Spielemesse in Essen "Die Spiel" 2019

All events or gatherings other than GCCG, Lure, & Worlds.
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Vastor Peredhil
Council Member
Posts: 1331
Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2007 10:46 am
Location: Kempen (Niederrhein) Germany

Hi all,

I talked many french & some german players at Worlds, and since my normal company is all over the globe for world, I thought it a nice idea to let others know, that I on the forum am amongst the closest players to the venue still (35-45 mins in the car well 2 years back parking took 30 mins alone)

and just under 1 hour in the train

I could myself only go on Thurday or Friday, though Kempen (where I live) trainstation has free parking (you have to change trains at Krefeld HBF and in Essen HBF), which none of the later 2 have to over

also I could over my place as a base off operations, or to stach stuff for people wanting go several days (I can have 2 people on a couche 2-3 more on the floors)

yours Nicolai
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