Starting Cards

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I think the game realy needs more starting able cards.

Like cards that can be played instead of a minor iteam to give your deck more of a theme.

If some of you know the Original STar wars CCG from dicipher.
Later in the games development process there was something included that was called Objectives.
They made it morve possible to play certain themes that where told in the movies, or somewhere else in the star wars lore mentioned.
Like you train Luke to become a Jedi
or you make a Rebell base on hoth where the Imps can't got there.
and so on.

I think in the end they overdone this kind of things with the including of too much cards that dependet on each other.
Like they did it METW with the fallen Wizards.
But I think it was a good idear in the first place.

This was very good for the game.
Because it gave it more Emotional feeling.

This is why I think we should inclued more cards that are possilbe to start with!
And create new themes that where mentioned in the books somewhere, that where not told before.
I cannot give an example but there must be things that where only planed but never done.
Like the card that let's you beat sauron with the ring itself.
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Thorsten the Traveller
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Knowing SWccg a bit, on the one hand I agree with you, that with starting objectives or abilities more strategic deck-design and functioning can be made possible, while at the same time creating a special thematic feel (play scenario anyone? :wink: ). On the other hand I found that, as with SWccg, if you see your opponent play an objective, you can virtually draw out his/her whole deck. SWccg is much more architypal in decks, and it's one of the things in MEccg that I like: the power of surprise and the virtually endless variations (though in tourney play boredom sets in as well).
Also, in SWccg you always play cross alignment (light/dark side), so a certain amount of direct interference is garanteed, but this is not the case in meccg.
So, if there's a good or fun objective, then lets hear it, but I would not set out to create objectives specifically. Keep in mind, there are already mission cards and big stage cards that are like objectives, it's just that you play them after conditions have been met, or during the game, not beforehand, so at least for some few turns your opponent doesn't know where you're going at.

Suppose you would play Return of the King as an objective when you draft Aragorn. And RotK would state something like: hazard limit against Aragorns comp. is increased by one, and Gorn receives +1 prowess/body/di. Tap this card after the succesful play of an item at Barad-Dur. If tapped, invert this card during site phase at Minas Tirith (i.o.w. flip it like in SWccg), Gorn receives +3 di and all factions playable at sites in Gondor are worth +1 MP.
If you start this objective, your opponent can drop loads of nazgul bombs on you, while if you play this card somewhere during the game, your opponent gets less chance to respond. Of course, both knowing and not knowing can be fun.
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I never would suggest including Objectives....

I would at least to suggest including more mission cards....
they don't have to be like in starwars...
but they could be more like king under the mountain, mithril, usw.

and more cards that enhance certain strategies at starting... just a little bit.... like: Rumor of Rings

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