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654-Dark Dwarf

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 11:54 pm
by dirhaval
[thread update on 12.19.17]

From beneath Mordor lies a hidden, lost city of dark dwarves. Descendants of those long ago
worshiping dragons of the First Age or those that fought for Sauron in the War of Wood-Demons
and Men of the Sea. Others have been drawn in hope to inhabit Moria again after the victory
against the orcs in the recent battle at the East Gate. Tribes have either been weaken by infighting
or by sundering of houses. Nomads or loner dwarves have been attracted by hope.

Now, a leader of these dwarves has been given the task to be rid of the elves either in Lindon or
Anfalas for the reward of one of the dwarven rings of Power and a fiefdom in Moria. Technology
from the Far East will bear great pain and destruction on those that oppose. Wolf factions will be
mustered to assault the havens. A forgotten site of rituals along the coast and Carn Dum will
provide protection. Clan Bonds will help find other dwarves with a similar mind of revenge.
Also, the Arkenstone will be searched. If found, then a new king will be proclaimed thrall to no

A dwarf-hold will be erected in Arthedain to drive the night deeper into Eriador. Minds of malice
will be revived in the Old Forest so no one can have it as a refuge.
Bitterness remains since the war. The hazard deck is almost a pure Sea Gauntlet.
Roadblock and misdirection hazards are common to wreak havoc on anyone
using the seas. Drakes will come out of hiding to attack those in the wilds.
Dragon Terror will be used to discard sea hazards with no chance of play
on the Division in play for this player.

Cirdan the Shipwright is this player's main hazard opponent in the Eriador Division.

Re: 654-Dark Dwarf

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 2:02 am
by dirhaval
Minor changes.
I made this player an avatar Grey Player, so the event Dark Dwarves was modified.

Changes include:
added Lore of the RIngs for simple ring tests and another poison.
Company were slightly changed due to changes in DI use.

Re: 654-Dark Dwarf

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 9:13 pm
by Thorsten the Traveller
I can't download the attachment any longer :?
as I doubt it has to do with any of my settings, perhaps something changed with the last server maintenance?

Re: 654-Dark Dwarf

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 9:15 pm
by Vastor Peredhil
well I could skype it, since I already have it ;) if I ever get a hold of you, btw, I hope you have not work on MSE files ...

ah there he is

Re: 654-Dark Dwarf

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 5:34 am
by dirhaval
I was thinking of how to enhance the Warlord Phase Lidless Eye deck.
How about making new Shadow-holds so to use On His Master's Errand+Awaken the Earth's Fire?
or to make new gold ring sites so Hionvor or Womawas Drus can move the Ringwraiths to a gold ring site?
I just need: Ancient Rite, Hold Rebuilt and Repaired.

This player already has an extra Hold Rebuilt and Repaired plus Fortress Reclaimed in his deck.
Ancient Rite and two Elite Wose Hunters will be included to target Dead Man's Dike in the second deck.
A character must stay at the site to ensure a hero company will not face the attack of Ancient Rite so to discard
the minion site. But this will bait a hero company entering a site with an undead AA - Witchking's Undead Deck anyone?
Warlord's Lair can be played on Dead Man's Dike if it is sure the site is no longer needed by the Ringwraiths.

From the new summary:
This second remodeled site is selected and prepared for the Warlord Deck and hunting of the One Ring by the Ringwraiths. Getting all the cards in hand will be tricky. Dead Mine’s Dike will first have Ancient Rite played on it by Elite Wose Hunter to allow gold ring items playable so to use Hionvor or Womawas Drus. Play Hold Rebuilt and Repaired to make it a Shadow-hold so to allow a player to make it a Dark-hold so to use On His Master’s Errand for Arethdain. Now play Fortress Reclaimed to allow playing a faction at the site if possible.

Re: 654-Dark Dwarf

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:15 pm
by dirhaval
I am disappointed in this avatar after eight turns in a 8x40 player game. This avatar is not dwarvish if you get my meaning.
He is hiding at a dwarf-hold in Cardolan, but nothing else is unique about him. I might have to change the deck, but the solution has problems.

This avatar will be based at Mines of Angurath and use the under-deep sites under Harad/Chy for items, which are not used
by anyone. Then the player will be matched against Thrain II, whom is under Eorstan. The Dark Dwarf though will still
use Arkenstone to discard hero dwarves.
The problem is now what happens to Felagrog's opponent? Naturally, this would be Cirdan - the former opponent of the Dark Dwarf.
But the issue is that the hazard decks are not compatible, so Felagrog's and Dwarf's hazards need to be switched, which is unagreeable to me.
Use of Mines of Angurath will also shield Felagrog making that a darkhaven to access Mordor.

