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[v] Old Cache

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 1:33 pm
by Jambo
Old Cache V:
(1 MP)
When Old Cache comes into play, you must place between two and four minor items from your sideboard under Old Cache. These minor items may include any weapon/armour/shield/helmet or Orc-liquor/Orc-draughts, and are playable at the following sites (tapped or untapped): Border-holds and Free-holds (covert only); Shadow-holds and Dark-holds (overt only); no more than two minor items per site. Orc-liquor and Orc-draughts may only be played by an overt company. If there are no items under Old Cache, you gain 1 marshalling point.

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 9:56 pm
by marcos
minion armory :wink:

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 1:45 am
by Bandobras Took
I would like to preserve some difference in play between minions and heroes. Parallel cards can be cool for their differences.

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 7:40 am
by Leon
Some other V cards were suggested for minion minor items that I liked better, though the suggestion for Orc-Liquor and Orc-Draughts to be limited to overt groups is very good.

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 7:50 am
by Jambo
I realise this is very similar to Armory, but that's because Armory is an excellent card, one of my favourites. There are subtle differences however, in that minions can only get weapons, armour, etc, and the orcish stuff. Sometimes, subtle differences are all that's really required to retain flavour. But, if the other versions suggested are favoured, then by all means. :)

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 9:54 am
by Thorsten the Traveller
Personally I don't like Armory for the discardable items, like Potion of Prowess, Miruvor etc., not if it gives MPs, it's way too easy to score some food and get 1 mp. I know the foods don't see much play, but I think tactical advantages are good enough, you can heal a guy at border/free for example, and don't need 1 mp reward. So I'd rather this would not be introduced for minions as well.
What do the foods have to do with Armory anyway? "Hey Gimli, let's go to the armory to get some booze!?"
I'd rather go with Bandobras' suggestions then.