nique-Briques (Neeker-breekers)
    Discusiones oscuras (Dark Quarrels) alternative art
    Tumulario x2 (Barrow-wight) alternative art
    Todas las Campanas al Vuelo (All the Bells Ringing) Spanish missprint map back
    Bosque viejo (Old Forest) Spanish missprint eye back
  • The arkenstone :!:
  • Schwarzer Pfeil (Black arrow) :!:
    Das Wüten der Eisernen Krone (Fury of the Iron Crown) x2
    Flammen des zorns (Ireful flames)


  • Anillo de Mago (Wizard's Ring) :|
    Anillo Enano de la Tribu de Bávor (Dwarven Ring of Bávor's Tribe) :|
    Balrog de Moria (Balrog of Moria) :|
    Bilbo :|
    Cirith Ungol :|
    Daelomin :|
    El Destino de Gollum (Gollum's Fate) :|
    Entrada Secreta (Secret Entrance) :|
    Fána Verdadero (True Fána)
    Variags de Khand (Variags of Khand)
  • Belagerung (Siege)
    Der Eine Ring (The One Ring) :!:
    Der Wille des Rings (The Will of the Ring)
    Der Wille Saurons (The Will of Sauron) :!:
    Die Nazgûl sind unterwegs (The Nazgûl are Abroad)
    Die Pfade der Toten (Paths of the Dead)
    Geheimtür (Secret Entrance)
    Morannon (Morannon)
    Opferung der Gestalt (Sacrifice of Form)
    Osses Sturmflut (Storms of Ossë)
    Ring der Zauberer (Wizard's Ring)
    Versteck (Hiding)


  • Agburanar
    Anillo de Mago (Wizard's Ring)
    Anillo Enano de la Tribu de Bávor (Dwarven Ring of Bávor's Tribe)
    Anillo Enano de la Tribu de Durin (Dwarven Ring of Durin's Tribe)
    Asesino (Assassin) :!:
    Barad-dûr x3
    Búsqueda Afortunada (Lucky Search) x2
    Campamento Variag (Variag Camp) :oops:
    Canción Élfica (Elf-song)
    Carn Dûm
    Centinela Silencioso (Silent Watcher)
    Círculo de Piedras (Stone-circle)
    Cirith Ungol x2
    Corteza (Skinbark)
    Cuchillo de Morgul (Morgul-knife) x2
    Dain II x2
    Denethor II
    Dwar de Waw :!:
    El Anillo Único (The One Ring) :!:
    El Antro de Ella-Laraña (Shelob's Lair)
    El Equilibrio de las Cosas (The Balance of Things)
    El Gran Trasgo (The Great Goblin) x2
    El Precioso (The Precious) x2
    El Retorno del Rey (Return of the King) x2
    El Sagrario (Dunharrow)
    Elrond :!:
    Favor de los Valar (Favor of the Valar) x2
    Fuego del Mago (Wizard's Fire) x2
    Galadriel x2 :!:
    Gran Barco (Great Ship) x2
    Haldalam :|
    Hoarmûrath de Dír
    Hobbits x2
    Hombres Pûkel (Pûkel-men)
    Khamûl el Oriental (Khamûl the Easterling) :!:
    La Boca de Sauron (Mouth of Sauron) :!:
    La Piedra de Arca (The Arkenstone)
    La voluntad de Sauron (The Will of Sauron) x2 :!:
    Los Nazgûl Andan Sueltos (The Nazgûl are Abroad) x3
    Narya x2
    Noche de Morgul (Morgul Night)
    Nubes (Clouds)
    Oasis Sureño (Southron Oasis)
    Orientales (Easterlings) x2
    Palabras de Poder y Terror (Words of Power and Terror) x2
    Palantir de Amon Sûl (Palantír of Amon Sûl)
    Palantir de Osgiliath (Palantír of Osgiliath)
    Perdidos en el Mar (Lost at Sea)
    Piedra de Erech (Stone of Erech) x2
    Ren el Impío (Ren the Unclean) x2 :!:
    Roäc el Cuervo (Roäc the Raven)
    Sacrificio de la Forma (Sacrifice of Form)
    Sombragrís (Shadowfax)
    Sureños (Southrons) x2
    Thorin II x2
    Tom Bombadil
    Travesía Tranquila (Fair Sailing) x2
    Ûvatha el jinete (Ûvatha the Horseman) :!:
    Variags de Khand (Variags of Khand)
    Viaje Tranquilo por las Regiones Libres (Fair Travels in Free-domains)
    Vilya x2 :!:
    Voz del Mago (Wizard's Voice)
    Woses de la Tierra del Viejo Pûkel (Woses of Old Pûkel-land) x2


