A Knife in the Dark - a special TW/TD/DM-only tournament

Events taking place on online platforms
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"But I spoke of my dread to none, knowing the peril of an untimely whisper, if it went astray. In all the long wars with the Dark Tower treason has ever been our greatest foe." - Gandalf the Grey, speaking from Elrond's porch in Rivendell (The Fellowship of the Ring).

Dear all,

I'd like to announce a little special online event (on cardnum) that stems from my love of agents and the consequent disappointment at not seeing them played very often. Maybe that's because they are slow to set up, maybe that's because it takes time to understand how agent move or maybe it's because in the final MECCG metagame they do not offer significant advantages.

So to give Agents a chance, I'm organising a "Agent on Steroids" Hero v Hero 2-deck game constructed tournament, going back to the metagame of when Agents came up - thus using only cards and sites from the first three sets (TW, TD, DM) - and with the following three special rules:
a) Agent draft -- At the start of the game, after the characters draft, both players also enter a starting agent draft from a pool of up to 10 agents, revealing at most 4 agent characters with mind values adding up at most to 20. After such a draft, all agents are turned face down and are considered to come in play at one of their home site (site card not needed). Unused or bounced agents are placed out of play. Other agents can still be included in the players deck as per standard MEDM rules (including sticking to the 36 total mind limit).

b) Clarification/Ruling on Nobody's Friend and Inner Cunning -- These cards can be used to reveal at any border/free-hold or shadow/dark-hold an Agent that has not moved, or conversely to consider any border/free-hold or shadow/dark-hold as the site of origin from which an Agent did move. As indicated by the MEDM rules, if the agent did not move, an appropriate site card has to placed to indicate the Agent's present site (i.e. an appropriate border/free-hold or shadow/dark-hold) to prevent the Agent from being discarded at the end of the turn.

c) Moving an agent to a revealed site -- During an opponent M/H phase an Agent can declare a movement to revealed site. In this case, after tapping the Agent is revealed and the legality of the Agent's path is immediately checked (i.e. Agents still need to be able to regularly move to the revealed site). Agents that moved to revealed site gets discarded at the end of the current turn.
Except for these, all other standard Council of Lorien rules will apply to this constructed, 2-deck tournament. Anticipating 4 rounds, here is a tentative schedule.

Wed 26/7 - Wed 9/8 Online Registration (at https://forms.gle/rHjfj8s2JsGwAsbT9)
Thu 10/8 - Thu 17/8 Deck construction
Fri 18/8 - Thu 24/8 Round 1
Fri 25/8 - Thu 31/8 Round 2
Fri 1/9 - Thu 7/9 Round 3
Fri 8/8 - Thu 14/8 Round 4
“The wide world is all about you: you can fence yourselves in, but you cannot forever fence it out.”
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Remember: registration closes on Wed the 9th!
“The wide world is all about you: you can fence yourselves in, but you cannot forever fence it out.”
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So far 5 people registered. Just need one more!
“The wide world is all about you: you can fence yourselves in, but you cannot forever fence it out.”
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