CoE Digest #209 Q10 - Wizard's Laughter Corruption Check support

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If I play Wizard’s Laughter during my opponent’s site phase, can I tap characters to support and/or play resources to modify my Wizard’s corruption check?

Short answer:



ICE rules that you cannot play nor use resources nor initiate character effects during your opponent’s turn (except for special situations with explicit allowances, like CvCC):

Council of Lórien, When Cards Are Played:
A player may not declare any resources during the opponent's turn. Additionally, a player may not actively engage any resource or character effect during the opponent's turn (e.g., a player may not tap a Palantír during the opponent's turn). A player may not declare any hazards and may not actively engage any hazard permanent-events, etc. outside of the opponent's movement/hazard phase.
ICE’s NetRep clarified that the same is true for resources that would modify a corruption check during an opponent’s turn:

28-06-1999 Author: Van Norton Source



If my opponent plays A Malady Without Healing against me, can I respond to the corruption check with A Friend or Three (or any other resource) despite the fact that it is not my resource turn?

No. You may only play resources during your turn.
In regards to tapping character to support a corruption check, ICE’s NetRep said the following in ICE 110:

19-07-1998 Author: Craig Ichabod O'Brien Source



For corruption checks caused by Ren Unleashed upon an opponent’s company, can characters in the company tap to assist in the check eventhough it’s not their turn?


I presume that resources which aid corruption checks could not be used in the above case.

Correct, which is why you can’t tap characters.

Astute rules historians will note that CRF 4 explicitly notes that characters may be tapped for corruption checks caused by Ren the Unclean (but not Ren Unleashed) during an opponent’s turn:
If you tap Ren the Unclean, then you cannot play resources to aid your character’s corruption checks. Your characters may tap in support.
However, this committee has not found any evidence that this allowance extends to any cards other than Ren the Unclean, as it appears to be a specific ruling for the specific card. Based on all of the above, this committee is upholding the existing rule that resource/character actions cannot be taken during an opponent’s turn, even if those actions would modify a corruption check (except for tapping characters specifically for Ren the Unclean).

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