The Progressive Scenarios Rules

To fulfill a scenario a player has to meet all deck building requirements during the whole game, and additionally the winning requirements for a certain scenario at the end of a game. There are 16 wizard scenarios and 6 ringwraith scenarios...

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The Progressive Scenarios Rules are an improvement of the Hamburger Scenarios Rules. Now, the 3 difficulty levels exist for each scenario (easy, medium, difficult). The conditions for success are (in principle) progressive. We will "officially" present this new version of the rules at Lure 2022 (Saturday tournament). If you have a deck ready for the old rules version, don't worry, you just need to change a few cards to fit the new version.
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The Progressive Scenarios Rules April 2024

The Scenario Tournament format has been created by the players of the Council of Pelargir group, from Hamburg, Germany. They have been playing it for years in a league system, with a decreasing point system for the players re-using the same deck.

The French community has played the Scenario Tournament format in single event tournaments, and has elaborated new rules, with a different tournament point system. These progressive scenarios rules are an improvement, with 3 success levels for each scenario.


I.1 General:
With the following annotations normal tournament rules apply:
• We play 2-deck games, one game lasts 80 minutes (the player who didn't start finishes his turn or gets a final turn). But if The One Ring is destroyed (hero success), the game ends immediately. Nevertheless, the other player must make his corruption checks (to verify the scenario conditions at the end of the game).
• You need 25 Marshalling Points to call the council. (Please check the normal tournament rules if you are not familiar with them!)
• You can have a 30 card sideboard deck.
• You may play only Wizard scenarios (i.e. normal Wizard decks).

I.2 Banned Cards:
You may not include the following cards in any of your decks :
• Long Winter
• Storms of Ossë
• Foul Fumes
(i.e. no hazard that may tap a site may be included!)

I.3 German Promos cards:
German Promos cards are tournament legal (in their original version, not the DC ones).

I.4 Rule Reminders:
* Neither so Ancient Neither so Potent gives items MP. (COE Erratum 32)

* Stored cards are not considered to be in play, except for uniqueness. (CRF)
For example, in The Rohirrim scenario (#11) Red Arrow and Great Shield of Rohan must be borne by characters and can not be stored to succeed the scenario.

I.5 Special rules:
* You may attempt to influence resources (items, allies) or characters controlled by a Wizard. For items influence attempts, a Wizard has a mind of 10.
* Any character may be brought into play under general or direct influence at his home site (even if your Wizard is in play but not at the site), if you have another character present at that site. (Dreamcard rule)
* Characters and allies at a Haven heal from wounded to untapped during the untap phase. Characters and unique allies at their home site heal from wounded to untapped during the untap phase. (from a Dreamcard rule)

I.6 Optional rules: (it is up to the players to decide if these rules are used or not in the tournament)
* For the first round (only), you cannot play against a player with the same scenario (each player indicates his scenario on his tournament sheet).

* At the beginning of each game, before the character draft, each player makes a 2 dice-roll.

The player with the highest result (re-roll in case of a tie) chooses immediately between these two options:
Option 1: select a Wizard (or declare playing without a Wizard)
Option 2: choose to play first (or not)

The other option is automatically assigned to the player with the lowest result.

The player with Option 1 selects a Wizard and add three copies of this avatar to his play deck (showing them to his opponent). He will not be allowed to play a copy of another Wizard during this game. If he declares playing without a Wizard, he will be not allowed to play any copy of any Wizard during this game.

When your opponent chooses a Wizard, you must put all the copies of this same avatar from your deck or your sideboard in your "out of play reserve" and you can add three copies of another Wizard from your reserve to your deck or your sideboard.

See below for the procedure for the "specific" avatar cards.

The character draft takes place as usual (5 characters maximum, 20 maximum mind).

Then, each player draws 8 cards from his play deck. Mulligan can occur (rule 1.8 ).

And then, at this stage, the other player can activate the Option 2 : choose to play first (or not).

(from a Belgian variant)

If this optional rule is in effect, the following procedure is used for the "specific" avatar cards : if a player does not play with his expected avatar, he can exchange up to 3 "specific" avatar cards for the same number of "specific" cards of his new avatar (he shows these cards to his opponent). Replacements cards must take place at the same place: deck or sideboard.

