"Directly Affects" - On guard

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From: viewtopic.php?p=35621#p35621
CDavis7M wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 6:25 pm
Konrad Klar wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 8:59 am If that what Minions Stir does not count as directly affecting an attack then directly the card may not be revealed as on-guard when Orc AA is faced.
The on-guard rules do require the revealed card to "directly affect" the Automatic-attack, only to "modify the automatic-attack." Perhaps you are confused by the second case for revealing on-guard cards when the company plays a card because In that case, in the METW/MELE rulesbooks, the revealed on-guard card must "directly affect the company or a character in the company." Even then, the on-guard rule was later loosened to just "affects."
Konrad Klar wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 7:16 pm What does this mean in practice?
Can Doors of Night be revealed on-guard if Night is in play?
Doors of Night does not directly affect the company, but may affect the company. Night is an ongoing effect that can be enhanced by Night. Doors of Night could be revealed on-guard in response to a company playing a card as long as there is a Man and Dunadan character in the company that would be affected by Doors enhancing Night.
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Konrad Klar
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I must admit, I have used bad example - combination of Doors of Night and Night - this example is not relevant for situation when a company is facing AA and it must be figured out whether on-guard card may be revealed.

Better example may be Minions Stir on-guard, or Doors of Night on-guard when Minions Stir is in play and Orcs AA is faced.

Unlike Arouse Defenders, or Arouse Minions, or Dragon's Desolation, Minions Stir does not modify AA when it resolves.
The modification it causes are applied as actions activated by facing of attack of given type. Doors of Night itself does not affect AA at all. It may increase of Minions Stir.

I think that "cards that modify the automatic-attack" is not precisely defined.
It is open question what should fit in the definition.

Definition proposed by me is:
Cards that modify the automatic-attack include cards that modify AA upon their resolution, or that that establish an action that modify AA activated by facing of AA of right type.

I apologize for late answer.
We will not speak of such things even in the morning of the Shire.
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