Curiosity: Tower Raided

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Konrad Klar
Rules Wizard
Posts: 4449
Joined: Sun Feb 04, 2007 9:35 am
Location: Wałbrzych, Poland

Tower Raided wrote:Playable during the site phase on an untapped Shadow-hold [ [-me_sh-] ] if your company there: bears an item worth at least 2 marshalling points, contains an untapped scout, and discards for no effect a Stolen Knowledge card it controls. Tap the site and discard the item. Company faces an attack: Orcs — 4 strikes with 8 prowess. By the end of the site phase, tap a scout in the company or discard this card. If this card is not discarded, all versions of this site are now Ruins & Lairs [ [-me_rl-] ], and no factions are playable there. Discard this card when the site is discarded or returned to your location deck.
By the end of the site phase, [...]
I think that this means the after facing Orcs attack Tower Raided card is on site, but the site is not yet [-me_rl-] and a company may still take other activities - play a faction or other resource not requiring an untapped site or even may untap the site and play another copy of Tower Raided.
We will not speak of such things even in the morning of the Shire.
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