The "specific" avatar cards:
Alatar: The Hunt
Gandalf: Hobbit-lore, Narya
Pallando: Eyes of Mandos
Radagast: Herb-lore
Saruman: First of the Order

Extra cards (replacement Wizard cards, replacement specific avatar cards) come from your "out of play reserve" (not from your sideboard).

I.7 Alignment:
You are only allowed to play a Wizard deck. Ringwraith decks, Fallen-Wizard decks and Balrogs decks are not allowed.

I.8 Mulligan: If you have no resource in your starting hand that normally gives any MP(s), you can show your hand to your opponent, and then shuffle this starting hand into your play deck and draw a new starting hand. You can only do this once.

I.9 Tournament formula:

For 4 or 5 players : it is a Round-robin tournament. Each player play once against each other player.

For 6 players or more : it is a Swiss System tournament. The number of rounds is dictated by the number of participants :
6 - 8 players : 3 rounds
9 - 16 players : 4 rounds
17 + players : 5 rounds
For the first round only, players are paired off randomly. For each round after the first round, each player is paired off with another player with the same (or the closest) total of tournament points. The same players can not play each other more than once.

I.10 Scoring
The most important difference to a regular tournament is that you do not only get tournament points for marshalling points, but also for fulfilling the requirements of a certain scenario. You must choose a scenario among the list in II (Wizard scenarios)

Scenario-Points :
• 7 TPs for a difficult scenario
• 5 TPs for a medium-hard scenario
• 3 TPs for an easy scenario

You can win several different scenarios with one same deck (there are some possible scenarios). In that case, you get 7 tournament points. If one of these scenarios is medium, 8 tournament points ; if one of these scenarios is difficult, 9 tournament points.

Malus Points:
If both opponents succeeds a scenario : - 1 TP for each player

Victory Points:
If a player has at least two times the number of MPs of his opponent, or destroy The One Ring, it is a decisive victory. Otherwise, it is a marginal victory.
• decisive victory : 4 TPs
• marginal victory : 3 TPs
• tie : 2 TPs
• marginal defeat : 1 TP
• decisive defeat : 0 TP
• a bye : 6 TPs for the first round, 5TPs for the second round, 4TPs for the third round, 3TPs for the fourth round, 2 TPs for a fifth round.
You have a bye if you are present at the tournament room, ready to play, but no opponent is available. Only one player per round can benefit from a bye. A player can only get one bye in a tournament.
• drop : 0 TP

Scenario-Points, Malus Points and Victory Points are added up for the total points of a game.

1.11 Tournament Point Ties :
If several players have the same number of TPs at the end of the tournament, the following procedure is established :

1) Head-to-Head results. Tally the number of losses of each tied player from all games played with any other tied players. The player with the fewest total head-to-head wins the tie-breaker. You «lose» a game if you have fewer Tournament Points (Scenario Points + Marshalling Points) than your opponent.

2) The greater number of Scenarios fulfilled (against all players).For each remaining tied players, the player with the greatest number of difficult scenarios fulfilled wins the tie-breaker. Then, the player with the greatest number of medium scenarios. Then, the player with the greatest number of easy scenarios.

3) The greatest sum of opponent's scores. For each remaining tied players, add up all of their opponent's Tournament Point totals. The player with the highest sum wins the tie-breaker.


For each scenario the following applies: to fulfill a scenario a player has to meet all deck building requirements during the whole game, and additionally the winning requirements for a certain scenario at the end of the game. You may only refer to the cards in your own deck to meet scenario requirements.
(DR = deck requirements, WR = winning requirements):

1) King Under the Mountain :

DR: The starting company may only contain the following characters: Bilbo, Dwarves with home site: Blue Mountain Dwarf-hold.

Easy : King under the Mountain is in play. The Arkenstone or Returned Exiles is in play.

Medium : King under the Mountain is in play. The Arkenstone and Returned Exiles is in play. A company has successfully played an item, an ally or a faction at The Lonely Mountain, while one of its characters is King Under The Mountain.

Difficult : King under the Mountain is in play. The Arkenstone and Returned Exiles is in play. A company with Bilbo has successfully played an item, an ally or a faction at The Lonely Mountain, while one of its characters is King Under The Mountain. Bilbo is at Bag-end and is wearing The Mithril-Coat.

2) Gollum's Fate :

DR: Only the following characters may come into play: Gandalf, Aragorn, Strider, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Frodo, Sam, Pippin, Merry.

