French remastered cards

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Hello, fellow enthusiasts,Hail to you noble peoples of middle earth.

After almost a year of reflection and discussion, and thanks to Kodi, we can now present our work of translating and adding the various errata to the French cards.

The Project

In 2021, after a discussion with David Rupprecht, we decided to create virtual cards in French including all the french MECCG cards to keep track of these cards. After 6 months the project evolved into a project of translating sets that have never been translated into French, finally we decided to include the errata

You can explore the cards using the search tool:

You can also play with french cards at :

About the Remaster Team

This project wouldn't be possible without the dedicated efforts of the Remaster Team:

Contributors: David Rupprecht, Baba, KakitaBen, Cirdann de Felrive, nico21000... and all those who came from near or far to participate
Special thanks to: Coleman Charlton, kodi

Help Us Improve It

Your constructive comments, ideas, suggestions, error reports, or any input are highly encouraged. We believe that the community's insights are invaluable in refining and perfecting the Remaster project.

please keep in mind that the project is in the beta phase
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Very impressive quality job!
I assume we can post reports publicly here?

The Wizards:
The Barrow Downs site card is missing.
All 52 regions cards too, but I agree these ones have almost no purpose.
A few promotional cards are missing.
The spanish team has a Daelomin illustration with proper orientation:
FR_Daelomin.png (538.16 KiB) Viewed 1244 times
The Dragons:
The Wolf-riders hazard card is the only real printed one featuring an illustration that is 'popping' out of the frame. Look at the wolf paw:
FR_Wolfriders.png (637.38 KiB) Viewed 1214 times
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Thanks Nicolas

Some problems with uppercase/lowercase in renaming... it's corrected for Barrow wight & some promo cards (except for alternative version - do not have the illustration)

For Daelomin, I don't really know what's is the best option (keep it or reframe/rotate)

For regions... another day, and for wolf-riders... argh !!!
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METD_HalfanEyeOpen: Card title - The "Œ" seems to be bold.

METW_DainII: The "a" from "Nain Guerrier/Diplomate" accidentally got an accent.

The random number present on original cards (it has absolutely no use, I agree) is missing on every card.

For every set after METW very few cards (almost none) have their expansion rune.

Also, it seems the font size for many card titles has been altered. Some look very large or 'light'. Not an error, I agree, but it looks strange.
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It's a fantastic job! I'm super excited to see how constructive this community is. :D
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nico21000 wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2024 10:16 am METD_HalfanEyeOpen: Card title - The "Œ" seems to be bold.
indeed... but strange - I have to investigate :)
METW_DainII: The "a" from "Nain Guerrier/Diplomate" accidentally got an accent.
Dàin is a Nàin... bon ok je vais corriger
The random number present on original cards (it has absolutely no use, I agree) is missing on every card.
They will be back one day...
For every set after METW very few cards (almost none) have their expansion rune.
yes... I have generated the complete set of cards but I forgot it doesn't contain the runes... I have to generate each set separately

Also, it seems the font size for many card titles has been altered. Some look very large or 'light'. Not an error, I agree, but it looks strange.
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(except for numbers)
Last edited by David.R on Thu Nov 28, 2024 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Vastor Peredhil
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Vastor Peredhil wrote: Thu Nov 28, 2024 8:20 am

so french characters are immune to it?

and items are as well ... hunter.jpg
That's exactly why we are trying to put the numbers :D

But if some one has a spoiler list we will do it ! if not we will put random numbers.
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Yeah french characters are better, the price of the French card will reach new heights.... :D :lol:

Until people see there is no difference with the real cards...

We will try to put numbers in the end of december / january
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Recherche minutieuse.jpg
Recherche minutieuse.jpg (172.42 KiB) Viewed 685 times
''La compagnie doit affronter toute attaque automatique de son site actuel au moins une fois pendant cette phase de site.''

Is this really needed? Since to do anything during the site phase a company must enter the site and face the site automatic-attack.

The remastered english card does not have that sentence.
ThoroughSearch.jpg (137.4 KiB) Viewed 685 times
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Location: If Oxford is Hobbiton (Tolkien's statmt in Letter294). Between river Adorn sources and Gap of Isen

This comes from the way the project was carried out.

We first did the translation of the three sets never translated (against the shadow, the white hand the balrog)

Then we entered all the French cards as they existed. Then we added elements of errata and rulings to follow the remaster.
In the case of this card it is because the French text was written like this. Perhaps this is the remain of an old errata because for the French version of Dark Minions, certain cards already carried the errata (while the English did not have them)
Then we have changed some terms to avoid 4 or 5 differents words for the same action :
i.e discard existed as : défaussez, débarassez vous, mettez à la défausse, écartez...etc

I must confess that for the wizard and the dragon, I have looked carefully the cards known to be wrong (many sorrow, reforging...Etc) but for some others...

Maybe that's a part we could erase to have a similar card as he english one
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The flavour text has a typo error. "ténèbres" is missing its plural "s".
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We will fix it asap
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