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Stage Resources that "place"

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 4:33 pm
by Bob654
(I'm going to use Glove of Radagast as the example here, but there are a number of other stage resource cards with similar language)

Glove of Radagast reads: "Place this card on Radagast if he is in play."

Is this meant to be synonymous with "Play this card on Radagast.", or is this suggesting that I can play the card just on table (potentially even starting it), and then it's moved onto Radagast when he enters play?

Thanks again.

Re: Stage Resources that "place"

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 7:02 pm
by Theo
The second. It can be in play without Radagast (as long as you declared that you were playing Fallen Radagast).