Easy : The One Ring is destroyed.

Medium : Gollum's Fate is successfully played.

Difficult : Gollum's Fate is successfully played. The One Ring must have been successfully tested at an Haven or a Free-hold (or have been influenced away).

Exception: if the optional rule with the Wizard's choice is used, you can select Saruman as your Wizard if your opponent has chosen to play Gandalf.

3) Return of the King :

DR: Aragorn or Strider is played as the first character.

Easy : 3 of the following cards are in play: Army of the Dead, The White Tree, Return of the King, Choice of Luthien

Medium : all the following cards are in play: Army of the Dead, The White Tree, Return of the King, Choice of Luthien

Difficult : all the following cards are in play: Army of the Dead, The White Tree, Return of the King, Choice of Luthien, and Aragorn bears Narsil reforged as Anduril, the Flame of the West

Remark and Ruling : «Aragorn or Strider is played as the first character » do not mean that he must be played successfully. If both players play Aragorn (or Strider) simultaneously during the character draft, the two characters «bounce»; but it do not prevent to try to play the another Aragorn manifestation card during the rest of the character draft.

4) The Seventh Palantir :

DR: none.

Easy : The Ithil-stone or an inverted Fate of the Ithil-stone is in play.

Medium : The Ithil-stone or Fate of the Ithil-stone has been stored at a Haven.

Difficult : The Ithil-stone or Fate of the Ithil-stone has been stored at Rivendell

Remark : if already successfully stored, Fate of the Ithil-stone or The Ithil-stone does not need to be stored at the end of the game.

Remark : Wizard companies cannot use starter movement to or from sites in Gorgoroth. If using region movement to or from sites in Gorgoroth, they must move from a site in Imlad Morgul, through either Nurn or Udûn, or use a movement enhancer like Ash Mountains or Eagle-mounts. Such sites may be reached normally with Under-deeps movement. (CRF)

5) Alliance of Free Peoples :

DR: none.

Easy : Alliance of Free Peoples and three factions (one Man, one Elf and one Dwarf) are in play. A company contains at least three characters ; one of those characters has to be an Elf, one a Man and one a Dwarf. A company containing these three characters has successfully played a Valiant Sword at a non Haven site, and is still in possession of this weapon at the end of the game.

Medium : Alliance of Free Peoples and three factions (one Man, one Elf and one Dwarf) are in play. A company contains at least three characters with a mind higher than 6. One of those three characters has to be an Elf, one a Man and one a Dwarf. A company containing these three characters has successfully played a Valiant Sword at a non Haven site, and is still in possession of this weapon at the end of the game.

Difficult : Alliance of Free Peoples and three factions (one Man, one Elf and one Dwarf) are in play. A company contains at least three characters with a mind higher than 6. One of those three characters has to be an Elf, one a Man and one a Dwarf. A company containing these three characters has successfully played a Valiant Sword, an axe and a bow at non Haven sites. The Man bears this Valiant Sword, the Dwarf this axe and the Elf this bow.

Remarks :
Alliance of Free Peoples can have been played by either player.
The bows are : Bow of the Galadhrim, Bow of Dragon-horn
The axes are : Dwarven Axe (Zwergenaxt), Durin's Axe

6) The Shire :

DR: none.

Easy : Hobbits, Mistress Lobelia, Mallorn and three Hobbit characters are in play.

Medium : Hobbits, Mistress Lobelia, Mallorn, Red Book of the Westmarch and four Hobbit characters are in play (one of them with To Fealty Sworn)

Difficult : Hobbits, Mistress Lobelia, Mallorn, Red Book of the Westmarch and five Hobbit characters are in play (two of them with To Fealty Sworn).

7) Veins of Arda :

DR: Only Dwarves may be played as characters (but you can play a Wizard).

Easy : One Vein of Arda has been stored at a Haven. Another Vein of Arda is in play or has been stored at a Haven

Medium : Mithril is in play.

Difficult : Mithril has been stored at a Haven.

Remark : If already successfully stored, Mithril or Vein of Arda does not need to be stored at the end of the game.

8 ) Heirs of Yavanna :

DR: No Dwarves may be played as characters. Old Road, Great Road and Bridge may not be played.

Easy : 2 Woses factions, 2 Ents and 4 Rangers characters are in play. Ghân-buri-Ghân, Ôm-buri-Ôm or Pôn-ora-Pôn is in play.