  • Bairanax en casa (Bairanax at Home)x2 R3
    Botín legendario (Legendary Hoard) R2
    Cambia pieles (Skin-changer) R2
    Celeridad de la rapidez (Velocity of Haste) R3
    Daelomin en Casa (Daelomin at Home) R3 x2
    Destreza de la agilidad (Deftness of Agility) x3
    Eärcarase en casa (Eärcaraxë at Home) R3
    El poder de la edad (Prowess of Age) R3
    Fiebre de la Inquietud (Fever of Unrest) R3
    Hambre de Dragón (Dragon's Hunger) x3 R3
    Leucarath en casa (Leucaruth at Home) x3 R3
    Muchas penas sufriras (Many Sorrows Befall) R2 :|
    No escaparas a mi magia (No Escape from My Magic) R2
    Ratas de morgul (Morgul-rats) x3 R3
    Rey bajo la montaña (King under the Mountain) x2 R2
    Scatha R2
    Scatha en casa (Scatha at Home) x2 R3
    Scorba en casa (Scorba at Home) R3
    Smaug en casa (Smaug at Home) x2 R3
    Valor del poder (Prowess of Might) R3 :|
    Yelmo de su discrección (Helm of Her Secrecy)R2
  • Daelomin daheim (Daelomin at Home) R3
    Das Lied der Herrin (Song of the Lady) R2
    Das Rätselpiel (The Riddle Game) x2 R2
    Earcaraxe daheim (Eärcaraxë at Home) R3
    Erfahrung vieler Jahre (Prowess of Age) x2
    Es gibt kein Entkommen (No Escape from My Magic) R3
    Mathom (Mathom Lore) R2
    Verlorene Erinnerungen (Memories Stolen) x2 R2
    Wahnsinnige Raserei (Frenzy of Madness) R3
    Wilder Geflügelter Unhold (Wild Fell Beast) R2
    Zurück aus der Einsamkeit (Parsimony of Seclusion) R3


  • Baduila R2 :!:
    Brazo largo y oscuro (Long Dark Reach) R3
    Como el retumbar de los arietes (Like the Crash of Battering-rams) x3 R3
    Conocimiento de las hierbas (Herb-lore) x4 R3
    Conocimiento de los hobbits (Hobbit-lore) x5 R3
    Desde el Cielo Negro (Out of the Black Sky) R3
    Elerina R2
    El daño de Durin (Durin's Bane)R2
    El Grimburgoth (The Grimburgoth) x2 R2 :!:
    En el Corazón de su Reino (In the Heart of his Realm) R3
    Equilibrio entre poderes (Balance Between Powers) R3
    Firiel x2 R2
    Gemas de Arda (Gems of Arda) x4 R3
    La Cólera del Enemigo Negro (The Black Enemy's Wrath) x3 R3
    La elección de Luthien (Choice of Lúthien) R2
    Las profundidades sulfurosas (The Sulfur-deeps) x2 R2
    Los subterraneso de hierro (The Iron-deeps) x2 R2
    Luz de Galadriel (Phial of Galadriel) x3 R2
    Mi precioso (My Precious) R2 :!:
    Movimiento desesperado (Hour of Need) x2 R3
    Ojos de mandos (Eyes of Mandos) R3 x5
    Orden de matar (Ordered to Kill) x4 R3
    Para Llevarte Conmigo (To Get You Away) x3 R3
    Prenda de buena voluntad (Token of Goodwill) R3
    Primero de la Orden (First of the Order) x2 R3
    Taladhan x2 R2
    Totem tribal (Tribal Totem) x3 R3
    Una tertulia inesperada (An Unexpected Party) x2 R3


  • Adûnaphel desencadenada (Adûnaphel Unleashed)
    La corona de hierro (The Iron Crown)
    Las piedras (the stones)
    Rumores del único (Rumor of the One)
    Scorba despierto (Scorba Roused)
  • Wasa aus dem eryn vorn (Woses of the Eryn Vorn)
  • Adûnaphel the Ringwraith
    Akhôrahil the Ringwraith
    Barad-dûr x4
    Caves of Ûlund x2
    Dale x2
    Dwar the Ringwraith
    Ettenmoors x4
    Goblins of Goblin-gate
    Grey Mountain Goblins
    Hoarmûrath the Ringwraith
    Indûr the Ringwraith
    Khamûl the Ringwraith
    Minas Tirith x2
    Ren the Ringwraith
    The Lonely Mountain x2
    The Witch-king x2
    Thranduil's Halls x2
    Ûvatha the Ringwraith
    Vale of Erech x2
    Variag Camp
    Variags of Khand
    Zarak Dûm
  • Barad-Dûr x3
    Landes d'Etten (Ettenmoors) x3
    Minas Tirith
    Val d'Erech (Vale of erech)
  • Buhr Widu
    Männer von Dorwinion (Men of Dorwinion)


