CoE Rulings Digest #205 Q6 - Double Dealing + targetting/affecting sites

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If Double-dealing is played on a site, can a player then target or affect that site with resources of an opposite alignment?

Short answer:



There are two rules in MEWH concerning what can be played at and/or target a site based on its alignment:
Playing Resources at a Site

In order to play a non-Fallen-wizard resource that would normally tap a site, either the site and the resource to be played must both be hero cards or they must both be minion cards. For these purposes, a Fallen-wizard site card (or any Wizardhaven) is both a hero and minion site. This applies to all factions, allies, and items; as well as other cards played during the site phase that tap the site.
Targeting Site and Resource Cards

A hero resource event\ *card may not target/affect a minion site card or a minion resource card. A minion resource event* card may not target/affect a hero site card or a hero resource card.
* Note that errata was issued in CRF 13 to add the word “event” to these two sentences from the MEWH rules insert.

Meanwhile, Double-dealing states:
Playable on a site. If the site is a minion site, you may play appropriate hero resources there. If the site is a hero site, you may play appropriate minion resources there. Discard when this site is discarded or returned to your location deck.
Double-dealing only states that the player may “play appropriate resources there”, i.e. resources that are played “at” the site and which are “appropriate” for the site card, not resource events that are played “on” the site and target it. Double-dealing thus allows the player to override the alignment restrictions of the aforementioned “Playing Resources at a Site” rule, but not the “Targeting Site and Resource Cards” rule.

A practical example of this would be if player has an overt company at the minion version of Iron-Hill Dwarf-hold with Double-dealing played on the site. The player would be able to play hero resource cards that are playable at the site (e.g. Orcrist, Torque of Hues), but not hero resource event cards that target or affect the site (e.g. Houses of Healing, Look More Closely Later, Fireworks). Conversely, if a player has a company at the hero version of The Worthy Hills with Double-dealing played on the site, that player would be able to play minion resource cards that are playable at the site (e.g. All Thought Bent Upon It), but not minion resource event cards that target or affect the site (e.g. Hold Rebuilt and Repaired).

Note that this digest partially overturns ICE Rules Digests #107 Q3 (question 5), and completely overturns CoE RULINGS DIGEST #63 Q14 and CoE RULINGS DIGEST #82 Q15

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