Medium : 2 Woses factions, 3 Ents and 5 Rangers characters are in play. Ghân-buri-Ghân, Ôm-buri-Ôm or Pôn-ora-Pôn is in play.

Difficult : 3 Woses and/or Ent factions, 3 Ents and 5 Rangers characters are in play. Ghân-buri-Ghân is in play.

9) The Stones of Fëanor :

DR: No Hobbits may be played as characters.

Easy : 3 different Palantiri have been tapped during the game to use their specific ability. One of these Palantiri is in play at the end of the game.

Medium : 4 different Palantiri have been tapped during the game to use their specific ability. Two of these Palantiri are in play at the end of the game.

Difficult : 4 different Palantiri have been tapped during the game to use their specific ability. Three of these Palantiri are in play at the end of the game.

10) Rebuild the Towns :

DR: none.

Easy : Rebuild the Town is in play at the end of the game at three sites, among : Buhr Widu, Haudh-in-Gwanur, Himring, Ost-in-Edhil or Tharbad.

Medium : Rebuild the Town is in play at the end of the game at three sites, among : Buhr Widu, Haudh-in-Gwanur, Himring, Ost-in-Edhil or Tharbad. No Strangers at This Time is in play at 2 of these rebuilt sites. Men of Dale or an man faction playable at Lake-town is in play.

Difficult : Rebuild the Town is in play at the end of the game at three sites, among : Buhr Widu, Haudh-in-Gwanur, Himring, Ost-in-Edhil or Tharbad. No Strangers at This Time is in play at 3 of these rebuilt sites. Men of Dale and a man faction playable at Lake-town are in play.

11) The Rohirrim :

DR: none.

Easy : Shadowfax or 2 Noble Steed, Great Shield of Rohan, Red Arrow, Riders of Rohan, and 4 characters with home site Edoras are in play.

Medium : Shadowfax or 2 Noble Steed, Great Shield of Rohan, Red Arrow, Riders of Rohan, Dunlendings or Wild Horses and 4 characters with home site Edoras are in play.

Difficult : Shadowfax or 2 Noble Steed, Great Shield of Rohan, Red Arrow, Riders of Rohan, and 4 characters with home site Edoras are in play. Dunlendings and Wild Horses are in play. Helm of her Secrecy has been played and Eowyn is still in play.

12) The Daughters of Vaiya :

DR: No Wizard may be played. Only the following characters may be played : Annalena, Arinmir, Arwen, Eowyn, Galadriel, Galva, Ioreth, Peath, Vôteli, Vygavril. Only the following items may be played : Elf-stone, Emerald of Doriath, Emerald of the Mariner, Gems of Arda, Jewel of Beleriand, Necklace of Girion, Necklace of Silver and Pearls, Noldo Lantern, Phial of Galadriel, Star-glass, Torque of Hues.

Easy : 5 characters are in play and each of them possesses an item. Nenseldë the Wingild, Mistress Lobelia or Goldberry is in play.

Medium : 5 characters are in play and each of them possesses an item (2 of them possesses a non minor item). Nenseldë the Wingild, Mistress Lobelia or Goldberry is in play.

Difficult : 5 characters (including Galadriel) are in play and each of them possesses an item (3 of them possesses a non minor item). Nenseldë the Wingild, Mistress Lobelia or Goldberry is in play.

Remark: "No Wizard may be played" means that no Wizard card may be included in your deck, your character pool or your sideboard.

13) The Firstborn :

DR: none.

Easy : Three characters, among Cirdan, Elrond, Galadriel and Thranduil are in play. One Elf faction is in play.

Medium : Four characters, among Cirdan, Elrond, Glorfindel, Galadriel and Thranduil are in play. One Elf faction is in play.

Difficult : Cirdan, Elrond, Glorfindel, Galadriel and Thranduil are in play. Two Elf factions are in play.

14) The Great Greenwood :

DR: Resource Marshalling Points cards may only played at sites in Mirkwood regions (Southern Mirkwood, Western Mirkwood, Heart of Mirkwood and Woodland Realm), or at Sulfur-Deeps.

Easy : "Tower Raided" has been played on Sarn Goriwing, or a tapped "Pass the Doors of Dol Guldur" is in play on a company (or has been stored). 2 factions played at sites in Mirkwood and an Elven character with a home site in Mirkwood are in play.

