Draft of CoE Digest #203 Q4 - Extension to the list of allies that make a company overt - Open until January 22

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In order to contribute to this thread please follow these rules:

1) The thread will be open until Jan 22.
2) There will be a maximum of one reply per forum user, and that reply cannot be edited. We want to actively avoid starting "flame wars", so please speak your peace, let others speak their peace, and that's it.
3) After the review period, the ROC will carefully consider everyone's contributions, revise the draft as appropriate, and then the Digest will be published and official.
Why isn’t the Cave Troll from MEBA a Troll, and how come it doesn’t make its company overt?

Presumably the answer to this question is that MEBA was published at the very late stage of ICE owning the license, and there wasn’t time for them to fully respond to the evolving meta. But while we can only speculate as to the reasons for that oversight, this committee has decided to add the following cards to the list of allies that make a company overt:

Cave Troll

Evil Things Lingering

Great Troll

Nasty Slimy Thing

Note that this ruling overturns CoE Weekly Rulings Clarifications 16, Q12
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I use to play cave-troll in my fallen Alatar deck and i think it's something like a cheat...
Always thought it's really strange those cards doesn't make a company overt.

I think they should be.... this will be more in line with Tolkien's lore
Casual player forever !
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Konrad Klar
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Why Gollum and Stinker are not Hobbits, while My Precious is Hobbit?
Maybe Gollum and Stinker should not be Hobbits?
We will not speak of such things even in the morning of the Shire.
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Khamul the Easterling
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I support the committee's proposal!
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Thanks everyone for your contributions. The RC will study them carefully and come up with a final digest soon.

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