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Aden Scarlet's Medical Library

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 9:12 am
by Konrad Klar
I am not sure whether it is appropriate place to post such things. I am sorry if not.
Return of the Shadow: Aden Scarlet's Medical Library

(1)Hobbits---3 strikes with 5 prowess; (2)DĂșnedain---2 strike with 10 prowessSpecial: *Secret Book, Records Unread, Thror's map. If Smoke on the Wind or People Diminished is successfully played at this site, pace this card in your marshalling points pile instead of discrding it from play: any Information resources in play by hero players are worth one less marshalling point (to a minimum of one)
Because site with People Diminished is never discarded "pace this card in your marshalling points pile instead of discrding it from play" will never happen.