Draft of CoE Digest #205 Q4 - Ready to his Will/Memories of Old Torture - Open until June 26th

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In order to contribute to this thread please follow these rules:

1) The thread will be open until June 26th
2) There will be a maximum of one reply per forum user, and that reply cannot be edited. We want to actively avoid starting "flame wars", so please speak your peace, let others speak their peace, and that's it.
3) After the review period, the RC will carefully consider everyone's contributions, revise the draft as appropriate, and then the Digest will be published and official.
When a creature is converted into an ally, such as with Ready to His Will or Memories of Old Torture, what happens to the creature’s original attack-related effects?

For reference, here is the text for the two cards in question that turn a creature into an ally:

Playable on an Orc, Troll, Giant, Slayer, or Man hazard creature with one strike for each of its attacks. All attacks of the creature are canceled. The creature becomes an ally under the control of any character in the company that now taps. It has a mind of 1, 1 ally marshalling point, prowess equal to its normal prowess minus 7, and a body equal to 8. Place this card with the creature.



Balrog specific. Playable on a Man, Drake, Orc, Troll, or Giant hazard creature attack with one strike for each of its attacks. All attacks of the creature are canceled. The creature becomes an ally under the control of any character in the company. The character need not tap. The ally has a mind of 1, body of 7, and prowess equal to its normal prowess minus 7. It gives 1 ally marshalling point. Discard this card and the ally if the company moves through a Free-domain or Dark-domain.
Some players have expressed confusion as to what happens when a targeted creature has special abilities in its text, such as Assassin or Abductor. But going all the way back to ICE Digest #1 (aka Mailing List Rulings Update #1), NetRep Ichabod specifically ruled that creatures with multiple attacks will attack normally in CvCC if converted to allies:
Creatures with multiple attacks, that are made into allies with Ready to His Will, attack as normal characters.
While considering other creature cards with special abilities, one can find many examples of abilities that would create weird situations if they remained in effect as an ally, such as the aforementioned Abductor to name just one. Given the lack of further information about how these creature-cum-allies should be treated in the rules or existing digests, this committee has opted to extend the original ICE Digest #1 ruling to all other special effects of the creature in order to avoid strange gameplay situations; any of the creature’s effects no longer apply once it becomes an ally. This means that an Abductor converted into an ally won’t discard non-Wizard characters, a Were-worm won’t choose defending characters or discard items from the defending company, etc.

However, a creature converted into an ally will keep its keywords. For example, “Bert” (Bûrat) will still be unique after having been converted into an ally, and he will still be a Troll. That means that if his company consists of all Orc and Troll characters and attacks another company, the defending player could cancel the attack with Dark Quarrels, because Bert kept the “Troll” keyword. And even if his company didn’t consist of any other Orc or Troll characters, Bert would also make his company overt for the same reason.

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I agree that Ready to His Will (without loss of generality) says nothing about the ally getting any special effects of the creature, but I am concerned that it DOES specifically mention the ally getting the creature's normal prowess, which as you know is defined to include however prowess is specified on the card. So, I do not think you've presented sufficient justification for overturning CoE #96. I would recommend changing your ruling to "all special effects other than those modifying prowess."

CoE #16 was already overturned by CoE #33.
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Konrad Klar
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White Hand wrote:A company with any Orc or Troll characters is an overt company.
In the same section - Special Orc & Troll Rules - phrases Orc or Troll characters and Orc or Troll are used both.
Deliberately or due to mess.
Unless at a Wizardhaven, an Orc or Troll cannot be in the same company as an
Elf, Dwarf, Dunadan, or Hobbit.
You may not play a hero resource permanent-event on a company with an Orc or Troll in it.
If all references to Orc or Troll characters should be applied to Orc or Troll (characters/allies/other entities) then there is no chance for Bert as ally in company containing Elf.
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