Council of Elrond Elections: term 2013-2015

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Thorsten the Traveller
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Hi meccg friends and members of the CoE board!

End of term is nearing for the current members of the Council of Elrond, your democratically chosen representatives for anything meccg related.
So, the new bi-yearly election for the Council of Elrond is coming up, and we need people running for a seat on the council.

Those willing to represent the meccg community, please state your name and motivations below, as brief or as thorough as you like.
Elections will start June 24, provided there are enough candidates.

I'll start with my candidacy.

Eric Dane aka Thorsten the Traveller, current chair and primus inter pares of the Council of Elrond.
motivations: meccg is in my blood! Also, I was asked to do it.
objectives: fighting the long defeat of meccg-decline, trying to keep meccg interesting for ALL players and fans, by promoting both new cards and formats, and keeping the old ones alive and kicking.
dream: creating a cross-over between different kinds of players, maintaining a whole and active community, witnessing an Overall MECCG Worlds Championship at least once.

edit: results of presentation of candidates (see below for details).
so voting starts now, and ends 20-7.

Please pm/mail to Josh aka jhunholz your 9 favourite candidates from the list below.

These are in alphabetical order (according to forum names):

Ralph aka Goblin King
Brian aka limitedwhole
Ernst aka logain
Marcos aka marcos
Mikko aka miguel
Pawel aka Muad'Dib
Tomi aka Nknma
Wolfgang aka thorondor
Eric aka Thorsten the Traveller
Nicolai aka Vastor Peredhil
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Is this the place where all the candidates should announce themselves?
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Thorsten the Traveller
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Those willing to represent the meccg community, please state your name and motivations below,
Yep, so it is.
Stone-age did not end because man ran out of rocks.
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I declare myself available for voting.

I'm Tomi Kareinen aka Tomppa from Finland and I've been a collector since 1996 and an active player for more than decade now. I've also been a CoE-member in the past, during 2009-2010 term.
For a long time I only played 2DGO and sealed, but lately I've had the pleasure to experiment some of the other formats, such as highlander, ARDA and Dream cards. I think the variety in formats is in key possession to keep the game interesting in it's current state.
My objectives are following:
1. Keeping the game interesting for current playerbase
2. Getting old players interested in it again
3. Getting new players to the game
Number one i,s for obvious reasons, most important of these objectives - far above the two other.

My motivation? To keep the game alive and to get to play it more regularly in real life. GCCG is great tool to get some games and keep the international community together, but for me, it is no substitute for a face-to-face game.

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I run for a seat in the CoE once more. Everybody knows me already, and my itentions for the game i love.

Vote for me :roll:
Vastor Peredhil
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Me, me

Nicolai Willinek aka Vastor Peredhil


'll start with my candidacy.

motivations: well this game deserves to be played, also ME-RPGs are even more time consuming so I am stuck with this!!! ;)
objectives: fighting the long defeat of meccg-decline, trying to keep meccg interesting for ALL players and fans, by promoting both new cards and formats, and keeping the old ones alive and kicking. Could not have said it better Eric ;)
dream: getting all to see the benefits of a changing MECCG product with help by many not just few . . . and an active community to support it, we are not dead, but far from active, active.

yours Nicolai
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i would like to be part of the COE for another term.

motivation: its still my favorite game, and the community has no match.
objectives: organising Lure of MECCG for many more years, bringing players together in general, helping to organise events like Worlds, promoting new alternative formats.
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After a few years without playing, i came back to the game with the Nantes 2012 tournament and went to Lure 2013 with great pleasure.
Won't be able to go to the Grey Havens this week end allas.

So i now present myself to the elections.

A bit about me.
I played the game from the beginning until something like 2003.
For fun, making some fun decks, but also for competition. I achieved a good level of play (french standards, not spanish nor german ones ^^) being qualified three times in a row for the french nationals final, playing worlds once and EC twice (finished 3rd at Eindhoven i think, beating the EC german winner, FRadagast of course).
I organised tournaments in the Lille area, where we had a good MECCG community, where we gave cards to beginners.

One of my dislike has always been the avatar rule, having two of one and one of another in the deck, but still it's a game about drawing cards, and the one getting his avatar first has an advantage, it even often makes the difference between two players of the same level, so i introduced the "roll dices to choose your wizard and put three of him in your deck, allowing your opponent to put three of another".
I also contributed to the "Great Wyrms" expansion launch.

This led me when i was elected to COE a great many years ago, to go for the dream cards & errata way. The board being very conservative, i decided to quit at the time.

Now i'm back to business thanks to Vastor and Treebeard ^^.

So you guessed it, if elected i'll support some errata and rules change (at least options that tournament directors CAN use). As i'm no good anymore playing the game, publishing errata won't go far as i'm too far from the best meccg players, but i still support some "easy" things, like a "Balrog for Angband" rule, allowing Balrog vs Balrog games but the second player to draw his avatar plays the Balrog of Angband (again that Avatar stuff).
If i'm elected i'll also try hosting a tournament in Paris. Not sure it'll be easy to get cheap beds though.
If you vote for me i can also give you a roof in the Paris suburb if you want to visit ^^
Last edited by Logain on Tue Jun 18, 2013 8:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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King in the North! Oh wait, that's not... :roll: Anyway, I would like to announce my candidacy!

