Draft of CoE Digest #200 Q7 - Flatter a Foe played by an ally - Open until August 27th

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Council Chairman
Posts: 462
Joined: Thu Aug 10, 2006 11:31 am

In order to contribute to this thread please follow these rules:

1) The thread will be open until August 27th. The usual time is two weeks but having in mind that it's vacation time we've decided to leave it open a bit longer.
2) There will be a maximum of one reply per forum user, and that reply cannot be edited. We want to actively avoid starting "flame wars", so please speak your peace, let others speak their peace, and that's it.
3) After the review period, the ROC will carefully consider everyone's contributions, revise the draft as appropriate, and then the Digest will be published and official.
Can an ally be the target of Flatter a Foe?

In order to answer this question, consider this CRF entry under “ally”:
Allies count as characters for the purposes of combat, including performing actions in combat that characters do (getting assigned strikes, tapping for +1 to prowess) and for the play of cards that directly affect the attack.
Since Flatter a Foe is a card that directly affects an attack (i.e. it can cancel the attack), this committee’s ruling is that an ally is a character for the purposes of playing Flatter a Foe. Similar examples would be allies becoming wounded to fulfill the active condition of Escape, or a scout ally tapping to play Concealment.

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