I will go ahead and eventually make this change, but to consider switching other hazard decks so Felagrog keeps his Dragon hazard deck.
Besides, in the 64-player Endor game this Dark Dwarf is stationed at Mines of Angurath.

Re: 654-Dark Dwarf

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 5:57 pm
by dirhaval
The biggest change was removing the avatar. The player tapped a site
almost every turn in the practice game; I think I used
WHCTK to bring the avatar into play, which is not legal. An avatar with
Hidden Haven is I think too powerful, especially with a Dwarven Ring.

What I did was add Dom from Pallando's deck and gave the wizard Relin II, which was unused
until this time. Dom will take the place of the avatar using the ring. Now, this player
must play the Ring of Power for another powerful company. In addition,
I included Hold Rebuilt and Repaired and Fortress Reclaimed to make a Dwarf-hold
in Eriador, Either Bar-en-Ibun or adjacent to later influence Petty-Dwarves.
Dwarven Cunning and Concealed Entrance will help the dwarves stay safe.

In response, I removed the sea hazards found in Adunaphel's deck to include
Watchers At the Gate. This hazard can be played on the new shadow-hold, dwarf-hold
for protection, but only during the Warlord Phase. Now, this player will use
Geann a-Lisch the most as a Darkhaven and Carn Dum on occasion.

I modified the Dark Dwarves event to allow dwarves to be played at any Ancient Dwarf-ruin not a Ruins, so
Carn Dum can allow them to be played. I may remove that to force movement from Dol Guldur to play
new characters until the Clan Bonds is set-up.

All these changes will balance the deck.

Re: 654-Dark Dwarf

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 9:44 pm
by dirhaval
Updated deck is in the first thread.

Change from Practice Deck:
Avatar removed for avatar-less deck.
New characters named Gain, Kalin, Falin, Boron, Glein II, Dar, and Grolin removed.
Characters added: Fori Beardless and Swarthy Sneering Fellow as agents.
Minions used as characters added: Mountaineer, Advisor, Judge, Pathfinder.
Dom and Fror V added.

Removed: Black-mail Coat for Dwarven Axe.
Removed: Dwarven Chain-shirt for Vile Fumes

Added Fizzling Torch, Petty Dwarves, The Queer Forest, The Great Willow
Removed: Usriev, Saw-tooth Blade, Sharpen Up
Removed: Not Slay Needlessy, Test of Fire x3, Concealed Entrance
Added: Black Rain x2 & Driven into Exile & Fortress Reclaimed & HRR
Replaced: Lore of the Rings, Warlord’s Lair, Gift of Deceit
Add: Long Forgotten Gold x2, They Bring Fire

Hazard creatures:
Removed Dwarven Travelers for Durin’s Folk. Arthedain for Demon Whale
Added: Demon Whale

Hazard events:
Removed: Choked with Vanity, Reach of Ulmo, Drowning Seas, Echoes of Numenor’s Fall x2
Added Twilight, Winds of Wrath, Terror of the Deeps, Flooded to the Surface x2
Replace Will Not Come Down with Good Sense Revolts
Dead’s Man Dike will be instead made into a Shadow-hold.

Re: 654-Dark Dwarf

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2023 5:42 am
by dirhaval
What happens to the grudge of a proud dwarf under the Mordor plains?
Player Smeagol received the special plant faction and plant ally.
Rebuilt Shadow-hold will be Ruined Signal Tower to trap heroes
in Eriador: pass a region with a shadow-hold, go into Northern Waste, or over the sea.

With lost of the special ally, Earcaraxe Roused enters.
Still no grey player avatar. It could still happen.
Starts with 6 minions. Has hero non-unique dwarves.
Dror comes over from Necromancer deck.

Still in Eriador Division battling Cirdan the Shipwright.

Character text on last page of file.
Either dwarf character is from MECCG, non-unique hero, Thulin II, Tarin,
or created minion (Thrir, Thrur, Hanar, Ginnar)
Last four are Broadbeams - not likely this House to be found elsewhere.

What I like about this deck:
Minion Dwarves! Mighty axe-wielder and wolf boosted monster. Wide mastery of regions to
hunt elves. Hazards are drake and sea-centric.

What I like about this deck:
No avatar. Tough to play characters --- needed to bend rule at Ancient dwarf-ruins. Hazards clog
the hand. Low body characters playing many site cards risking death while moving, yet CvCC by
Cirdan’s elves will cross dangerous lands for combat – your hazards will be waiting

Deck file at viewtopic.php?f=23&t=4772