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"Complete" Hazard Strategy Taxonomy

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:37 pm
by Vastor Peredhil
What follows is the old working list by Mark Alfano aka Zarathustra & Ben Sorenson aka Bandobras Took (links do not work any more, but a good start)
Be a great big help!  There are 64 holes to plug (some in pairs).  Write up a deck list, put it in the forum here, and let me know!

I suppose there might be a few special vs hero only strategies as well.  As before, please post any suggestions, emendations, or other comments.  If a named strategy is unclearly designated, let me know and I'll clarify.

I have now cross-indexed this with all of the decks currently in the decks forum.  If you post a new deck there (one with a haz portion), send me a PM and let me know where it fits in this list.  I'll then add a link to it.

After this, the plan is to match hazard and resource strategies: which hazards > which resources and vice-versa.

Finally, early-game signals to help you recognize a resource or hazard strategy to aid in planning and sideboarding.

I believe there's already a decent list of useful sb cards, but I could probably condense and clarify it at some point.
Version 3.0

Versus Hero/Fallen Wizard


Men (1) (+ DoN/Giants; + GoM/Moon)
Drakes (1) (+ Dragon's Blood)
Multi-Wilderness Drakes + DoN/Withered Lands (1) (+ Nameless Thing; + Dragons)
Nazgul (+ agents 1, 2)
Undead (+ Shadow Out of the Dark)
Wolves (1, 2) (+ Animals/Bairanax At Home/Monstrosity of Diverse Shape)
Spiders (+ Spawn, +Animals)
Free Peoples (1)
Orcs (Multi-Strike; Lieuy-Style; Orc-Rain)
Awakened Plants
Furious Men/Trolls/Nazgul (1)


Khamul Machine (1)
Influence Destruction (1)
Auto-Attack Enhancement (1)
Dump & Run Half-Creatures (1)
River (+ Enchanted Stream, + Beorning Skin-Changers) (1)
Spawn (Desire All, Roadblock)
Corruption  :twisted: (there are many kinds of corruption strategies; here are some of the most potent: overload 1, 2, 3, 4, wizard-targetted, wilderness-targetted, Alone and Stupid combined with influencing or malady, item-targetted, using Scorba at Home & Itangast at Home & Saruman the Wise)


Snowstorm (1) (+ Long Winter, 2)
Morgul Night/Foul Fumes (1)
Fog + Lost in the Wilderness
No Way Forward

Grab Bag

8 Mixed creatures/ 8 mixed half-creatures/14 mixed events (1, 2, 3, 4)
Darklands creatures + freelands events
Freelands creatures + darklands events


Seek without Success
Agent Influence/Pilfer
Chilled Agent Attack
Grimby, Baduila, My Precious, Anarin targetted attack


Infinite Hazard Machine
Left Behind + Alone and Unadvised

Versus Minion


Orcs (Multi-Strike; Lieuy-Style; Orc-Rain)
Undead (detainment; wisps; Spells of the Barrow Wights)
Elves! (1, 2)
Dwarven Travelers + Maia (1, 2)
Mixed Free Peoples (1, 2)
Drakes (1, 2) (+ Dragon's Blood; + Dragons)
Spiders (+ Spawn; + animals)
Awakened Plants (1)


Snowstorm (1) (+ Long Winter; + No Way Forward)
GoM + Moon + Free Peoples


Khamul Machine (1)
Influence Destruction
Auto-Attack Enhancement
Dump & Run Half-Creatures (1, 2, 3)
Spawn (+ Roadblock; + Desire All For Thy Belly)
River + Heedless + Darkness
Corruption (overload; wilderness-targetted; item-targetted; scorba/itangast/saruman/balance/covetous thoughts)

Grab Bag

Wisp + River
Ahunts / Mixed other stuff
8/8/14 (1, 2)


Chilled Agents
"Special" Denial Agents: My Precious, Golodhros, Taladhan, Baduila


Infinite Hazard Machine
Left Behind + Alone and Stupid
Rats + Nazgul / Black Breath

Versus Minion/Fallen Wizard

Heedless + Nameless/Way Is Shut + Arthadan Rangers + My Precious + Baduila (1)

Re: "Complete" Hazard Strategy Taxonomy

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 9:16 pm
by CDavis7M

and then when the link breaks, remove the "d" so that it is /forum/ and not /dforum/


change: ... highlight=

to: ... highlight=