Q2 - Thrall of the Voice on an Orc/Troll character

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Can a Fallen-wizard play an Orc/Troll character with Thrall of the Voice even if they don’t have Bad Company in play?

Short answer:



CoE digest #39 ruled the following:
16-09-2002 NetRep: Chad Martin Source


Is that true? Can you play Orcs and Trolls with Thrall of the Voice even if Bad Company isn’t in play?

It’s true. Brian ruled that, and I support the ruling.
However, ICE digest #55 ruled the opposite:
12-03-1998 NetRep: Craig Ichabod O'Brien Source


From: _maar...@wfw.wtb.tue.nl_

Can Thrall of the Voice be played to play a Troll character when Bad Company is not in play?

And this was further backed up by ICE digest #88:
31-05-1998 NetRep: Craig Ichabod O'Brien Source


From: “Justin Doheny”

_Hey, I was wondering if anyone could answer me this question... While a Fallen-wizard, do you need to have _Bad Company in play to play with Half-Orc characters??

Either that or A Strident Spawn. That is required to bring them into play. Once they are in play they no longer care.*
Ultimately the ICE digests are correct, because according the MEWH rules:

You may not play Orc and Troll characters until you have played the appropriate card (e.g. Bad Company).

Since Thrall of the Voice does not explicitly override the restriction on Orc/Troll playability, that restriction is still in effect for Fallen-wizard players until a card (e.g. Bad Company) explicitly allows those characters to be played. A player could, however, play Half-orcs without Bad Company if the player has A Strident Spawn in play. Thanks to CDavis7M for help identifying this previously incorrect ruling.

Note that this ruling overturns CoE Digest #39 Q6, CoE Digest #50 Q65, CoE Digest #63 Q5 and CoE Digest #98 Q1

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