Medium : "Tower Raided" is in play on Sarn Goriwing, or a tapped "Pass the Doors of Dol Guldur" is in play on a company (or has been stored). 3 factions played at sites in Mirkwood and an Elven character with a home site in Mirkwood are in play.

* Difficult : "Tower Raided" is in play on Sarn Goriwing. "Pass the Doors of Dol Guldur" has been stored. 3 factions played at sites in Mirkwood and an Elven character with a home site in Mirkwood are in play.

Remark : If already successfully stored, Pass the Doors of Dol Guldur does not need to be stored at the end of the game.

15) Ithryn Luin :

DR: Only Pallando or Alatar may be used as a Wizard. As characters, only Adrazar, Annalena, Arinmir, Beretar, Folco Boffin, Fram Framson, Galva, Haldalam, Peath, Vôteli, Vygavril and Wacho may be used.

Easy : Men factions with at least 9 Marshalling Points must be in play. These factions must be playable in regions adjacent to the eastern end of the map. Two "Stolen Knowledge" cards must be in play (or have been stored).

Medium : Men factions with at least 11 Marshalling Points must be in play. These factions must be playable in regions adjacent to the eastern end of the map. Three "Stolen Knowledge" cards must be in play (or have been stored).

Difficult : Men factions with at least 14 Marshalling Points must be in play. These factions must be playable in regions adjacent to the eastern end of the map. Three "Stolen Knowledge" cards must be in play (or have been stored).

Remark : if already successfully stored, the "Stolen Knowledge" cards does not need to be stored at the end of the game.

16) On the Earth, in the Water and in the Air :

DR: none.

Easy : A non-Wizard character with no marshalling points must be brought into play at his home site and must be in play at the end of the game. This character must use a ship to go from a site to another site via a Coastal Sea (Great Ship or Belegaer), and have been in the air (Eagle-mounts or Gwaihir), using the abilities of the mentioned cards. The character must also have successfully played a horse ally (Shadowfax, Bill the Pony or Noble Steed).

Medium: A non-Wizard character with no marshalling points must be brought into play at his home site and return to this home site with an unique item, or an hoard item, or a major item he has successfully played. The character must be in play at the end of the game. This character must use a ship to go from a site to another site via a Coastal Sea (Great Ship or Belegaer), and have been in the air (Eagle-mounts or Gwaihir), using the abilities of the mentioned cards. The character must also have successfully played a horse ally (Shadowfax, Bill the Pony or Noble Steed).

Difficult : A non-Wizard character with no marshalling points must be brought into play at his home site and return to this home site with a major or a greater item he has successfully played at a site in a Coastal Sea. The character must be in play at the end of the game. This character must use a ship to go from a site to another site via a Coastal Sea (Great Ship or Belegaer), and have been in the air (Eagle-mounts or Gwaihir), using the abilities of the mentioned cards. The character must also have successfully played a horse ally (Shadowfax, Bill the Pony or Noble Steed) and bring it to his home site.

Remarks :
You can fulfill the scenario only once, even if the conditions are met for several characters.
Fifteen Birds in Five Firtrees can not be used to fulfill the Eagle-mounts card condition.

17) Reforging :

DR : none

WR :
Easy : Reforge two items, among Anduril the Flame of the West, Belegennon, Ringil, and Horn der Herausforderung (Horn of Defiance). All reforged items are in play at the end of the game.

Medium : Reforge three items, among Anduril the Flame of the West, Belegennon, Ringil, and Horn der Herausforderung (Horn of Defiance). All reforged items are in play at the end of the game.

Difficult : Reforge Anduril the Flame of the West and 2 other items, among Belegennon, Ringil, and Horn der Herausforderung (Horn of Defiance). All reforged items are in play at the end of the game.

Remark : it is not necessary to be at an Haven to play a stored Reforging on an item.

18) Seven for the Dwarf-Lords :

DR : none

WR :
Easy : 3 Dwarven rings with different effects have been in possession of a Dwarf at the end of a turn and 2 Dwarven factions are in play at the end of the game.

Medium : 4 Dwarven rings with different effects have been in possession of a Dwarf at the end of a turn and 2 Dwarven factions are in play at the end of the game.

Difficult : 4 Dwarven rings with different effects have been in possession of a Dwarf at the end of a turn and 3 Dwarven factions are in play at the end of the game.

