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Virtual tourney decks!

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 8:50 pm
by marcos
Ok, here we can post the decks we played along the tourney with a short summary on how to play them.
I'll start with the champion decks 8)

Underground Indur (vs minion)
# Pool

Lieutenant of Dol Guldur
Lieutenant of Morgul
Pon Opar
Snaga (V1)

Indûr Unleashed (V1)
Orders from Lugbúrz

# Minion Character (7)

1 Baduila
1 Bûrat
3 Indûr the Ringwraith
1 Tûma
1 Wûluag

# Resources (30)

1 Aiglos
1 Dragon-helm
3 Blasting Fire
2 Cave Troll
3 Crept Along Cleverly
3 Dark Tryst
1 Gifts as Given of Old
1 Goblins of Goblin-gate
1 Great Army of the North
1 Grey Mountain Goblins
1 High Helm
1 No More Nonsense
3 Orc Quarrels
1 Orcs of Gundabad
1 Orcs of Moria
3 Voices of Malice
3 Weigh All Things to a Nicety

# Hazard (30)

3 An Unexpected Outpost
3 Choking Shadows (V1)
1 Daelomin at Home
3 Ent in Search of the Entwives
2 Heedless Revelry
3 Huorn (LE)
1 Mouth of Sauron
1 My Precious
3 Nature's Revenge (V1)
3 Old Man Willow
1 Radagast the Tamer (V1)
1 Revealed to all Watchers
3 River (LE)
1 Witch-king of Angmar
1 Ûvatha the Horseman

# Hazard (17)
1 Covetous Thoughts
1 Doubled Vigilance
1 Drowning Seas
1 Eye of Sauron (V1)
1 Fell Turtle
1 Heedless Revelry
1 Nameless Thing
1 Rolled down to the Sea
1 Siege
1 Stench of Mordor
1 The Balance of Things
1 The Way is Shut
1 Troll-purse
3 Unabated in Malice
1 Unhappy Blows

# Minion Character (1)
1 Ûvatha the Ringwraith

# Minion Resource (12)
1 Heralded Lord
1 Indûr Unleashed (LE)
2 Long Grievous Siege
1 Orcs of Dol Guldur
1 Orcs of Mirkwood
1 Regiment of Black Crows
1 Sudden Call
1 Thong of Fire
3 Tribute Garnered

Sideboard vs. fw
3 Blind to the West
1 Cruel Claw Perceived
1 Fool's Bane
1 Inner Rot
3 Ire of the East

Nothing complicated, the big company goes for the great army while indur and uvatha scores aiglos, helm and cave trolls. Both companies can play tech at tapped sites. Of course, snaga is the cannonfoder, an orc shield vs awakened plants, elflords and cave worms.
Hazards are a mix of awakened plants and grab bag that worked pretty well, surprisingly not only vs minion but vs hero AND fw too

WK is abroad(vs hero)

# Pool
1 Lieutenant of Dol Guldur
1 Lieutenant of Morgul
1 Tros Hesnef

1 Strange Rations
1 They Ride Together (V1)

# Minion Character (5)

3 The Witch-king
1 Uglúk
1 Ulkaur the Tongueless

# Minion Resource (30)

2 Crept Along Cleverly
3 Dark Tryst
3 Deeper Shadow
3 Forced March
1 Great Army of the North
1 Grey Mountain Goblins
1 High Helm
1 Hoard Well-searched
1 Ice-orcs
1 Morgul-orcs
1 Orcs of Dol Guldur
1 Regiment of Black Crows
1 Sable Shield
1 The Iron Crown [M]
1 The Tormented Earth
3 The Witch-king Unleashed (V1)
2 Voices of Malice
3 Weigh All Things to a Nicety

# Hazard (30)

1 Adûnaphel
1 Akhôrahil
2 An Unexpected Outpost
3 Doors of Night (LE)
3 Goblin-faces
1 Hoarmûrath of Dír
2 Hobgoblins (TD)
1 In Darkness Bind Them (V1)
1 Indûr Dawndeath
3 Minions Stir (TW)
1 Mouth of Sauron
1 Orc-warband (LE)
3 Orc-warriors
1 Ren the Unclean
1 Revealed to all Watchers
1 Siege
1 The Great Goblin (V1)
3 The Nazgûl are Abroad (V1)

# Hazard (16)
1 An Unexpected Outpost
2 Doubled Vigilance
1 Fury of the Iron Crown
2 Helms of Iron
1 Orc-warband (LE)
3 Scimitars of Steel
1 Siege
3 Two or Three Tribes Present
2 Words of Power and Terror (V1)

