739-play Uvatha

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Posts: 795
Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:39 am

Ûvatha gained 29 MPs and placed 8th among Ringwraiths. There was room for Mps for some
characters under GI. Six of the seven factions were played. Only Wain-Easterlings were not in
play; it was discarded earlier. On the last turn, this player influenced to discard only this faction
in play by King Vidugavia. CvCC occurred during the middle of the game. Four of the six allies
were killed. All but one item was not played. Faction wars will remove faction MPs. Three
characters were not played – only one eliminated. One company, Ulrac’s, faced many strikes
compared to others. Only Steeds was not used much; not until the second deck. Creatures too
were useless. Only one creature of 19 was played during the first turn. It improved for the second
deck: two played. Just 8 creatures played the entire game. However, only 3 of hazard events were
not played during the first deck. That was the balance. Two-thirds of the turns experienced either
tapping the site or something like CvCC.
I felt confident moving with companies and keeping characters untapped. Well, only three
creatures faced in the first 12 turns. Two moving companies were formed early. Ûvatha moved
often – to 7 non-haven sites. Agents were a great success.
Four CvCC were initiated. Four minions and two horse allies attacked King Vidugavia and
Yanos Kosvar at Raider-hold. Ulrac wounds King Vidugavia, but Swift Strokes could not help
Nevido Smod; he is wounded. Two turns later, six minions and two allies ambush Galva and
Maran at Nuriag Camp. Maran wounds Shamas, but Tros wounds Galva. The turn aftar that
Uvatha kills Beregond at Nurniag Camp. Nearby, Four minions and two allies attack Theoden
King, four other Men, and two allies at on the plain before Barad-wath. Theoden king wounds
Jehn Remak on foot. Mighty Steed and Snowman tie. Tros Hesnef kills Eothain in an unfair dual.
Ulrac’s Mighty Steed wounds Guthlaf’s Mighty Steed. Ulrac and Erkenbrand battle fiercely, but
the Horsemaster is wounded. Nevido Smod wounds Eowyn even though Hama supported.
An average pile of 113 strikes rolled including 39 in last 8 turns. 7 body checks gave 4 deaths
and 0 discards. That is the fewest of all minion checks for body checks. 19 corruption checks
were made. Ulrac rolled 17 strikes and 0 body checks. Nevido Smod rolled 21 strikes and
wounded once. Tros Hesnef surprisingly rolled 15 strikes and no body checks. The six allies
rolled 23 strikes and 4 body checks.
This player faced 15 creatures from 54 hazards, but 4 was agent actions.
There were 40 moving companies and 57 total companies. 31 of the movements were 3+ regions.
Average hazard limit was 2.9, which is above average. About 130 regions used including
12 Wildernesses, 13 Double Wildernesses, 64 Shadow-lands, and 31 Dark-Domains.
He had 57 site phases including 19 at a Darkhaven, 3 Ruins & Lairs, and 26 Border-holds – twice
than any other minion player. He visited no Lair, Free-hold, or Dark-hold.
First deck exhausted on Turn 10. Second deck exhaust on 18. First deck shuffled 11 cards and
drew 9.7 cards/turn. Second deck shuffled 7 cards and drew 13 cards/turn. The game ended with
33 cards in the play deck. 19 sites were tapped or used.
Dasakun was a menace in the shadows. Turn 2 he kills Khursh at Lake-town. Turn 17 he wounds
King Vidugavia. The last turn he attacked Maran, but he is discarded from the corruption check
from Marvels Told. These three attacks were generated upon site entering.
Woffung had three useful turns. He used Twisted Tales to discard Men of Northern Rhovanion.
Turn 21 he wounds Maran at Lake-town. Then Ordered to Kill forces him to attack Frerin at
Lake-town, but the agent is wounded by the Longbeard.
Swarthy Sneering Fellow was no use.
Last edited by dirhaval on Fri Mar 03, 2023 1:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 795
Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:39 am

Going well. 12 MPs. Played Easterlings and Ovatha's Bow.
Three agents yet to be drawn. Fast play of hazards.
Will leave above PDF of previous game notes for a while for you to compare.
first 5 turns
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