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The White Mountain Cavern Ways

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:48 pm
by Bandobras Took
Permanent Event

This card is used as an Under-deeps Ruins & Lairs: Surface Site: Any site in Anorien, Lamedon, Rohan, Gap of Isen, Anfalas, Old-Pukel Gap, Enedhwaith (7). Playable Items (Minor, Major, Gold Ring). Auto-attacks: Spawn -- 2 Strikes at 10 Prowess, 1 Strike at 11 Prowess. Special: Any Spawn that adds its attack to an Under-Deeps site must be used as an attack here -- if this attack is defeated, you receive the Marshalling Points regardless of the *.

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 3:40 pm
by Ringbearer
Maybe mention any site not already having an adjacent underdeeps site
(taking out Glittering Caves and Dunharrow by example)

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:23 am
by Thorsten the Traveller
This is similar suggestion as done in Ash Mountain thread, but changed little thing. If this is considered like an orc base camp from which to issue forth attacking Gondor (as happened during 27 century T.A.), it might be nice if it would offer a way to actually tap sites like Druadan Forest/Wose Passage/Dunharrow, so you can burn them. I propose to expand the stealing black horses theme to this card. Other ideas are welcome. How to get round the fact that Black Horse is only for covert companies?

White Mountain Cavern Ways V:
May be played at the end of the organisation phase as a site card on a company moving with region movement if the last region is Rohan or Lamedon. Required roll: 4 (6 for overt minion player and must tap a scout), otherwise take this card to hand. This card is a shadow-hold, both players draw 2 cards. non-orc/nazgul creatures keyed to the site attack normally.
If there is an overt company at this site and no character is wounded, all unique factions playable at sites in Rohan, Gap of Isen, Old Pukel-land, Anfalas, Lamedon and Anorien are worth 1 less MP. A company at this site may move to any site in these regions:site path is only region that contains the site, and the hazard limit is -2 (to minimum of 2). Black Horse V may be played at sites in these regions. Tap an orc at this site to take Come by Night upon Them from discard pile to hand. Characters heal as if at a haven. Opponent may use this site card as well if there is an overt company present. Cannot be duplicated.

abilities are pretty good, but you might not reach the site, and you have to keep it in play. Other options:
-make ability less and give this card mp's like Under Galleries hero.
-play Ice-orcs here?
-combine with some Wose mission (see wose attacking cards)
-play Sapling of White Tree here, discard it after you burn Minas Tirith, and prevent White Tree/Return of the King from being played, giving you 3 mps. Nice mission for some stealty orcs: find the tree!