Remastered Cards
- Baba
- Posts: 81
- Joined: Fri Jan 08, 2021 5:53 pm
- Location: If Oxford is Hobbiton (Tolkien's statmt in Letter294). Between river Adorn sources and Gap of Isen
Some promo cards flavour text have bad references to books...
Fury of the Iron Crown :
Not LoTRIII its in the book 5 chapter 6 so it should be LotRV
Iron Crown (hero) :
the text is not from LotR III but LotRV (chapter 4 to be correct)
Arkenstone promo (minion) :
not in LotRV but Hob
Fury of the Iron Crown :
Not LoTRIII its in the book 5 chapter 6 so it should be LotRV
Iron Crown (hero) :
the text is not from LotR III but LotRV (chapter 4 to be correct)
Arkenstone promo (minion) :
not in LotRV but Hob
Casual player forever !
- Baba
- Posts: 81
- Joined: Fri Jan 08, 2021 5:53 pm
- Location: If Oxford is Hobbiton (Tolkien's statmt in Letter294). Between river Adorn sources and Gap of Isen
Freca :
Flavour text has a space in the word dunedain... Something like this :
Only in Dunland did Men of this race hold to their old speech and
manners: a secret folk, unfriendly to the Du´nedain, hating the Rohirrim.
should be Dúnedain
Flavour text has a space in the word dunedain... Something like this :
Only in Dunland did Men of this race hold to their old speech and
manners: a secret folk, unfriendly to the Du´nedain, hating the Rohirrim.
should be Dúnedain
Casual player forever !
- Baba
- Posts: 81
- Joined: Fri Jan 08, 2021 5:53 pm
- Location: If Oxford is Hobbiton (Tolkien's statmt in Letter294). Between river Adorn sources and Gap of Isen
Not really sure if it's the good place to post that....
When we use playmeccg to make decks with english cards and then just have the list in french, there is sometimes errors in the translation.
I assume it should come from the spoiler list... So this is some mistakes in the french names :
This is remaining errors in the spoiler list I had..
In the Wizard :
Sam Gamgee should be Same Gamegie, Saruman Should be Sarouman
Lapse of Will should be Défaillance de la volonté
Homme du Val (with capital V)
Gold Belt of Lorien should be Ceinture d'or de Lórien (there is an error in the french card, we will correct it during this holidays with putting the numbers)
In Dragon set :
Alert the folk should be Alerter le peuple (note le people)
Trésor de Nains (Capital N)
Stormcrow should be Corbeau de tempête (without x, there is an error in the french card, we will correct it during this holidays with putting the numbers)
Isle of the Ulond should be Île de l'Ulond
Dark minions set
Horns, horns horns should be DES CORS DES CORS DES CORS (everything in capital)
Connaissance de l'ennemi (final i is missing)
Murmures sans fin (s is missing in murmures)
Lidless eye set
Emblème de l’œil (not with capital i’œil)
Deadly dart is Flèche mortelle
La Pierre Arken (with capitals)
There is still some inversions :
liqueur d’orque VS breuvage d’orque
Anneau de pacotille VS le plus petit des anneaux d’or
Murmure intempestif VS Une odeur fugitive
Gardes-frontières VS Rôdeurs d’Arthedain
Escouade orque VS Maraudeurs orques
Convoitise VS Cupidité
When we use playmeccg to make decks with english cards and then just have the list in french, there is sometimes errors in the translation.
I assume it should come from the spoiler list... So this is some mistakes in the french names :
This is remaining errors in the spoiler list I had..
In the Wizard :
Sam Gamgee should be Same Gamegie, Saruman Should be Sarouman
Lapse of Will should be Défaillance de la volonté
Homme du Val (with capital V)
Gold Belt of Lorien should be Ceinture d'or de Lórien (there is an error in the french card, we will correct it during this holidays with putting the numbers)
In Dragon set :
Alert the folk should be Alerter le peuple (note le people)
Trésor de Nains (Capital N)
Stormcrow should be Corbeau de tempête (without x, there is an error in the french card, we will correct it during this holidays with putting the numbers)
Isle of the Ulond should be Île de l'Ulond
Dark minions set
Horns, horns horns should be DES CORS DES CORS DES CORS (everything in capital)
Connaissance de l'ennemi (final i is missing)
Murmures sans fin (s is missing in murmures)
Lidless eye set
Emblème de l’œil (not with capital i’œil)
Deadly dart is Flèche mortelle
La Pierre Arken (with capitals)
There is still some inversions :
liqueur d’orque VS breuvage d’orque
Anneau de pacotille VS le plus petit des anneaux d’or
Murmure intempestif VS Une odeur fugitive
Gardes-frontières VS Rôdeurs d’Arthedain
Escouade orque VS Maraudeurs orques
Convoitise VS Cupidité
Casual player forever !