Wizard's Ring V

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Thorsten the Traveller
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Wizard's Ring V: [+5 DI], 2 MP/CP.
Wizard Only. Playable at any haven or your wizard's home site. Tap Wizard's ring to cancel a detainment attack. Tap Wizard's Ring to increase your General Influence by 2 until the end of the turn. Wizard makes a cc. +5 direct influence when making an influence attempt against opponent's resource or character.

Made the ring more as a token of wizard belonging to an Order, and thus using it to assert his influence, more than giving him extra powers. +2 GI is useful vs. influence attempts and Call of Home, +5 DI is partly because it's already on the card, and partly to increase rivalry and active influence strategy. Also it negates the -5 you have when influencing minions, so who knows maybe we'll even see some cross alignment influencing
Maybe the play of the ring should change, since the CP's were about the only thing that kept you normally from playing the ring. For FW it's too easy anyway. Play after test indicates a lesser ring? Can also play at ring-item site of course...

Also had idea to diversify the effect according to the wizard it is played on:
Alatar: tap ring to decrease the body of a creature by -1
Gandalf: tap ring to decrease the prowess and strikes of an automatic attack by -1 (to minimum of 1)
Pallando: tap ring to increase body of a man/dunadan character in company by +1
Radagast: tap ring to heal a character in company from wounded to tapped
Saruman: tap ring to untap any one item in the company.

I vaguely remember this general idea owes to other people, maybe for Robes or for Wizard's Staff V, or maybe one of Vastor's dreamcards, don't know.
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I like the idear of giving it a neat effect based on the wizard who wears it....

But i don't think it should be playable at the wizards homesite....
is a little bite to easy to get those marsheling... especialy for fallen wizard who always start at homesite!!!

wasn't the white towers where the order meets or something like that?
maybe make it playable there....
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The Wizards Ring as it is is very easy playable, very usefull and through the corruption very dangerous. If you want to change it I would change each of these 3 effects. As it stands it is not a ring special item, perhaps we could make it sort of a Lesser Ring specifically for wizards.

Hey I forgot to read 2 lines you wrote, so I am just copying. Well, at least we seem to agree.
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Thorsten the Traveller
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yes the ring is powerful and easily playable, but nobody plays it. The idea behind the big cp is of course that if you can control 2 extra guys with the +5 DI, these can tap for your extra heavy cc. But nobody wants to take that risk, nobody want to move around with the ring afraid they might get Lure of Natured, having two guys doesn't really help then. Heck, this has to be played at a haven, it's just designed for squatters! So why on earth do you need +2 prowess/body then?

I also like the differential effects to give wizards some more character. But most of the time people want general effects...
I think influence strategy as an agressive interactive strategy can use a boost, not many people play it, it can work (I've used it in a one-deck tourney to good effect, just focus on the one resource opponent doesn't have too much of, like 1 ally or 1 faction, and try to double your points), but it
a) depends too much on opponent
b) is vulnerable (often only wiz. can do the job, he's prime target for Aduni)
c) depends on helper cards

There's not much you can do about a) and b) with a ring, but you can help c) a little.
I also like the fact that rings have a luring effect on people, especially men. And men are more susceptible to the lesser rings.
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Thorsten the Traveller
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New version, maybe cramped too much in there, but they're just all very nice abilities! :wink:

Wizard's Ring V: [+5 DI], 2 MP/CP.
Playable only with a gold ring and after a test indicates a lesser ring. Discard if not borne by an avatar. Tap Wizard's Ring to cancel a detainment attack. Tap Wizard's Ring to increase your General Influence by 2 until the end of the turn. Wizard makes a corruption check. +5 direct influence when making an influence attempt against opponent's resource or character. Such influence attempt may also be made against followers of opponent's avatar. Wizard makes a corruption check after making an influence/offering/flattering attempt. Draw a card after each succesful influence/offering/flattering attempt made by your wizard.
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that +2 general influence should help FW saruman :D

i like the general concept, the only change i would make here is:
Draw a card after each succesful influence/offering/flattering attempt made by your wizard against an opponent's resource or character
other way, just go influence some factions, play some flatter a foe and you will quickly go through your deck...
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Saruman doesn't want to make too many cc's though :wink: , so basically it's for emergencies only.

What do you mean, go through deck quickly, you can only influence 1 resource per turn with your wiz.? I added Flatter/Offerering for flavour. Maybe it's too much in combo with Fair Travels in FD V, but for heroes there is no card that allows extra draws, apart from the dreaded Short Rest. Minions have 3x3 cards with Dark Tryst....FW's can use the boost :wink:

This came from Lordly Presence, but on second thought, if it's restricted to site phase it isn't all that useful, normally you'd fill to 8 anyway, so only with a bigger handsize it could be usefull, or if you're lucky enough to draw something you can use immediately. Therefore extra draw with flattering/offering might be nice.
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