May he join as a follower at any site where the main RW moved or just at havens or his homesite, like characters could come in play normaly?
Thanks in advance for clearness

Grishnakh / Heiko
Unique. Manifestation of Ûvatha the Horseman. Can use spirit-magic. -3 direct influence in Heralded Lord mode. -1 prowess in Fell Rider mode. He may join another Ringwraith’s company during your organization phase and requires no influence to control. As your Ringwraith, if at a Darkhaven [], he may tap during your organization phase to move one resource event card from your discard pile to your play deck and reshuffle.
I think that Ûvatha the Ringwraith's ability fulfills only last condition.Your Ringwraith is already in play.
- Your Ringwraith is at a Darkhaven or he is at the Ringwraith follower’s home site.
- You have the card of the additional Ringwraith in your hand.
- Your opponent does not have the Ringwraith already in play and the Ringwraith has not been eliminated.
- You have the card or ability allowing a Ringwraith follower to be played (e.g., They Ride Together, The Witch-king’s ability).
In the case where your RW is returned to hand and Uvatha remains in play, Uvatha's ability allows him to join your RW in the next organization phase regardless of where your RW is located.CRF, Ringwraith Followers wrote:When your revealed Ringwraith leaves play without being eliminated, you have until the end of your next organization phase to bring your Ringwraith back into play and use him to re-control any Ringwraith followers. Otherwise, all Ringwraith followers are discarded.
More precisely the joining ability is applicable only when Ûvatha the Ringwraith is in hand or in other source from that he may be played. Requiring no influence to control applies always.Konrad Klar wrote: ↑Thu Jan 16, 2025 4:19 am He may join another Ringwraith’s company during your organization phase and requires no influence to control. is applicable only when Ûvatha the Ringwraith is in hand or in other source from that he may be played.
Why should that be? His ability says nothing about being played.Konrad Klar wrote: ↑Thu Jan 16, 2025 4:19 am Your revealed Ringwraith may rejoin with its followers regardless of their abilities. He join them, not they him; they are already in play.
He may join another Ringwraith’s company during your organization phase and requires no influence to control. is applicable only when Ûvatha the Ringwraith is in hand or in other source from that he may be played.
Alatar wrote:If in a Haven when a hazard creature is played on another company, he may join than company and face one
of the hazard creatureʹs strikes
I find no substantial difference between these two phrases. Alatar joining a company requires that Alatar already be in play at a specific site. Uvatha has no such limitation, but otherwise they are functionally identical. Using Uvatha's ability to play Uvatha is only one of the uses for the ability, not the only one.Uvatha wrote:He may join another Ringwraith’s company during your organization phase and requires no influence to control.
OR: Since this instance (rejoining RW follower with its controlling Ringwraith) does not require any joining ability and is not activity of the follower (your revealed Ringwraith is being played, not follower; follower is passive here), the Ûvatha the Ringwraith's joining ability has nothing to do with this instance.Bandobras Took wrote: ↑Wed Jan 15, 2025 9:35 pm Since the ability does not require a specific site in this instance, I would say it does not require a specific site in any instance.
Alatar's ability requires Alatar being at Haven and other company facing an attack of hazard creature.Bandobras Took wrote: ↑Thu Jan 16, 2025 9:20 pm Why should that be? His ability says nothing about being played.
It may depend on result of splitting a hair. Result that you may have to choose.
Why would Uvatha, as a RW follower, be unable to use his ability in this example? If my RW is returned to my hand (Black Horse leaves active play), Uvatha as a follower is not discarded, by rule, but continues to move to the site. When I bring my RW back into play next turn, I may use Uvatha's ability to join that RW's company.When your revealed Ringwraith leaves play without being eliminated, you have until the end of your next organization phase to bring your Ringwraith back into play and use him to re-control any Ringwraith followers. Otherwise, all Ringwraith followers are discarded.
Yes. Multiple Ringwraith's companies may exist. Multiple Ringwraith's companies of the same player may not exist.Bandobras Took wrote: ↑Fri Jan 17, 2025 3:49 pm I'm not certain where you're getting the idea that multiple RW companies cannot exist. The rules explicitly allow for such, as I quoted.
Yes. But if there was not Gandalf's company just before Gandalf appeared in Faramir's company Faramir did not join Gandalf's company.Bandobras Took wrote: ↑Fri Jan 17, 2025 3:49 pm Also, joining a company is not mutually exclusive. Gandalf joins Faramir's company, and Faramir joins Gandalf's company.
Are you assuming that it may be in case when your Ringwraith and followers are at different sites?When your revealed Ringwraith leaves play without being eliminated, you have until the end of your next organization phase to bring your Ringwraith back into play and use him to re-control any Ringwraith followers. Otherwise, all Ringwraith followers are discarded.
Other way is: you may take this option if there are conditions. (Former) followers are at the site where your revealed Ringwraith may be played and you are able to play him. At no moment there are two companies containing Ringwraiths of the same player.
That interpretation only works if it is impossible to play your RW if RW followers are in play at a site where you may not play your RW. There is no such rule, nor is such a rule even implied. The rule is that you may play your RW, and any RW followers that are not controlled by your RW at the end of your organization phase are then discarded.Konrad Klar wrote: ↑Fri Jan 17, 2025 6:40 pmOther way is: you may take this option if there are conditions. (Former) followers are at the site where your revealed Ringwraith may be played and you are able to play him. At no moment there are two companies containing Ringwraiths of the same player.
Driver license does not mean that you may take any car and drive it.
Bandobras Took wrote: ↑Fri Jan 17, 2025 7:25 pm (Side note: it seems like Left Behind would also create a separate RW company, unless there is a rule against playing it against minions. I cannot find such a rule.)
And I think the CRF entry related to Ringwraith Follower is exception from the rule.Lidless Eye wrote:A Ringwraith follower must always be under the control of your Ringwraith and may move to non-Darkhaven sites with your Ringwraith.
Yes. Exclude what is impossible and you will have the rest.Bandobras Took wrote: ↑Fri Jan 17, 2025 7:25 pm That interpretation only works if it is impossible to play your RW if RW followers are in play at a site where you may not play your RW. There is no such rule, nor is such a rule even implied. The rule is that you may play your RW, and any RW followers that are not controlled by your RW at the end of your organization phase are then discarded.