242-War of the Sands

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Posts: 794
Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:39 am

The Harad Division will amass great battles south of Mordor.
Three Ringwraiths have ruled the land for 2000 years. Now, they will move
great armies. Yet, men and dwarves in the same land will stop them. A wizard has
been sent to the Sun-lands just for the mission to stop any faction to reach Umbar.

The Mumakril are invincible in battle. Already subjecting Mumakan and surrounding lands
these war-beasts have been summoned for war with Gondor. If this faction reaches
Minas Tirith that city will surely mean the fall of the Tower of the Guard.

Pallando, Imrahil, Valdacli will stop Adunaphel, Akhorahil, and Indur.

Here are the strategies.

Indur will move the Mumakril north through Bosiri. Then northwestern along
the coasts around the Dune Sea. The other direction through Chey
will not take much longer, but it will draw hero factions to Nurn, which is unwanted.
The Mumakril will move through Bellazan, then Harondor towards Anorien.

There in Bosiri are Pallando dwarf factions and Valdacli's factions will make the first stand.
Valdacli will send factions moving south of the Yellow Mountains to Bosiri. Yet, it is not
enough. Akorahil will send factions there too. Soon the minions factions will move again.
Here is the battle in Bosiri.

PALLANDO Clan Masra......................Akhorahil Clan Bulgan
PALLANDO Sîrayn...........................Akhorahil Sîrayn
PALLANDO Dwarves of Blackflame........Akhorahil Half-Trolls
PALLANDO Nar's Folk.......................Indur Hathorians
Valdacli Clans of Pel.....................Indur Mûmakanril
Valdacli Clans of Pel

The Sîrayn faction will help the heroes, but not for long. If the battle lasts
three turns, then that will be a success.

Valdacli will send more factions north along the coast towards Seznebab
for the next stand. Imrahil will send factions south to that region.
Akhorahil and Indur will stop these factions in Curinshiban.

Imrahil Bellakaze.................Adunaphel Bellakaze
Imrahil Bozishnarod..............Adunaphel Bozishnarod
Valdacli Men of Ciryatanire......Akhorahil Men of Ciryatanire

Valdacli Clans of Drel.............Akhorahil Etulians
Valdacli Men of Miredor..........Indur Magri
Valdacli Men of Sulcoron

There are three dual factions in the above battle. The heroes have no chance
if all three are under minion control. If the heroes gain one dual faction, then
it can be a tie. A tie is failure. These factions must face the Mumakril.

Heroes will prevent some faction to reach Bosiri. Pallando will send factions
to Bozisha-Miraz for battle. Success for the heroes will be the killing of one minion faction
and wounding the other.

PALLANDO Dwarves of Mablad-Dum.................Akhorahil Gusar
PALLANDO Junast's Guard............................Akhorahil The Visi

Northwards Adunaphel will invade the belly of Gondor to destroy help from Imrahil.
Adunapel will send factions from Umbar to Anfalas to battle the Knights of Dol Amroth.
If Adunaphel plays Southrons and Haradhrim and the Mumakhril are in trouble,
then these two man factions will move south to help. If Imrahil plays these factions,
then the factions will move south along the coasts for battle. Imrahil needs
to kill both naval minion factions before the War of the Ring. Adunaphel will
find success in the destruction of the Knights.

Imrahil Men of Anfalas..............Adunaphel Southerns
Imrahil Royal Navy...................Adunaphel Umbarean Corsairs
Imrahil Knights of Dol Amroth......Adunaphel Black Númenóreans
Imrahil Haradrim.....................Adunaphel Haradrim

Ren will send his orcs south to combat any hero factions in the way of the Mumakril.
It will take four turns for these orcs to reach battle in Far Harad or Bellakar.
Ren Desert Orcs
Ren Orcs of the Ered Hamal

These battles will hold about a quarter of all Black factions and a third of White factions readying for war.
The Ringwraiths need to kill the Knights of Dol Amroth and bring the Mumakril to Gondor. The Heroes
need to prevent this.
Posts: 794
Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:39 am

This is a complete update of the previous post.

The Harad Division will amass great battles south of Mordor.
Two Ringwraiths have ruled the land for 2000 years. Now, they will move
great armies. Yet, men and dwarves in the same land will stop them. A wizard has
been sent to the Sun-lands just for the mission to stop any faction to reach Umbar.

The Mumakril are invincible in battle. Already subjecting Mumakan and surrounding lands
these war-beasts have been summoned for war with Gondor. If this faction reaches
Minas Tirith that city will surely mean the fall of the West.

Pallando and Valdacli will stop Akhorahil, and Indur.

Here are the strategies.