Remark : The Dwarven rings do not need to be in play at the end of the game.

19) The King of Dale :
DR : none

WR :
Easy : Bard the Bowman kills a manifestation of Smaug, being the only member of the company.

Medium : Bard the Bowman kills a manifestation of Smaug, being the only member of the company. While doing so, he must bear an arrow and a bow. Roäc the Raven must be in play when Smaug is killed.

Difficult : Bard the Bowman kills a manifestation of Smaug, being the only member of the company. While doing so, he must bear an arrow and a bow. Roäc the Raven must be in play when Smaug is killed. The Arkenstone or The Necklace of Girion must be in play at the end of the game and have been played at The Lonely Mountain.

Remarks :
The bows are : Bow of the Galadhrim, Bow of Dragon-horn
The arrows are : Arrows Shorn of Ebony, Black Arrow, Deadly Dart, Red Arrow

20) The Servants of Manwë :

DR : Saruman can not be your Wizard.

WR :
Easy : Gwaihir or The Great Eagles is in play. Lindion the Oronin is in play. The Windlord Found Me has been stored. A character in a company who has moved with Eagle-mounts to a Ruins and Lairs site has successfully played a Dreams of Lore in the site phase of the same turn.

Medium : Gwaihir, Lindion the Oronin and The Great Eagles are in play. The Windlord Found Me has been stored. A character in a company who has moved with Eagle-mounts to a Ruins and Lairs site has successfully played a Dreams of Lore in the site phase of the same turn.

Difficult : Gwaihir, Lindion the Oronin, Roäc the Raven and The Great Eagles are in play. The Windlord Found Me has been stored. A character in a company who has moved with Eagle-mounts to a Ruins and Lairs site has successfully played a Dreams of Lore in the site phase of the same turn. This Dreams of Lore must have been stored afterwards.

Remark : If already successfully stored, The Windlord Found Me or Dreams of Lore does not need to be stored at the end of the game.

21 : Heirlooms of Eärendil

DR: none
WR :
Easy :
Bilbo has played at least once Marvels Told.
4 different items among : Enruned Shield, Bow of Dragon-horn, Arrows Shorn of Ebony, Habergeon of Silver, Scabbard of Chalcedony, Valiant Sword, Adamant Helmet, Emerald of the Mariner are in play and borne by any Elf or Dunadan characters.

Bilbo has played at least twice Marvels Told.
5 different items among : Enruned Shield, Bow of Dragon-horn, Arrows Shorn of Ebony, Habergeon of Silver, Scabbard of Chalcedony, Valiant Sword, Adamant Helmet, Emerald of the Mariner are in play and borne by any characters among Elrond, Elladan, Elrohir, Arwen and Aragorn (or Strider).

Difficult :
Bilbo has played at least thrice Marvels Told.
6 different items among : Enruned Shield, Bow of Dragon-horn, Arrows Shorn of Ebony, Habergeon of Silver, Scabbard of Chalcedony, Valiant Sword, Adamant Helmet, Emerald of the Mariner are in play and borne by any characters among Elrond, Elladan and Elrohir.

22 : Sentinels of Numénor

DR: Only Dunadan characters can be recruited (but you can play a wizard).
Sentinels of Numénor card : read «cannot be duplicated by a given player »

"Sentinels of Numénor" is in play, with at least 3 factions.
For 3 of these recruited factions, a different character with the corresponding home site is in play.
Stone of Erech has been played.

"Sentinels of Numénor" is in play, with at least 4 factions.
For 3 of these recruited factions, a different character with the corresponding home site is in play.
Palantir of Annuminas has been stored or is in play.
Stone of Erech is in play.

"Sentinels of Numénor" is in play, with at least 5 factions.
For 4 of these recruited factions, a different character with the corresponding home site is in play.
Palantir of Annuminas has been played at Lossadan Cairn. It has been stored or it is in play.
Stone of Erech is in play.

23 : Raiders of the Lost Artefacts

DR: You can not recruit Dwarven or Hobbit characters.

Easy: One of your companies has travelled from a surface site in Angmar to another surface site in Rohan (or Gap of Isen) (or vice versa), only by under-deeps movement.
One "To the Uttermost Foundations" has been stored.
Dwarven Light-stone or Noldo-lantern is in play.
Dragon Helm or Aiglos is in play.

