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charter rewrite: how to create errata ...

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:39 pm
by thorondor
quoted from the COE Charter Rewrite Draft

• The Council shall issue errata or rules changes as needed. A team of three experts will be appointed to discuss all rules changes. Proposed errata from this team shall be placed for an open vote before the community, and shall be ratified by a two-thirds majority after a voting period of three weeks. The Chair shall be responsible for announcing, maintaining, and monitoring the vote. Rules so ratified shall be considered in force when announced in the next Newsletter from the Chair.
• The Council shall maintain at least one spokesperson during each session whose duties shall consist of clarifying rules, interpreting card texts, adjudicating rules disputes, clarifying gameplay questions posed to the Council, adjudicating conflicts between cards, updating the Universal Rules Document, and forwarding any appropriate issues to the Errata Team. The title of said office shall be NetRep. The NetRep shall publish a rulings digest bimonthly as well as update the Universal Rules Document. If no new rulings are to be made, the NetRep shall inform the Chair of such.
honestly, i dont like the idea of having a special errata team. there is already a NetRep team containing rules experts. its up to them to discuss the whole matter and finally make decisions if or if not go for an erratum (on a card and/or rule).
but i think the COE should also be involved, quoting eric:
When it comes to errata, I also think that we need to involve rules-masters.
We as CoE should act as the parliament, the general managers, we decide on the course of action and grant authority to decissions, but that doesn't mean we have all knowledge of what's best for the game. So let's acquire that knowledge.
couldnt say it better ;-)

finally i also think we should have a period for playtesting before issuing any errata. but thats another story in another thread.

Re: charter rewrite: how to create errata ...

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 2:07 am
by marcos
I agree netrep + coe are enough, there's no need for extra teams

Re: charter rewrite: how to create errata ...

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:36 pm
by Bandobras Took
I disagree. Rules experts can tell us how the rules are. But those same people are not necessarily balance experts or metagame experts, which is the prime requirement for issuing errata. While I fully support the idea of the NetRep team forwarding things for errata consideration, I think decisions on errata should be made by people who:

1) Demonstrate a good metagame knowledge and instinct for balance;
2) Are more concerned about the overall game than any one particular alignment or strategy; and
3) Are willing to devote playtesting time on a weekly basis if needed.

This last one is important to me, as it's very hard to get people to actually playtest things consistently and diligently.

Re: charter rewrite: how to create errata ...

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:10 pm
by Thorsten the Traveller
Well, ad 1) and ad 2), that's supposed to be us (CoE)
ad 3), there's no line that says we cannot ask anybody's help, is there? Doesn't mean we need to formally create an errata team.

Re: charter rewrite: how to create errata ...

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 11:33 pm
by thorondor
i still think the most important thing for one dealing with rules/card changes is to have in-depth knowledge about the rules.
one has to anticipate what it means for the game, if a card or rule is changed. the impact could be enormous.

i don think it will ever be possible to balance the game. there will always be strong archetypes. there can be a change, and this might be fun and a new challenge. still there will be strong decks and not so strong ones. those who want to win tournaments will always play the strong ones.