Indur will move the Mumakril north through Bosiri. Then northwest along
the coasts around the Dune Sea. The other direction through Chey
will not take much longer, but it will draw hero factions to Nurn, which is unwanted.
The Mumakril will move through Bellazan, then Harondor towards Anorien.
Movement must be made to ensure stopping in a region that will have another
minion faction present at all times serving as a guard. Thus, the animal faction
may not move due to waiting movement by other minion factions. Reaching Bozisha-Miraz
would mean success.
Six of these factions are close to Borisha-Miraz and thus in reach of Bosiri.
Four are dual factions and three are copied by hero avatars.
Aukuag is the weakest at 7 FN and Gusar is a Light Calvary with 7 FN.
All others are Heavy Infantry. Do not plan on playing Men of Ciryatanírë or Sîrani.
The remaining four factions have 32 FN.

20__Akhorahil---Bosiri---Men of Ciryatanírë

There in Bosiri are Pallando's dwarf factions and Valdacli's factions making the first stand.
Valdacli will send factions moving south of the Yellow Mountains to Bosiri. Yet, it is not
enough. Akhorahil will send factions there too. Here is the battle in Bosiri.
Covshek-Pust is not expected to battle unless only to slow the Mumakaniril in Felayja.
The two Clans are the pawns with 6 FN. Blackflame has 9 FN and can handle the Half-trolls.
Nar's Folk has 7 FN and can fight Visi. Both the Men of Ciryatanírë and Sîrani must be played
in hopes of stopping the war-machine.

14__PALLANDO---Bosiri---Nár's Folk
15__PALLANDO---Bosiri---Dwarves of Blackflame
11__Valdacli---Bosiri---Clans of the Pel
12__Valdacli---Bosiri---Clans of the Pel
15__Valdacli---Seven Lands---Men of Ciryatanírë

After that skirmish in Bosiri, no more resistance by the heroes will be left.
Now, minion factions from the Uttersouth have a clear path through the pass.
Pallando will send more factions towards Seznebab for the next stand.
Imrahil will send factions south to that region if possible.
This is where the war-beasts will first battle.

Likely, the Black Dogs will not battle unless only to slow a hero faction.
The Orcs have 7 FN

3__Indur---Far Harad---The Black Dogs
6__Indur---Far Harad---Orcs of the Yellow Mountains
14__Indur---Far Harad---Mûmakaniril (Mûmakani)

6__PALLANDO---Far Harad---Junast's Guard
9__PALLANDO---Far Harad---Dwarves of Mablad-dûm
16__PALLANDO---Far Harad---Tedjin

Indur knows that the Valdacli will send factions north through Curinshiban.
The Ringwraith needs to stall these factions by battle in the Seven Lands.
The Seven Valdacli are a great threat to Indur. That Ringwraith will
send factions south along the Yellow Mountains drawing strength
of Valdacli northern wing. Indur expects to stop factions in Curinshiban.

Likely, the Mumakil Traders will not battle with there 4 MP.
Neither will the Monks, FN5. By the powerful Hathorians, 10 FN heavy infantry,
must be meet in battle.

9__Indur---Seven Lands---Mûmakil Traders
11__Indur---Seven Lands---Mûmakil Traders
18__Indur---Seven Lands---The Monks of Ereg Eiren
20__Indur---Seven Lands---Magri
23__Indur---Seven Lands---Hathorians

The Nandran and Monks will not battle if it can be helped.
Men of Mirëdor is likely the faction to fight the war-beasts with FN 10.
It is a heavy infantry. Men of Sûlcoron are also Heavy Infantry but with 8 FN.

3__Valdacli---Seven Lands---Nandran
5__Valdacli---Seven Lands---Men of Sûlcoron
15__Valdacli---Seven Lands---Men of Mirëdor
17__Valdacli---Seven Lands---Clans of the Drêl
19__Valdacli---Seven Lands---The Monks of Mor Tarain

These battles will hold about a quarter of all Black factions and a third of White factions readying for war.
The Ringwraiths need to kill the Knights of Dol Amroth and bring the Mumakaniril to Gondor. The Heroes
need to prevent this.
Posts: 794
Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:39 am

This area of notes are for Akhorahil and Pallando. Two wars are dicussed here:
Pass & Sands. Akhorahil had success defeating Pallando’s factions. The ill luck for the wizard was the death of two dwarf factions on their first battle even with Endurance of Stone in play. Movement to Mablad-Dum gave easy healing. Better rolls and the use of that resource should make Sauron sweat upon the threat of losing Mumakaniril.

The Ringwraith was the first to move Aukuag to Gondor. That faction was later wounded and sought to join the fray in Far Harad. Movement to Bellakar was not possible without peril from hero factions. Thus, the faction moved along the Bay of Ormal. But, Knights of Dol Amroth used Numenor’s Legacy to kill the vulnerable faction far from help. Th Knights were pitiless.

Sirani was always hero, but Akhorahil was near to having it himself late. The faction was in the most battles (eight) killing two. Half-trolls were in the second most battles (seven) killing one. It was in two ties finally killed on Turn 18. It was in seven battles in four turns. Visi killed three in five battles. Nar’s Folked and Dw. Mablad-dum each in three battles – both killed. Junast’s Guard killed after two. Gusar killed after two, but killed one. Dwarves of Blackflame, Tedjin, and Men of Ciryatanire killed on their maiden battle.