Medium: One of your companies has travelled from a surface site in Angmar to another surface site in Rohan (or vice versa), only by under-deeps movement.
One "To the Uttermost Foundations" has been stored.
Dwarven Light-stone or Noldo-lantern is in play.
Dragon Helm and Aiglos are in play.

Difficult: One of your companies has travelled from a surface site in Angmar to another surface site in Rohan (or vice versa), only by under-deeps movement.
One "To the Uttermost Foundations" has been stored.
Dragon Helm, Dwarven Light-stone, Noldo-lantern and Aiglos are in play.
An item you have successfully placed « off to the side » under a Great Secrets Buried There is in play.

Reminder: you may not consider marshalling points associated with a company at an under-deeps site for the purposes of calling the Free Council.

24 : Many Magic Rings in this World

How to use the power of a Magic Ring:
- Magic Ring of Courage: for a warrior character, defeat a non-detainment strike with a minimum value of 11
- Magic Ring of Lore: for a sage character, tap to use a palantir
- Magic Ring of Nature: for a ranger character, tap to cancel a non-detainment attack against his company
- Magic Ring of Stealth: for a scout character, tap this ring to cancel a non-detainment strike against himself
- Magic Ring of Words: for a diplomat character, influence successfully a faction with this ring bonus

Easy: 3 different magic rings with different powers have been borne by 3 different characters. These characters have used at least once the power of their magic ring.

Medium: 4 different magic rings with different powers have been borne by 4 different characters. These characters have used at least once the power of their magic ring.

Difficult: 5 different magic rings with different powers have been borne by 5 different characters. 4 of these characters have used at least once the power of their magic ring.
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i gwanunig
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will this played at the next LURE ?

BR Thomas
What business does an Elf, a Man and a Dwarf have in the Steiermark? Speak quickly!
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Yes, we will present this new version of the rules at Lure 2022 (Saturday tournament).
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Great work!
Of course we have to test it, but the basic structure ist there.
After around 2 years thinking about it, now we can play it like this.

Also you are right, our "old" decks need just little changes to fit for this progrssive rules.
Now you can win a scenario much easilier but don't know before which difficult level you will reach :)

Many thanks for it to Darksatin.

See you @ Lure 2022

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Hi All,

the new version / update looks very prospecting.
I still hope to join the Lure one day again, but unfortunately one of my daughters has her birthday at beginning of March and in Hamburg the school holidays are in the first two weeks of March...

Please give feedback from the Lure, I will follow the discussions here.


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After 2 tournaments (Lure 2022 and Lille 2022), the rules have been revised and here are the changes:

Rules Update 06.22

1) King Under the Mountain:
Medium: King under the Mountain is in play. The Arkenstone and Returned Exiles are in play. A company has successfully played an item, an ally or a faction at The Lonely Mountain, while one of its characters is King Under The Mountain.

Difficult: King under the Mountain is in play. The Arkenstone and Returned Exiles are in play. A company with Bilbo has successfully played an item, an ally or a faction at The Lonely Mountain, while one of its characters is King Under The Mountain. Bilbo is at Bag-end and is wearing The Mithril-Coat.

16) On the Earth, in the Water and in the Air:
Medium: A non-Wizard character with no marshalling points must be brought into play at his home site and return to this home site with an unique item, or an hoard item, or a major item he has successfully played. The character must be in play at the end of the game. This character must use a ship to go from a site to another site via a Coastal Sea (Great Ship or Belegaer), and have been in the air (Eagle-mounts or Gwaihir), using the abilities of the mentioned cards. The character must also have successfully played a horse ally (Shadowfax, Bill the Pony or Noble Steed).

17) Reforging:
Easy: Reforge two items, among Anduril the Flame of the West, Belegennon, Ringil, and Horn der Herausforderung (Horn of Defiance). All reforged items are in play at the end of the game.

I.8 Mulligan: If you have no resource in your starting hand that normally gives any MP(s), you can show your hand to your opponent, and then shuffle these starting hand into your play deck and draw a new starting hand. You can only do this once.

• a bye : 6 TPs for the first round, 5TPs for the second round, 4TPs for the third round, 3TPs for the fourth round, 2 TPS for a fifth round. You have a bye if you are present at the tournament room, ready to play, but no opponent is available. Only one player per round can benefit from a bye. A player can only get one bye in a tournament.

