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[V suggestion] V-Events for Frodo Theme

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 6:51 am
by Frodo
The idea here is to create a few cards that would simulate Frodo’s journey from Bag End. Frodo is ideal since he’s an underused hobbit anyway. This is really rough but someone else can try to finish out the missing text (indicated with XXX).

Playable on Frodo alone at Bag End.
If Frodo at Bag End, no creatures may be keyed there. (XXX) Once during your organization phase, you may take a card into hand from your discard pile with the word “hobbit” in its game text. Invert this card if Fireworks is played at Bag End and there is at least one other hobbit with Frodo.

Playable at Bree if Hobbit-Lore is inverted. (XXX)
Invert this card if Frodo at Bree with at least three other hobbits (or Strider).

(XXX) moving to Rivendell, I guess… Nazguls may be played?? He has a ring?

FELLOWSHIP (V) (but this card won’t be played until 4th turn, probably, possibly later)
If at Rivendell, (XXX). Frodo, One Dwarf, One Elf, and at least One Dunadan and Hobbit. –1 mind to everybody. (XXX)

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 10:28 am
by Nerdmeetsyou
I like the idear of supporting the play of hobbits....
but I don't like that all your cards are sooo damn specific...and depend on each other....

maybe make some individual cards that help you playing hobbits...
maybe something like this:

Playble at Bag End if you have a hobbit there. (or maybe if your avatar is ther???)
You may play Hobbits at Bag End under general influence even if your Avatar is not at the same site.

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 1:42 pm
by Bandobras Took
I agree with Boder that the cards are a bit too specific. Perhaps cards that don't necessarily force Frodo to take the One Ring anywhere, but encourage it?

Halfling Strength
Permanent Event
Playable on Frodo during your organization phase. +2 Direct Influence. Tap this card and make a roll greater than 7 to prevent Frodo's company from being returned to its site of origin and/or to prevent a member of his company from forming his own company. If Frodo bears the One Ring, his corruption checks for using the strike canceling ability of the One Ring are modified by a further +2. Cannot be duplicated by a given player.

. . . I have known strong warriors of the Big People who would quickly have been overcome by that splinter, which you bore for seventeen days." -LotR II

Persuasive Words
Playable on a Diplomat. Target Diplomat may tap this card to cancel a detainment attack. If played on Frodo, he gains +1 Direct Influence against characters for each Diplomat in his company. May not be duplicated on a given character.

Memories Recalled
Playable on a company containing more than one Hobbit moving through a Dark Domain or at Mount Doom. Ignore all results of corruption checks made by Hobbits if these corruption checks fail.

Do you remember that bit of rabbit, Mr Frodo? . . . And our place under the warm bank in Captain Faramir's country, the day I saw an Oliphaunt? -LotR VI

If you really want to simulate such a journey, though, you need a card that will encourage people to not test the One Ring at Mount Doom, but rather earlier. Otherwise, you're still going to get a bunch of dwarves with one Gold Ring and 3 Leaf Brooches lucky searching a Scroll at Mount Doom, while Frodo stays at home eating roast ham.

In the Heart of His Realm
Permanent Event
Rolled Down to the Sea may not be played. All ring tests are modified by -6, and are further modified by +1 for every region between the ring bearer's current site's region and Gorgoroth (Dagorlad and Udun are considered adjacent for this purpose). May not be discarded by any short event.

You'd have to test at Hollin just to break even. :)

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 6:42 pm
by Bandobras Took
Here's One that simulates Bilbo or Frodo just taking it in their head to leave:

Tookish Blood
Permanent Event
May be played as a resource or hazard on Hobbit. Strikes against the Hobbit may not be canceled. Tap this card if the Hobbit is at a Haven; this card does not untap. Invert this card if tapped and the Hobbit is at a Free or Borderhold. Rotate to 270 degrees if this card is inverted and the Hobbit plays a Greater Item. If fully rotated, this card may be stored at Bag End to give 4 Misc MPs to the Hobbit's controlling character.

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 7:36 pm
by Nerdmeetsyou
Maybe Rather Use "Hand to Hand"...

it is a recource.... and pictures exactly what oyu are talking about....
(and it is a totaly stupid card which would ned Virtualizastion)

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 8:15 pm
by Thorsten the Traveller
Boder means Palm to Palm. But it would be my suggestion also, to take a resource, then you can use it more strategically. Great idea! probably this was more in jest Bandobras? but actually it's great, I don't care how harsh the effect, hehe.
I'd skip the RDttS clause, or rather make it: if The One Ring is in play, Rolled may not be played.

@Tookish Blood, nice theme, but I doubt hobbits need the encouragement, people like them alot already. Though, the sequence is more difficult to achieve then one might think at first. So yes, it's cool.

@Memories recalled: this one is not realistic, or is it? survive the check at mount doom? I thought you were all in favor of stimulating people into using anti ring corruption hazards?

Halfling/Persuasive: hmm, I actually like Frodo as a nobody, he was a humble fellow, that's why he was the ringbearer, so all this influence boosting? if he's boosted for ringplay, he'd hardly need DI anyway. If he is to get a character specific card, I suppose it has to be about carrying rings.

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 10:40 pm
by Bandobras Took
Tookish Blood: Strikes against the Hobbit cannot be canceled, so no Halfling Stealth/Fatty for whichever Hobbit gets it.

Memories Recalled ignores all results of a corruption check that fails, so could not be used to win the game. I'm highly in favor of stimulating anti-ring corruption hazards, but not at the expense making dunk completely unfeasible.

As for Persuasive Words, Frodo is actually innately skilled at saying the right things to the right people. He gets along with Elves, Dwarves, Aragorn, Faramir, etc. His talent as a diplomat, especially with individual characters, should not be underestimated with or without the Ring.

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 3:58 am
by Frodo
You guys are right, of course; too many cards doing too many specific things. I think the card that "rotates" would help encourage a player to simulate a journey.

It would also be nice (since we made a similar card to allow the NINE RWS to come together) if there was a feasible way the 4 hobbits, Aragorn, Gandalf, Boromir, Legolas and Gimli could be together... that's 34 mind even with Aragorn under Gandalf... getting Gimli or Lego under the other would make it only 28 mind required... ooh, this would be "the nine walkers versus the nine riders", as it was said in the books. Maybe some kind of "TRT" card that would allow this to happen?


Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 8:25 pm
by Bandobras Took
Gandalf with Hobbit Lore can have 3 hobbits under his DI. Aragorn with Narsil can control Boromir. Frodo with the One Ring can have Gimli as a follower. Aragorn+Frodo+Legolas = 20 GI. Easy! ;)