May Uvatha the Ringwraith join at any site?

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Bandobras Took
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I think the purpose of the CRF entry is exactly that: to (temporarily) allow RW Followers to be in a company even though not directly controlled by your RW.

Because of that belief, I believe Uvatha's ability can be used in such a situation.

And because it can be used in such a situation, I conclude that it is not limited by the normal rules regarding RW Follower play, but rather by its own listed restrictions.
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Konrad Klar
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Without Ûvatha the Ringwraith's joining ability a player would need other card or ability to play him as follower. Other requirements still apply.
The Witch-King's ability does not allow its player to play follower at any site.
Bandobras Took wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 7:25 pm (Side note: it seems like Left Behind would also create a separate RW company, unless there is a rule against playing it against minions. I cannot find such a rule.)
When your revealed Ringwraith leaves play without being eliminated, you have until the end of your next organization phase to bring your Ringwraith back into play and use him to re-control any Ringwraith followers.
allows for situation when Ringwraith followers are not under DI of your revealed Ringwraith. Because then A Ringwraith follower must always be under the control of your Ringwraith does not apply anyway then Left Behind may have effect of Ringwraith follower.
So yes. There is a possibility for multiple companies of the same player containing Ringwraith characters.
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Konrad Klar
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And also there is a rescuing of imprisoned RW follower by means of facing AAs at rescue site or by Voices of Malice on host hazard card.
If A Ringwraith follower must always be under the control of your Ringwraith is not in force for any reason then also the rescued RW follower also does not need to be under DI of your revealed Ringwraith.

Depending on interpretation of:
When your revealed Ringwraith leaves play without being eliminated, you have until the end of your next organization phase to bring your Ringwraith back into play and use him to re-control any Ringwraith followers.
Whether it is an exception from A Ringwraith follower must always be under the control of your Ringwraith, or an independent rule, there are some consequences and methods of dealing with the situations.

I think that the rule is an exception from A Ringwraith follower must always be under the control of your Ringwraith. And that if at the end of next player's organization phase your revealed Ringwraith will not be in the same company as its other RW characters, then the other player's companies containing RW characters are discarded.
And I think that this is a player's responsibility how to manage the situation. "I want to rejoin my revealed Ringwraith with my RW followers/my other RW characters" does not give extra possibilities like teleportation of RW followers to the site occupied by your revealed Ringwraith.
We will not speak of such things even in the morning of the Shire.
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