2) The greater number of Scenarios fulfilled (against all players). For each remaining tied players, the player with the greatest number of difficult scenarios fulfilled wins the tie-breaker. Then, the player with the greatest number of medium scenarios. Then, the player with the greatest number of easy scenarios.

* Before each game, each player makes a 2 dice-roll. The player with the highest roll can choose his Wizard (so, he put 3 copies of his Avatar into his deck, showing them to his opponent) or he can choose to play first (or not), but before the character draft. If necessary, the other player must choose another Wizard (he discards the copies of the same Avatar).

If the player with the highest roll has chosen a Wizard, the other player can choose to play first (or not).

If the player with the highest roll has not chosen a Wizard, the other player must do it (or declare that he plays without a Wizard). If necessary, the other player must choose another Wizard (he discards the copies of the same Avatar).
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Darksatin wrote: Thu Jun 30, 2022 1:16 pm 1) King Under the Mountain:
Medium: King under the Mountain is in play. The Arkenstone and Returned Exiles are in play. A company has successfully played an item, an ally or a faction at The Lonely Mountain, while one of its characters is King Under The Mountain.

Difficult: King under the Mountain is in play. The Arkenstone and Returned Exiles are in play. A company with Bilbo has successfully played an item, an ally or a faction at The Lonely Mountain, while one of its characters is King Under The Mountain. Bilbo is at Bag-end and is wearing The Mithril-Coat.
Fun changes to this scenario and makes it seem more "progressive."

By the way, is this the latest update to the rules? People are talking about playing the scenarios online.
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Yes, it is the latest update to the rules.
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14) The Great Greenwood :

DR: Marshalling Points may only played at sites in Mirkwood regions (Southern Mirkwood, Western Mirkwood, Heart of Mirkwood and Woodland Realm), or at Sulfur-Deeps.
If I strictly read this sentence, first some word is missinge and then it means that I can’t have Characters with MP point in my starting company ? is that correct ? And I must play Character with MP value in Mirkwood sites ?
What about creature ? For example if I defeat one during my journey from Rivendell to Mirkwood ? technicaly I’m not yet in Mirkwood do I lose the MP points ?

or maybe it’s only Resources giving MPs ?
Last edited by KakitaBen on Fri Oct 21, 2022 12:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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:D It should be written: "Resource Marshalling Points....
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Darksatin wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 3:17 pm You can win several different scenarios with one same deck (there are some possible scenarios). In that case, you get always 7 tournament points.

If you succeed 2 easy scenarios, you get 7 pts; if you succeed 2 hard scenarios, you get 7 pts.

May I suggest Additionnal points, depending of the 2nd scenario level: +1 for easy, +2 for medium, +3 for hard .
That way, if you succeed a hard and a medium scenario, you'll get 7+2 pts.
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In your system, if you succeed 2 easy scenarios, you have only 3 + 1 = 4 pts (previously 7).
We play now 80 minutes, so I do not know if it will often happen that a player succeeds several scenarios. He must play very fast (and his opponent too). But i do not know what happened at the last Grey Havens tournament.
In my opinion, players should be encouraged to succeed a difficult scenario, rather than 2 easy scenarios.
So I would suggest this change: add the points of the successful scenarios, but for a maximum of 8 pts.
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Darksatin wrote: Thu Nov 24, 2022 10:49 am In your system, if you succeed 2 easy scenarios, you have only 3 + 1 = 4 pts (previously 7).
We play now 80 minutes, so I do not know if it will often happen that a player succeeds several scenarios. He must play very fast (and his opponent too). But i do not know what happened at the last Grey Havens tournament.
In my opinion, players should be encouraged to succeed a difficult scenario, rather than 2 easy scenarios.
So I would suggest this change: add the points of the successful scenarios, but for a maximum of 8 pts.
Ludo succeeded 2 scenarios against me. One medium and one easy if I remember well.
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Darksatin wrote: Thu Nov 24, 2022 10:49 am In your system, if you succeed 2 easy scenarios, you have only 3 + 1 = 4 pts (previously 7).
Playing 2 scenarios being harder than just one, I suggest we keep the basic 7 pts. My idea is to make a difference between 1 Difficult and 2 Easy, by giving additionnal points for the 2nd scenario.
I suggest 7 for 2 scenario, 8 for D+M, and 9 for D+D.
9 is much, but who will succeed 2 D scenarios ?
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