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Character/Site availability non-dc Deck

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 11:25 pm
by rezwits
I have been going over this one for a while:

I asked Thorsten the Traveller, early on but his recommendation was, whatever was generally accepted.

Here is the situation:

If I have a non-dc deck, i.e. a 30/30 without the minimum 25% dreamcard usage in each portion (8res/8haz), I should, if in a General Tourney, i.e. METW-MEBA+DC, be able to, at a minimum, use dc-sites and dc-characters.

If the tourney is open and dc is used, just because I choose to say, make and play a RW-deck, I need access to ALL the sites for [-me_ccc-] CvCC. You shouldn't get a hiding advantage because you're deck is "dc legal" and mine is a standard build.

I also think which is maybe a stretch, is that if in a open tourney (dc allowed), characters are also on the table for my Pool, Deck, and SB. But NO resources or hazards, unless I meet the 25% deck rule.

'Cause this is how I feel this is how I feel this is how I feeeeel
I'm on my way
I'm on my way down

Read more: The Catherine Wheel - Waydown Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Re: Character/Site availability non-dc Deck

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 7:38 am
by Vastor Peredhil
I would say that you should provide your opponent with DC sites for your game in case CvCC is called for

Re: Character/Site availability non-dc Deck

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 7:51 am
by rezwits
That's fair, but you're saying use my only copy? So SHARE?

Re: Character/Site availability non-dc Deck

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 2:00 am
by rezwits
oh and then have the Minion/Hero copies if I am Hero/Minion? hmm

Interesting but doable...

Re: Character/Site availability non-dc Deck

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 9:34 am
by Thorsten the Traveller
You're talking about games in a non-DC format where DC cards are allowed. This creates an 'unequal' situation, where you have use of cards where others might not, so it's always fitting that you should be gracious.

But as a rule, I'd take a full location deck (both hero and minion) with me for any game. It still fits in a 2-deck cardbox, and you might need to provide opponent with a site e.g. for taking Prisoners, or Shifting Paths/ Winds of Wrath etc.

Technically, as per CRF, you may only play the latter if using the same type of sites. That's because you are only allowed sites of certain types in your location deck. In my opinion, it's not an elegant solution.

Why not allow players only to USE sites of certain types for THEIR companies (and agents), but allow any site in your location deck? Thus you can provide opponent a minion site while playing as a hero (and vice versa). Even more so, you can use a site that's already in your discard pile as rescue site for an opponent's character taken prisoner. Where's the harm in it?

Re: Who cares let's just play, DC vs Non-DC (sites cont.)

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 2:35 pm
by rezwits

That's what I am saying (I agree).

To me I am like, "Come on guys", we're grown MECCG PLAYERS, we all have a complete Classic Site Deck.

A full site deck (printed) including DC, hero fits in a Dual Deck box White Hand included, and a minion one fits in a Dual Deck box, Balrog included.

My thing is I see no problem with a guy who is playing a Non-DC deck, being able to bust out Rhûbar and going there with his company (or any other DC-site, no matter what I was playing, DC or Non-DC. (<-- This just doesn't matter at ALL)

UNLESS you go to say Ceber Fanuin and he is like hey I want my Minion company to go there and fight you in CvCC, but I don't have that site. Then it's like ok, well seeing as how you have ALL the Classic Sites, you can just go there using my Minion version, and I'll take it out and he can borrow it.

Because really, this is the only situation that needs REMEDY. CvCC or Hero vs Hero influence etc...

But honestly if a guy wanted or needed to use one of my DC sites in the HONOR of this DC migration if doesn't have DC he can use my copies, for crying out loud.

The only WAY, if I was playing that I wouldn't let the guy borrow would be a situation like this:

1. We are playing the same alignment (Minion vs Minion, Hero vs Hero, etc) and while we are playing he says hey can I borrow one of your DC sites to just go there (so he can get an item, etc)?? I would be like a no you don't have the card so NOPE.

2. And that's pretty much the ONLY reason!

If I was playing opposite alignment and some unfair situation arose, that was out of normal game play where I was getting some stupid advantage just because I had DC-sites (like camping) I would be like DUDE use whatever site you need from my WHAT I CALL (DC-Balrog-FW-Site Deck), which is one of every printed site (and even proxy Sun-Lands South, haha), in the game and 2 of every Haven (minimum).

Like I said we're all big boys pretty much and have a full site deck... I just want to sit down and be like:

1. Let's play
2. What are you playing DC or non-DC?
3a. Fallen Wizard (Lord)?
3b. Which Fallen Wizard (Lord)?
4. Let me sideboard out cards not playable or allowed against (Hero/Minion/Balrog/Lord).
5. Character draft.
6. Starting site, (Classic uses Classic, DC can do DC, which ever doesn't matter, as far as advantage, it is what it is)*
7. Roll dice to see who goes first!
8a. Draw 8.
8b. Mulligan if needed.
9. PLAY!

*My thing with the advantage is, playing a Classic deck I see as still having some advantage over playing a more rigid built DC-deck especially the hazard portion. (Don't get me wrong Vastor and Thorsten, and others can build some mean DC-decks), but with what's currently printed I don't see a huge advantage yet, as the classic cards are still strong, maybe with MENE (or proxy allowed) this could change but...

Let's just PLAY! And have fun while the DC-migration/transition is under way...