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Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 4:14 am
by rezwits
Hey Guys,


Server is Back Up!

But as I noted in my prior letter, 2020/10/17, is the resume from date, of the last backup. But you are fully able to get back in there:

IF You had an account BEFORE 2020/10/17, you're good.

IF You did not have an account before 2020/10/17, you will have to recreate your account, but if you want to wait for Vastor to finish up some Default Challenge Decks he's working on, along with some Lost and DC Challenge Decks, you can. Because when you first sign up it duplicates the DEMO DECK ACCOUNT, that he's working on, it's up to you.

IF you changed your password AFTER 2020/10/17, your gonna need to either to remember the PRIOR password or just request a password change in the forgot password section of the login dialog.

One other NOTE: The password change service is changing the API coming up on 2021/01/13, so there could be some down time with the password updating service, so GET IN THERE before January 13th, and get your password updated, to whatever.

That's all Merry Christmas Guys, MEATS back on the MENU!!