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Free-hold surface site

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 12:47 pm
by kober
Standard Rules wrote:For the purposes of playing hazards, a Free-Hold is never considered to be the surface site of an Under-deeps site.
How does that work in DC, especially for a DL whose BMDH/IHDH is a Lordhaven?

Re: Free-hold surface site

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 2:32 pm
by Thorsten the Traveller
Still works the same.

Those Lordhavens are surface sites, but they cancel all attacks, so creatures or even a Flooded to the Surface can be played but do not do much.

There might be some funny tricks possible, like Spiders Huge and Horrible triggers with Shelob's Brood, as the attack is cancelled but the creature still faced. But that's minor stuff.

Re: Free-hold surface site

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 6:44 pm
by kober
Sorry, but I don't understand how that would work. Please see the following:
Nameless Thing wrote:[...] If Doors of Night is in play, also playable at an adjacent site of any Under‐deeps site [...]
CRF - Turn Sequence - Playing Hazards wrote:A creature 'played at' a site is the same as being 'keyed to' the site.
BMDH wrote:Special: Dwarf-lord only [...] If one of your companies is at this site, all attacks against it are cancelled [...]
So, a Dwarf-lord company is moving from The Drowning-deeps to BMDH. Doors of Night is in play. The opponent plays Nameless Thing, keyed to the BMDH. I don't see how the attacks would be automatically cancelled since the company is not at the site during the M/H phase.

(If the company was of a non-Dwarf-lord alignment, the opponent wouldn't be able to key Nameless Thing to BMDH, because it'd be a Free-hold.)

Also, compare to a FW company moving from Deep Mines to their protected Wizardhaven, and to a Balrog company moving from The Under-gates to Moria. In the latter case, a Nameless Thing attack would be a detainment, but in neither case it would be automatically cancelled.

Re: Free-hold surface site

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 9:20 pm
by Thorsten the Traveller
Yes, Lordhavens are the same as Wizardhavens, should they not be? Drakes don't hold conversations with Dwarves.

Wizardhavens are from after Dark Minions, so apparently ICE didn't see it as a problem. If Gandalf plays Chambers of the Royal Courts on BMDH, ironically it becomes less safe from Under-deeps creatures, when moving there. But once you're in, you're safe, unlike at Free-hold versions.

Re: Free-hold surface site

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 3:29 am
by kober
Okay, it's clear to me now. Thanks for the clarification!