# Minion Character (3)
1 Dwar the Ringwraith
1 Khamûl the Ringwraith
1 Ûvatha the Ringwraith

# Minion Resource (11)
1 Black Rider
1 Blackbole
1 Govern the Storms
3 Long Grievous Siege
2 Orders from Lugbúrz
1 Scroll of Isildur [M]
1 Sudden Call
1 Voices of Malice

This deck is a bit more complicated than the previous one. Each lieutenant starts at his home site and will probably squat there all the game. Score the 2 easy haven factions and make the WK's company score the other 2 factions that grant great army's MP. Go get some items with RWs (btw, wk with iron crown is just sweet :D). Lieutenant of Morgul + tros hesnef can give a try to get some major item/ black crow near morgul too or even go to tolfalas for the scroll of isildur. Play the other 2 lesser leaders under the Lts for extra points and longrievous sige for even more extra points and maybe do some damage (like the last game with AgusBalin and his rangers of the north :twisted: ). Lt of Dol Guldur + a lesser leader can go for blackbole at woodmen town or regiment at bandit's lair in case that things go problematic for the main company. Keep moving with forced march to prevent the discard of black rider. Rws can try some CvCC if you seem to not draw any resources.
Anyway, the strong part of the deck is hazards and that's why so important to have 2 Lts at his home sites, that gives 2 extra handsize wich can be used to hold huge hazard combos in hand. I think i don't have to explain hazards too much, play scimitars x3 as soon as you can and then strike with orcs, orcs, orcs and even more orcs!!! keep recycling doubled vigilance/ siege/ minions stir/ more orcs, that is why you have 2 outpost in deck and 1 in sb, once you know where your opponent is moving to, bring the last outpost into deck with another outpost or tapping a nazgul and bring back the right orc to attack opponent's company again and again.

hope you like them! I'm anxious to see your decks too!!!

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 1:39 am
by Bandobras Took
This is the Resource Portion that drew the game with Ringbearer. Earlier versions focused more on Sorcery for cancellation. Ultimately, I realized that since Snaga's ability was to take strikes, strike reduction rather than outright cancellation was probably the way to go.

Doeth (Durthak)
Euog (Ulzog)
Snaga (V1)


Thrall of the Voice
Bad Company

Snaga gets the Troth-Ring, obviously, while the other goes to whoever seems most fit.

2 Dark Quarrels
1 First of the Order (V1)
1 Gates of Morning
2 Longbottom Leaf
1 Sapling of the White Tree

1 Bright Gold Ring
2 Dark Tryst
1 Foul Trophies
2 Great Army of the North
2 Orc Quarrels
2 Skies of Fire
1 Smoke on the Wind
2 Voices of Malice
2 Weigh All Things to a Nicety

1 Great Patron
1 Keys of Orthanc
1 Never Refuse (V1)
1 The Forge-master
1 The Fortress of Isen
1 Wizard's Myrmidon
2 Wizard's Trove

1 Shadowfax (TW)
1 The White Tree
1 Wizard's River-horses
1 Wizard's Test
1 Burning Rick, Cot, and Tree
1 Dwarven Ring of Thrár's Tribe [M]
1 Regiment of Black Crows
1 The Reviled Ring
1 The Warg-king
1 Trifling Ring
1 Veils of Shadow
1 White Mountain Wolves
1 A Merrier World
1 A Strident Spawn
3 Greater Half-orcs
3 Half-orcs
1 Mischief in a Mean Way
1 Plotting Ruin (V1)
1 Saruman's Machinery
1 The White Hand

Play Notes:
Most of the Sideboard stuff is there so that one can adapt to changing circumstances. For example, Saruman dying on the second turn of 3 out 4 games and dying in all 4 games. :)

Yes, Saruman is at risk, because you're likely going to move him at least once, possibly twice. The goal is to tap out Edoras with a Ring and/or Minas Tirith with the Keys (use Veils of Shadow/Orc/Dark Quarrels Gates/Skies(!) so that Snaga takes all the Strikes), then burn one of them for an extra 3 MPs. I didn't stick in two burns because the odds of successfully burning both sites are slim. Grab the Sapling at the Glittering Caves and Store, then try and get a half-orc faction or two. Sideboard in an ally once you're fairly sure what won't get you killed if you try for it.

Try and test the ring at the end of the game for a couple more item MPs.

Wolf-based hazards will most likely destroy you.