  • Alatar el Cazador (Alatar the Hunter) x2
    Alianza de los Pueblos Libres (Alliance of Free Peoples)
    Angmarim (minion)
    Anillo de Fidelidad (Troth-ring) x5
    Anillo Esclavo (Thrall-ring)
    Bairanax Despierto (Bairanax Roused) x2 :!:
    Caballeros del Príncipe (Knights of the Prince)
    Cerca para Escuchar un Susurro (Near to Hear a Whisper) x4
    Collar de Girion (Necklace of Girion)
    Critaura de un Mundo más Antiguo (Creature of an Older World) x3
    Daelomin Despierto (Daelomin Roused) :!:
    Eärcaraxë Despierto (Eärcaraxë Roused) :!:
    Edhellond (Edhellond) x2
    El Balrog (The Balrog)
    Espías Temidos (Spies Feared)
    Framsburgo (Framsburg) x3
    Gandalf el Jinete Blanco (Gandalf the White Rider) x2
    Gran Señor de la Puerta de los Trasgos (Great Lord of Goblin-gate) x2
    Itangast Despierto (Itangast Roused) x2 :!:
    Látigo de Fuego (Thong of Fire)
    Leucaruth Despierto (Leucaruth Roused) :!:
    Lluvia de Dardos (Hail of Darts)
    Los Subterráneos de las Gemas (The Gem-deeps) x2
    Montura Eliminada (Mount Slain) x2
    Monturas (Steeds)
    Mundo Roido por Seres Innombrables (World Gnawed by the Nameless) x3
    Nuestros Propios Lobos (Our Own Wolves) x2
    Orcos de Dol Guldur (Orcs of Dol Guldur) x2
    Orcos de Morgul (Morgul-orcs) x3
    Pallando el Guardián de las Almas (Pallando the Soul-keeper)
    Puerta Hendida (Riven Gate)
    Puertos Grises (Grey Havens)
    Radagast el Domador (Radagast the Tamer)
    Rhosgobel (Rhosgobel) x2
    Rivendel (Rivendell) x2
    Sabuesos de Sauron (Hounds of Sauron)
    Saruman el Sabio (Saruman the Wise) x2
    Senescal Desleal (Faithless Steward) x2
    Señor de la Casa (Master of the House) x2
    Señor de los Puertos (Lord of the Haven)
    Un Enemigo al que Declarar la Guerra (One Foe to Breed a War)
    Usa Tus Piernas (Use Your Legs)
    Voluntad Debilitada (Will Shaken)


  • Cambiatonos (Shifter of Hues) R3 x2
    Caminos Roídos (Gnawed Ways) R3 x2
    Devorador de Tierra (Earth-eater) R3
    El Concilio Blanco (The White Council) R3
    El Mago Blanco (The White Wizard) R2 :!:
    Fuego Líquido (Liquid Fire) R3
    Garra Grotesca a la Vista (Cruel Claw Perceived) R3 x2
    Gobernar las Tormentas (Govern the Storms) R3
    Grandes Medio-orcos (Greater Half-orcs) R3
    Imitación (Counterfeit) R3
    La Hoja Flamígera (The Fiery Blade) R3
    La Venganza de la Naturaleza (Nature's Revenge) R3
    Los vigilantes de Oromë (Oromë's Warders) R2 :!:
    Maquinario de Saruman (Saruman's Machinery) R3
    Máscara Desgarrada (Mask Torn) R3
    Podredumbre Interior (Inner Rot) x2 R3
    Restos y Despojos (Flotsam and Jetsam) R3
    Señor Alado del Cambio (Winged Change-master) R3 x2
    Sumergirse en las Sombras (Sojourn in Shadows) R3 x2
    Tesoro de Mago (Wizard's Trove) R3
    Ugluk R2 :!:
    Un Nuevo Señor de los Anillos (A New Ringlord) R3
  • A New Ringlord (Un Nuevo Señor de los Anillos) R3
    Counterfeit (Imitación) R3
    Cruel Claw Perceived (Garra Grotesca a la Vista) R3
    Euog (Ulzog) R2 :!:
    Give welcome to unexpected (Dar bienvenida a los no esperados) R2 :!:
    Glove of Radagast (Guante de Radagast) R2 :!:
    Gnawed Ways (Caminos Roídos) R3
    Govern the Storms (Gobernar las Tormentas) R3
    Greater Half-orcs (Grandes Medio-orcos) R3
    Keys to the White Towers (Llaves de las torres blancas) R2 :!:
    Keys of Orthanc (Llaves de Orthanc) R2 :!:
    Mischief in a Mean Way (Travesuras Maliciosas) R3
    Power Relinquished to Artifice (Renunciar al Poder por los Artificios) R3
    Rolled down to the sea (Río abajo hasta el Mar) R2 :!:
    Something Else at Work (Algún otro Poder en Juego) R3
    The Black Council (El Concilio Negro) R3
    Uglúk R2 :!:
    Winged Change-master (Señor Alado del Cambio) R3
    Whole villages roused R3

Thank you for reading till the end !!! :wink:

Re: Faramir1985 16/07/2023

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2023 7:57 pm
by Uwe
Hi Faramir,unfortunately I have none of the cards in English or Spanish.But is there a chance to trade sumergise en las sombras (sojourn in the shadow) as I’m looking for this card?I‘m Uwe and located in Germany.Bye.

Re: [WTTF/WTB/FT] Faramir1985 11/09/2023

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2023 9:40 am
by Faramir1985
Updated 11/09/2023

Re: [WTTF/WTB/FT] Faramir1985 25/08/2023

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2023 6:57 am
by TomBombadil
PM sent :)