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Ballot Item # 33 - Token of Goodwill {erratum}

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 7:29 pm
by Shapeshifter
Token of Goodwill may be declared and resolved even if there is not an appropriate item in the company.
The only target of this card is a diplomat in specified company. The only declared action caused by the card is a corruption check (made by the diplomat). Whether the company is able to discard an item (or the diplomat is able to make a corruption check - a diplomat ally is not able to do so) is not important.
The presence of an item of a given type is not required at declaration of the card in order for Token of Goodwill to be played and it is not required in order to make a roll in an attempt to use its cancelling ability. Thus it is currently possible to use the cancelling ability of Token of Goodwill without discarding an item (if there is no item in the company, or if the item is prevented from being discarded).

The proposed erratum would change "and make a roll" to "to make a roll".

Are you in favor of issuing the following erratum?

Change This:
Offering Attempt. Playable on a diplomat whose company is facing an attack of the type listed below. Target diplomat makes a corruption check. If he does not fail, discard an item from his company (as listed below), and make a roll (or draw a #) adding the diplomat's unused direct influence. If the result is greater than the listed values, the attack is canceled, and you may take one resource from your play deck or discard pile into your hand (reshuffle play deck if searched). Against a Dragon: greater item/5, against a Drake: major item/6, against Men, Slayer, or any Agent: minor item/7.
To This:
Offering Attempt. Playable on a diplomat whose company is facing an attack of the type listed below. Target diplomat makes a corruption check. If he does not fail, discard an item from his company (as listed below) to make a roll (or draw a #) adding the diplomat's unused direct influence. If the result is greater than the listed values, the attack is canceled, and you may take one resource from your play deck or discard pile into your hand (reshuffle play deck if searched). Against a Dragon: greater item/5, against a Drake: major item/6, against Men, Slayer, or any Agent: minor item/7.

If you vote YES, then you think that an item in target diplomat's company is required and must be discarded in order to make the roll.

If you vote NO, then Token of Goodwill will remain unchanged. It will be up to each playgroup and tournament judge to decide whether or not this card may be used for its cancelling ability without the need to actually discard an appropriate item.


REFERENCE TOPICS: viewtopic.php?f=143&t=3303