From the Council of Elrond we want to start organizing 2025 MECCG Worlds, in a face-to-face format. So far, we have tried to follow a Europe-Europe-America pattern every three years, to try to give the whole community a viable and not too expensive option to attend, depending on the proportion of players on both sides of the Atlantic. However, this is entirely dependent on the organizers available. These are the last places where they have been organized:
2024: Germany (Hamburg)
2023: USA (Sacramento)
2022: Spain (Llinars del Vallés, near Barcelona)
2021: Germany (Bacharach castle)
2020: No Worlds due to COVID
2019: France (Lille)
2018: The Netherlands (Heemskerk, near Amsterdam)
2017: Germany (Cologne)
2016: Switzerland (Jenins)
For those who are thinking about it, the requirements that the rules of the Council request for the organizers are collected in
Based on past experience from organizers, this could be a good recommendation for anyone pondering the possibility of organizing the event:
- The event is weekend-long, from Friday evening through Sunday afternoon. This way the trip is better utilized with as many games as possible.
- The official games are two-deck games. Of course, the organizer can hold other types of games, the most usual being a quick tournament with "wizard only" single-deck alignment, sealed tournaments, drinking game, etc. However, the only championship sanctioned by the CoE is the "General Opponent" (any alignment, two decks).
- There must be a possibility of accommodation, sufficiently adequate, and preferably affordable. This is usually achieved if organized in hostels or similar places, although any hotel with a rate that is not expensive is feasible. It is preferable that the lodging be in the same place as where the games are held, although it is not indispensable as long as the distance between one place and another is short (preferably to do it on foot).
- There should be the possibility of eating on site, or nearby, so that meal breaks do not impact on the schedule of the games.
As an example, this is the usual schedule for these events:
- Friday PM: Wizards-only tournament (one deck)
- Friday late night: Some sealed or casual play.
- Saturday AM: General Opponent semis (2 decks)
- Saturday PM: General Opponent semis
- Saturday late night: Drinking Game / Sealed / Casual play
- Sunday AM: General Opponent finals (if 16+ players in semis) / sealed for the rest
- Sunday PM: hangover fighting, trades. long internal conversation about what we are doing with our life while returning to everyday duties.
- 11 months later: try to disarm decks used on Worlds to go to next Worlds with fresh decks, decide it is too much effort and pack them again with subtle changes in the sideboard.
Jokes aside, this is a great opportunity to put a pin on your city in the MECCG worldwide map
![Haven [-me_ha-]](./images/smilies/me_ha.png)
The floor is yours, MECCG community!!
![Corruption Points [-me_cp-]](./images/smilies/me_cp.png)