Hello dear MECCG Community,
We have published a new version of the CRF (18) that contains the recent rulings and clarifications made in CoE Digest #200 and #201.
If you see any mistake, please do not hesitate to contact us at meccgroc[at]gmail.com.
We have also opened a new batch of drafts for CoE digest #202, you can check and contribute here.
Thanks again for your support,
Council of Elrond Rules Oversight Committee
CRF 18
Hmm that would indeed be helpful, yeah. I guess you can copy/paste the text part of the four sections (Turn Sequence Rulings, Rulings by Term, Card Errata and Rulings, Tournament Rulings) into a word document, give it some decent formatting (I'm afraid I suck at that) and then export it as a PDF.
But I'm sure someone more techy has a better idea...