Pallando was quick to play three strong factions at the end of Turn 12. Mumakaniril began their move on Turn 15. Oh, the Half-trolls. I gave them a 10 FN. Now, I now have it at 9 FN. I try to gauge the size of the force and its features. There should be more Half-Trolls than Black Trolls, but less than Southrons in those factions. Pallando rushed to Chennacatt on Turn 13. Half-trolls move there to start the Battle of the Pass. Turn 15 had the Mumakaniril there in Chennacatt after using The Whips of Their Masters. Orcs of the Yellow Mountains was smart to stop in Bosiri forcing three of Valdacli’s factions to fight it. Later, Gusar and Visi were played late and slowed some hero factions in Bosiri. Visi killed Men of Miredor, Etulians, and Nar’s Folk.

Pallando could not muster momentum. Nar’s Folk and Dwarves of Mablad-Dum were wounded on its first battle. Sirani was wounded by Mumakaniril. It had one tie and wounded five minion factions. It has 10 FN. A 9 FN would have tied once.

Battle of the Sands had 27 battles and 12 kills. The War was always in the minions’ favor. Turn 16 had Half-Trolls kill a wounded Junast’s Guard in Bozisha-Miraz. The next turn those trolls tie Men of Sulcoron in Seznebab. Next, Pallando has Dwarves of MD tie Half-trolls. Still in the same region Half-trolls are wounded by Men of Miredor blocking passage to the Mumakaniril in Bozisha-Miraz. The Half-trolls were left alone until death on Turn 18 by Men of Miredor. Now, Pallando flushed his three dwarf factions and Sirani in Bozisha-Miraz. Two are killed after failing the Endurance of Stone rolls. Akhorahil turn any hope by the heroes into dust with playing Visi and Gusar on Turn 19. These two were meant to block any heroes moving south of Bozisha-Miraz. Gusar kills Clans of Drel.

Pallando did fine, but a game needs to have faction healing involved even at the cost of a character. The wizard could use the extra general influence. Healing of the dwarf factions at Mabald-Dum was used, but having two factions die so early was a waste. Pallando was lucky that Sirani was not influenced away. Better rolls for the dwarf factions and some faction healing should dispatch all factions controlled by Akhorahil and Indur minus the Mumakaniril. Now, Ren may have to move his factions south for aid (Orcs, Chey).

This area of notes are for Indur and Valdacli. Two wars are dicussed here:
Pass & Sands. Indur was successful moving Mumakaniril north past Bozisha-Miraz with support factions. Valdacli lost all its factions (six) that were in battles. Only Magi remains alive. Men of Sulcoron killed one in four battles, Men of Miredor killed one in three, and Men of Ciratanire killed on their maiden battle. Both Clans of Pel lasted two battles each. Clans of Drel killed on their maiden battle. Orcs of the Yellow Mountains were useful for its death on its first battle. Hathorians were played very late. Mumakaniril killed three in six battles.

Battle of the Pass was the first encounter. The Whips of Their Masters was vital moving the warbeasts five regions into Chennacatt preventing three of Valdacli’s factions reaching Bosiri on the next turn but instead wasting a turn on the Orcs. Turn 15 saw Mumakaniril wound Sirani hurting them for some turns before healing. A wounded Mumakaniril then was at risk of death with a 10 FN Sirani waiting. Junast’s Guard then fought the beasts, but was wounded. A 9 FN may be too high. Turn 15 had Men of Sulcoron with two Clans of Pel killed the Orcs. Men of Miredor was killed by Visi late in the game on Turn 21. That was the end of Valdacli’s factions in battles.

Battle of the Sands started on Turn 16 with Mumakanril wounding a wounded Sirani. The following turn Royal Navy used Numenor’s Legacy to slow the beasts, but were killed. Imrahil tried to keep the minion faction for one more turn in Bozisha-Miraz for healing. Valdacli finally
arrived from the west and from Bosiri with four factions on Turn 17 (mCiry, mSirc, Pel, Pel). Men of Ciryatanire were killed by the warbeasts. Pel tied a tapped Bellakaze. However, I had yet increase Pel’s MPs with multiple Clans of Pel in play. I may need to lower their body one because of this. Turn 18 had Mumakaniril wound Men of Sulcoron. It was a mess in that region of Bozisha-Miraz. Adunaphel was rushing southwards to help reaching the region later that turn. Black Numenoreans killed a wounded Men of Sulcoron and Umbarean Corsairs killed a Clans of Pel. It was lookly hopless for Valdacli. Light was still shining when Men of Miredor killed Half-trolls that turn in Seznebab. Pallando had Dwarves of Mablad-Dum battle Mumakaniril, but the dwarves were made into jelly. Turn 19 had Mumakaniril attack Sirani and wounding it. Clans of Pel moved into Suza Sumar to slow the movement of minion factions along the coast; it worked, but at the cost of its life. Clans of Drel was killed while slowing Visi on turn 20. The game ended with Mumakaniril with several support factions moving northwards two regions per turn.
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