676-Guild of Elements_Tap

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Posts: 795
Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:39 am

Sit back and relax. The Guild of Elements are on tap.

Elves of old have discovered a secret cult of dark elves searching
for Jewels of Unlight...gems ingested by Ungoliant upon the escape from Valinor
as payment from Morgoth. The breaking of these gems during a ritual will
destroy the Sun and Moon.

Several elves are considered Guild of Element members. Ancient items will also
be found for use to stop this dark ritual. This hero player can play the jewels
and "hide" the jewel. {I do not know exactly how this is done though, still working on the expansion}
The Avatar Deck goal is to prevent the Court of Ardor of dark elves to store more than one gem
by either storing them yourself or by discarding the gem in the player's hand using The Riddle Game.

The hazard deck is playing creatures keyed to Jungles, but this will be uncommon. Thus the
hazard events have a high probability. These events tap minions such as River and New Moon.

Over ten years ago I set on my own creating cards for the Guild and Court, which was done without
knowing others making similar cards. The deck given here uses ideas and cards from these others
except for the following:
Order of the Watcher is a Stolen Knowledge Event,
an elf minion Lay Healer is used as a hero character. Her stats though are the same,
event Remnants of Arrana makes the site Ty-ar-Rana a haven for the Guild members.

Several cards have been made with only the name and alignment. Thus, this deck provided here
will change when the deck is more complete. I have worked on the Court of Ardor Avatar Deck.
It is sad to see 17 or so court elves not be given in the deck since there are so many.
An option is to have two Court players using all the elves. The Demons will be removed
with Alatar moving to the Uttersouth Division. Else, the Court player will be reckless with
his elves knowing there is another deck's worth of elves to use in the Power Deck.
Posts: 795
Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:39 am

Nothing major changed. I removed my own card, Remnants of Ty-Arna and that resource about Fuiner's Well and Moran...Guia...?
So there are two slots for resources, which I am awaiting on the final text of come MECA cards.
Posts: 795
Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:39 am

Here is the last of the Hero decks.
This player performed well by storing all three Jewels of Unlight. Playing
all the Guild members was tough with GI limits. I added a sequence
in the new file of the sequence to play/discard characters.

One item was changed. Bracers of Mira was exchanged for Earrings of Lyerin
to allow Featur to fetch spirit-magic cards and use Ardan Card Deck.
There were two less resources in the sideboard: one copy of Many Turns and Doublings
and Hiding were removed. Hey Come Merry Dol replaces Elven Bridge. A third Elf-stone
starts replacing Elven Rope.

Old Man Willow was replaced by JuthJuth. Sea Serpent was added. Rats replaced by Fruitless Victory.
Nature;s Revenge replaced by Protecting Their Domain. The automatic-attacks at those Uttersouth
Border-holds are brutal.
updated to file after practice game
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