The way the card is written it allows it to be played on any company at any site. On such a company only Undead creatures may be played during its movement/hazard phase. From a thematical point of view this is nonsense. Unless one would argue that there are many Paths of the Dead all over Middle-earth, such as between Bag-end and Old Forest. The original intent of the card, however, seems to be that it should allow special movement from Dunharrow to Vale of Erech for a company containing Aragorn II only.
Are you in favor of issuing the following erratum?
Change This:
To This:Playable only at the end of the organization phase. For its movement, a company that starts at the Dunharrow site and contains Aragorn II may move to the Vale of Erech site. The only hazard creatures that may be played on this company are Undead, but any Undead may be played on the company.
Playable only at the end of the organization phase on a company containing Aragorn II at Dunharrow. The company may move to the Vale of Erech site. The only hazard creatures that may be played on this company are Undead, but any Undead may be played on the company.
If you vote YES, then you want to have it Aragorn II specific with the main purpose to have him use special movement from Dunharrow to the Vale of Erech (via the Paths of the Dead).
If you vote NO, then Paths of the Dead will remain unchanged. It will be up to each playgroup and tournament judge to decide whether or not this card may be played on any company, regardless of whether or not Aragorn II is in the company and the sites Dunharrow and Vale of Erech are used.
This is what past NetRep Rulings have to say about this:
CoE weekly Rulings/Clarifications 18 wrote:20. Is Paths of the Dead playable at any site, by any company, for no effect?
*** It's playable at any site with Aragorn II in the company because you could potentially move to Dunharrow from another site and get another m/h phase. You don't have to use the special movement effects of it after its play.
Rulings Digest #75 wrote:Re: Paths of the Dead
From Digest #18:
*** It's playable at any site with Aragorn II in the company because you could potentially move to Dunharrow from another site and get another
m/h phase. You don't have to use the special movement effects of it after its play.
*** Also, the last sentance only kicks in if you use it to move from Dunharrow to Vale of Erech.
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