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Uvatha Unleashed

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 6:46 am
by the JabberwocK
ÛVATHA UNLEASHED ‐ Short‐event (R)
Playable on Ûvatha the Ringwraithʹs own company (if Ûvatha is your Ringwraith) at the end of his movement/hazard phase. His company may move to an additional site this turn. A site card may be played and another movement/hazard phase immediately follows for his company.
This card is more or less just a duplicate of Forced March, correct?

It doesn't allow Uvatha's company to disregard the requirement to use Starter Movement does it?

Re: Uvatha Unleashed

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 9:16 am
by Konrad Klar
Ringwraith does not must use starter movement, he may bot use region movement.

Ûvatha Unleashed does not allow Ûvatha's company to use region movement.

Re: Uvatha Unleashed

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 3:22 pm
by Bandobras Took
To be clear:

Ringwraiths may not use region movement. Dwar Unleashed is the only exception to this rule.
Ringwraiths may not move from a non-darkhaven site to a non-darkhaven site. Dwar Unleashed is the only exception to this rule.
Ringwraiths may always move to a Darkhaven site.
To move to a non-Darkhaven site, the Ringwraith must be in a mode. This includes Under-deeps sites.