Spider of the Morlat

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Bandobras Took
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Permanent Event
4 MPs
Unique. Spawn. The Sulfur-Deeps gains an additional automatic attack -- Spider 2 strikes at 16/9. This attack is never detainment. Additionally, the number required to move to the Sulfur-Deeps for all companies is increased by 5.

Let us put an end to the Aiglos/Dragon-Helm nonsense once and for all. :)
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seems fair enough....
but maybe give her an additional SHORT-EVENT effekt as alternative, like returning a spider to hand from discard???
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Bandobras Took
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This ability is sufficient -- this version of Spider of the Morlat will benefit from at least a couple of proposed Virtual cards.
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yeah but it only will affect ONE site....(okay one often used by a certain strategy.... but is that enough?)
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i like it help preventing the cheeze play of aiglos/ dragon helm at sulfur deeps as well as adding more to the spawn hunting strategy, though moving to sulfur deeps from other adjacent site (not dol-guldur) would be too hard...
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Bandobras Took
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Not really, most Heroes go down from Dol Guldur and the Balrog has several bonuses to Under-Deeps movement anyway.

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