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Is there a deck taxonomy
Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 7:47 am
by Papylon
The Meccg-forum disappeared (it has been a couple of weeks now) and with it the entire hazard/resource deck taxonomy and collection of decks. An invaluable resource for us newcomers to the game.
Does anybody know if there is any other source for it? Or does someone sit on a wealth of deck listing?
![Haven [-me_ha-]](./images/smilies/me_ha.png)
Re: Is there a deck taxonomy
Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 8:03 am
by Darksatin
You can find the old forum with the Wayback Machine : ... et/dforum/
Re: Is there a deck taxonomy
Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 10:39 am
by Papylon
Most of the decks are not archived. As well as all the hazard decks.

Re: Is there a deck taxonomy
Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 11:31 am
by Wyncer
Yeah, as a newbie, I would love to see more common deck lists and deck techs especially for the hero faction.
Re: Is there a deck taxonomy
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 2:16 am
by the JabberwocK
Papylon wrote: ↑Sat Aug 12, 2017 7:47 am
The Meccg-forum disappeared (it has been a couple of weeks now) and with it the entire hazard/resource deck taxonomy and collection of decks. An invaluable resource for us newcomers to the game.
Does anybody know if there is any other source for it? Or does someone sit on a wealth of deck listing?
I would love to see more people post their own decks in this forum. Sorry to hear that information is lost. Although I have no direct ties to, I will inquire to see if I can find some information on if that forum will be resurrected.
Wyncer wrote: ↑Sun Aug 13, 2017 11:31 am
Yeah, as a newbie, I would love to see more common deck lists and deck techs especially for the hero faction.
Can you give me more info on what you are looking for specifically please? You want Hero alignment. Can they contain a bunch of rares? Or are you looking for Common/Uncommon only? Or what? Tournament competitive? Or just casual fun?
Re: Is there a deck taxonomy
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 11:55 am
by Wyncer
Hey there,
sure, I'll be happy to. I'm looking for 5 decks in total, one for each wizard, mostly competitive and preferably with different strategies (one ring dunk, coastal, dwarf hoard/king under the mountain?).
I probably have all rares from TW and TD at least once (3x Mouth of Sauron, 2x Assassin, all Ringwraiths, 3x Aduphanel, 2x Khamul) staple commons (at least 12x) and uncommons (at least 9x), also some of the "competitive" commons and uncommons from later sets (at least 6x each: in search of the ent wives, which might be lies, promptings of wisdom, neither ancient nor so potent, gnaw with words, power built by waiting, little snuffler, two or three tribes present, "the men enhancement", exhalation of decay, full of froth and rage,...). Regarding the characters, I have the rare ones at least once and multiple copies of the fixed, common and uncommon ones. Basically most of the commons/uncommons except from the Balrog set.
Re: Is there a deck taxonomy
Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 4:13 am
by the JabberwocK
Ok, thanks for the additional info.
I will ask thorondor if he has such decks available and if so, request that he respond to this thread.
Also, I will attempt to upload a few of my own decks in the future when I get some time. My decks are "casually competitive" only though, not intended to compete in Worlds and such, haha.
Re: Is there a deck taxonomy
Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:16 am
by Wyncer
I'm totally fine with competitive casual
Any input/deck list is appreciated.
Re: Is there a deck taxonomy
Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 9:00 am
by Mzafar
Do you read Spanish? If so, you can find what you are looking for here:
Some of the deck lists are written in English, but you will find all the playing tips in Spanish...
Re: Is there a deck taxonomy
Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 10:41 pm
by Kjeld
The deck taxonomy on was nice because it provided a simple index of common resource and hazard deck builds with links to examples of the different designs. I note that this forum itself contains a large number of deck designs and descriptions, but they're spread out all over the place. A new taxonomy could be built simply by organizing these designs into a coherent, one-stop-shop index system.
For example, it would be useful for somebody getting into the game to be able to look up deck examples by theme or general strategy. Want to build a Hobbit deck? Here's some examples. Want to build a deck around dwarves mining for treasure? Here's some examples. Want to build a coastal faction-gathering deck? Here you go!
Another option would be decks designed with different levels of collections in mind. So, decks with a low frequency of rare cards, or decks that include only cards in MetW and The Dragons, etc.
You can also imagine looking up decks by avatar. So, for example, you're intrigued by Fallen Gandalf, but need some help figuring out how to make him work. The index could point you to different Fallen Gandalf decks.
On the hazard side, same idea. Want an undead, dragon/drake, Nazgul attack, detainment, corruption, or whatever other style of deck? Here's some examples. Want to know hazard strategies against minion squatters or an Indy Jones deck? Here's some examples.
And so on. An index like this could make the game a lot more accessible, I think.
The other
amazing thing that I would like to see is a deck-building tool that is as easy and intuitive as what we now have for the LotR LCG: Take a look at that and tell me it wouldn't be awesome to have something similar for MECCG!
Re: Is there a deck taxonomy
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 10:28 am
by Wyncer
Oh man, a ringsdb/arkhamdb/netrunnerdb/thronesdb/dtdb would be amazing for MECCG. I think the template is free to use?
Re: Is there a deck taxonomy
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 1:24 pm
by Vastor Peredhil
GCCG has a huge amount decks to Download, maybe i can get these files in here as attachments
Yours Nicolai
Re: Is there a deck taxonomy
Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 10:47 pm
by Papylon
That would be great Vastor. The amount of decks in this forum is still rather small in comparison to the MEccg forum (although that forum was inactive, mostly).
Re: Is there a deck taxonomy
Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 7:23 pm
by darkyeoman
Kjeld wrote: ↑Wed Aug 16, 2017 10:41 pm
The deck taxonomy on was nice because it provided a simple index of common resource and hazard deck builds with links to examples of the different designs.
Yes, it was indeed a great resource. I too would love to have access to something like that.
Re: Is there a deck taxonomy
Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 2:16 am
by Theskyscreams
Vastor Peredhil wrote: ↑Thu Aug 17, 2017 1:24 pm
GCCG has a huge amount decks to Download, maybe i can get these files in here as attachments
Yours Nicolai
Why hasnt the lists been uploaded on to the forun if there are so many on Gccg?
As a new player this is just so frustrating.
What I would recommend to the forum admin is to go into GCCG and upload all the decks on there. Once done pin them as a sticky on the top of this deck forum.