General Opponent
Runda I
Muad'Dib(Balrog) - Balar(?) 6:0 (40:4)
Ciachu(Alatar) - Vandrer(Gandalf) 5:1 (25:14)
Jaded (Alatar) - Root (Pallando) 1:5 (24-39)
Thorin bye 6TP
1. Muad'Dib 6TP
2. Thorin 6TP
3. Root 5TP
4. Ciachu 5TP
5. Jaded 1TP
6. Vandrer 1TP
7. Balar 0TP
Runda II
Muad'Dib(Balrog) - Thorin(FW Pallando) 4:2 (25:18 )
Ciachu(Gandalf) - Root(Pallando) 1:5 (20:31)
Jaded(Alatar) - Vandrer(Gandalf) 6:0 (49:9)
Balar bye 5TP
1. Root 10TP
2. Muad'Dib 10TP
3. Thorin 8TP
4. Jaded 7TP
5. Ciachu 6TP
6. Balar 5TP
7. Vandrer 1TP
Runda III
Muad'Dib(Gandalf) - Root(Radagast) 6:0 (44:20)
Thorin(FW Saruman) - Jaded(Alatar) 6:0 (29:10)
Ciachu(Alatar) - Balar(Gandalf) 6:0 (33:8 )
Vandrer bye 4TP
Final standing
1. Muad'Dib 16TP
2. Thorin 14 TP
3. Ciachu 12TP
4. Root 10TP
5. Jaded 7TP
6. Balar 5TP
7. Vandrer 5TP
Sealed Game
I Runda
Muad'Dib - Vandrer 6:0 (19:9)
Balar - Pokrzyw 1:5 (16:24)
Ciachu - Root 2:4 (14:19)
II Runda
Ciachu - Vandrer 5:1 (20:12)
Root - Balar 6:0 (38:0)
Pokrzyw - Muad'Dib 0:6 (7:27)
III Runda
Ciachu - Pokrzyw 4:2 (20:18 )
Muad'Dib - Root 6:0 (17:6)
Balar - Vandrer 3:3 (12:12)
Final standing
1. Muad'Dib 18TP
2. Ciachu 11TP
3. Root 10TP
4. Pokrzyw 7TP
5. Vandrer 4TP
6. Balar 4 TP
XVIII Polish Nationals 10-13.X.2013 results
All events or gatherings other than GCCG, Lure, & Worlds.
IMustNotFear.FearIsTheMind-Killer.FearIsTheLittle-death ThatBringsTotalObliteration.IWillFaceMyFear.
WhereTheFearHasGoneThereWillBeNothing. OnlyIWillRemain.
WhereTheFearHasGoneThereWillBeNothing. OnlyIWillRemain.
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