Mikko Vihtemäki, aka miguel, aka miguelII, aka wiguel, aka NetRep Mikko, the current NetRep and also a current member of the Council of Elrond.
Motivation: Best game ever, but needs some work. MeCCG deserves to be played for ages to come. And the players are an awesome group of guys and (a Tolkienesque number of) gals.
Objectives: Help make changes to the cards and rules where necessary, and also help out with the new stuff. Organize different events and keep people interested. Also, I pledge to play more myself! :o

If you vote for me, I will accept a 2DGO or Hero sealed challenge and play you on GCCG. :wink:

Goblin King
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Ralph Montano aka Goblin King
motivations: I've played MECCG since it came out. I will never ever sell my collection and I still want to play this game.
objectives: represent a voice in the process for the United States. Bring this game into the new century. What I mean by this is a better use of modern social media tools to promote and grow a following for the game. Did you know there's a MECCG Facebook page? Yeah, me neither until I checked. Wouldn't it be cool if we all joined it at once and it went from 35 friends to 350 in one day? I think it would. Wouldn't it be great if had all 65 of the GCCG videos posted on it? And the YouTube videos each had been view 100 times? I think so.
dream: A social media marketing plan with instructional videos that show people how to play the basic game. The game has a steep learning curve, but no more so than many boardgames being produced today. I've said for years that MECCG is just a boardgame disguised as a CCG. I still say that it is. To get another online format to pick up MECCG (such as OCGON). One that is more friendly to Mac users like myself. The future of this game is online with new cards and new fans joined by a common love of Tolkien and well-designed game mechanics.
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Brian Hagerty aka Limitedwhole

Who am I?: I am a logician and philosopher. I sell comic books and magic cards for a living. I have designed and pitched games to major companies. I was the top ranked doomtown player in the world at the end of doomtown. I am a very serious casual player of several CCG's and have a good understanding of METW but more importantly of CCG's in general.

motivations: Have played METW since it came out. Love playing CCG's in general.

objectives: Address the issues that drove people away from METW to begin with at the time of the Dragon's set. Review errant rulings on sacrifice of form and rescind the 12 creature limit opening up new worlds of deck building. This also led stores to stop carrying METW the wizards cards. In my opinion putting a restriction on hazards but not resources was a very bad idea. It is the complete opposite of every other CCG and it shows in gameplay. When the game first came out there were several problems, but these were addressed in The Dragons and other sets. METW works! Return to more classic rules that make more cards playable, like starting at Rivendale. Bring back the classic feel of METW that players loved and free players from constraints on deckbuilding and creativity. Create a series of general strategy articles for beginners and for intermediate players highlighting the strategies and key cards. The only modern ruling I would keep is playing with three wizards as it makes the game less random and solves a core problem and takes into account the increased decksize.

dream: I like Goblin King's dream.

Weaknessed: I don't have a very thorough understanding of Nazgul and Balrog decks and would work on that. I also don;t have perfect grammar when I post on message boards.
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Pawel Ziolkowski aka Muad'Dib

Some of you know me as most active polish player. I organized some online events like Nations Cup, GCCG Champs and Worlds 2011. My main job is to keep polish community as close as possible to CoE community. Like the other guys im trying to keep this game alive, promoting (in Poland) more formats of gaming to make this game more interesting, not only GO. Im not big fan of Dream Cards but understand people need them so why not :) But i also would like to add something new to this game. Right now i really want to make sites from Long Expected Party, Hands of the Healer and Northern Waste to be official part of MECCG. Not only DC project but also GO. They are official work from ICE so why not. Small change but can make travelling more interesting. I still think about rewriting broken cards, to make them simplier. We all know how some cards should work but text is broken and makes them useless or causes stupid rules interpretations. The last thing is to promote CRF, diggests because still a lot of people play like almost 20 years ago, dont know erratas etc. Sometimes it looks like 2 diffrent games. But the most important is to solve all problems with GCCG. Missing images, problems with easy installation keep people away from using this great tool.
IMustNotFear.FearIsTheMind-Killer.FearIsTheLittle-death ThatBringsTotalObliteration.IWillFaceMyFear.
WhereTheFearHasGoneThereWillBeNothing. OnlyIWillRemain.
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Thorsten the Traveller
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ok, we got 10 candidates to elect our 9 Council members from for term 2013-2015.
Not a big lot of choice, but on the up side, some decent overall and international representation, with some outspoken opinions and ideas.

so voting starts now, and ends 20-7.

Please pm/mail to Josh aka jhunholz your 9 favourite candidates from the list below.

These are in alphabetical order (according to forum names):

Ralph aka Goblin King
Brian aka limitedwhole
Ernst aka logain
Marcos aka marcos
Mikko aka miguel
Pawel aka Muad'Dib
Tomi aka Nknma
Wolfgang aka thorondor
Eric aka Thorsten the Traveller
Nicolai aka Vastor Peredhil
Stone-age did not end because man ran out of rocks.
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Some folks have PM'd me already. You can also e-mail me your votes at josh AT hunholz DOT com. Thanks!
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We had 26 people participate in the 2013 - 2015 election in total. Here are the final tallies:

Mikko aka miguel: 24
Pawel aka Muad'Dib: 24
Wolfgang aka thorondor: 24
Eric aka Thorsten the Traveller: 24
Marcos aka marcos: 23
Nicolai aka Vastor Peredhil: 23
Ralph aka Goblin King: 21
Tomi aka Nknma: 19
Ernst aka logain: 17
Brian aka limitedwhole: 10

The top 9 names in that list make up the new Council! Thanks to everyone that participated, both by running and by voting.
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